Amazing Graphic to show the price of #electricity from new power plants from #OurWorldInData
Electricity prices are expressed in ‘levelized costs of energy’ (LCOE). LCOE captures the cost of building the power plant itself as well as the ongoing costs for fuel and operating the power plant over its lifetime.
Solar Photovoltaic Price fell from $359 in 2009 to $40 in 2019. That is a decline of 89% !
The price for Gas fell from $275 to $175.
The price for nuclear rose from $123 to $155
#uae #electricite #barakah #OurWorldInData #transitionenergetique #Decarbonation #casestudy #togetherisbetter
@rose_myrtle @TMakarios
There are many ways to lie with statistics.
We don't mean any disrespect, but normally when someone asks this question, someone will quote #OurWorldInData to try to reassure everyone that everything is fine.
So when the same just happened here, we were not surprised. We are sure that Tim has the best of intentions and found what came up in particular search results.
Charts on technological change by #OurWorldinData :
• #Population using the #Internet 🌐
• #Communication 📶 #technologies
• #MobilePhone 📱 subscriptions
#Nevertheless there are scores of small businesses with neither a detailed #OpenStreetMap 🗺️ entry nor a #website 💻 mentioning what they offer 🤔 (unless the latter is also easy to achieve
#OurWorldInData #population #internet #communication #technologies #mobilephone #nevertheless #OpenStreetMap #website
Charts on technological change by #OurWorldinData :
• Share of the #population using the #Internet 🌐
• #Communication 📶 #technologies
• #MobilePhone 📱 subscriptions
#Nevertheless there are scores of small businesses with neither a detailed #OpenStreetMap 🗺️ entry nor a #website 💻 mentioning what they offer 🤔 (unless the latter is also easy to achieve
#OurWorldInData #population #internet #communication #technologies #mobilephone #nevertheless #OpenStreetMap #website
A positive message on human behavior in respect of preserving our world 🌍.
♻️Emissions of substances that deplete the ozone layer have fallen by more than 99%✅
Since the Montreal agreement entered into force in 1989, global emissions of ozone-depleting substances have fallen by more than 99% as manufacturers have substituted them for less harmful alternatives.
A positive message 😀in an often „grey“ reality. Thanks to: #ourworldindata #sustainability #greentech
#OurWorldInData #sustainability #greentech
@photovotary @lhgmk2 For "news" I prefer to read the data directly, as smoothed out into digestible, interactive graphs by "Our world in data" , a product of the UK-based charity Global Change Data Lab. A low pass filter, one gets the interannual trends instead of the latest horror du jour.
@estebanmoro Only a matter of time that #OurWorldInData is going to host a dedicated chapter and charts 😁
Plant-based meat substitutes have lower carbon footprint than most meat and dairy products!
Let's give an hooray to #vegetarians and #vegans!
The analysis is from Hanna Ritchie from #OurWorldInData @ourworldindata (She is absolutely great with data and communication!)
#OurWorldInData #vegans #vegetarians
Plant-based meat substitutes have lower carbon footprint than most meat and dairy products!
Let's give an hooray to #vegetarians and #vegans!
The analysis is from Hanna Ritchie from #OurWorldInData @ourworldindata (She is absolutely great with data and communication!)
#OurWorldInData #vegans #vegetarians
Plant-based meat substitutes have lower carbon footprint than most meat and dairy products!
Let's give an hooray to #vegetarians and #vegans!
The analysis is from Hanna Ritchie from #OurWorldInData @ourworldindata (She is absolutely great with data and communication!)
#OurWorldInData #vegans #vegetarians
@jbond True. Only, in the Netherlands there is not even a possibility to report a positive RAT, as I believe in the UK there is.
Until last spring the Dutch #ZeroCovid movement @Containmentnu - @alleburgers - @AlleHandenSamen regularly checked the world #covid19 infection statistics, e.g. #OurWorldInData , bc it offered useful comparisons. No more. Especially the Dutch data have become utterly useless. All we have left is wastewater reports.
#OurWorldInData #COVID19 #ZeroCovid
@Pam17 @sociology @conradhackett am sure your Dept of Ag and #ourworldindata have some inkling for CA.
@Pece @BeTongLen @conradhackett @sociology Thanks for sourcing info.
Looking closer to the data there is in Europe one gold medal....
Can you spot it out?
#Emissions #OurWorldInData #ClimateChange #ClimateJustice
#emissions #OurWorldInData #climatechange #ClimateJustice
bel outil qui vient de sortir pour comparer les futurs énergétiques des différents scénarios. vous pouvez y comparer les mix énergétiques et électriques, l'énergie primaire et finale, récupérer les données en format json, comparer l'empreinte carbone et la demande en métaux critiques des différentes trajectoires. ça s'appelle #Metawatt, c'est porté par un bénévole qui reprend les données de différents rapports, Thimothée Jaussoin, le tout à source ouverte :
#giec #rte #ademe #belfort #cop27 #negawatt #climat #chatbongaz #sortirDesFossiles #snbc #carbon4 #urgenceClimatique #énergie #opendata #ourworldindata
#Metawatt #giec #rte #ademe #belfort #COP27 #negawatt #climat #chatbongaz #sortirDesFossiles #snbc #carbon4 #urgenceclimatique #énergie #opendata #OurWorldInData
Genau die von Dir geforderten Zahlen findest du aggregiert beim RKI und mehr oder weniger gut bei den Landkreisen und Ländern. Die Zeitungen leisten hier auch hervorragende Arbeit.
Projekte wie #OurWorldInData erlauben dir, eigene Ansichten zu erzeugen.
Kennzahlen gibt es auch, sind die Ampel oder Warnstufensysteme der Länder.
Wenn die aber ständig angezweifelt werden, dann bekomme ich Panik.