Outcast: A New Beginning wants to be a caring open world shooter - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/outcast-a-new-beginning-wants-to-be-a-caring-open-world-shooter #Outcast2:ANewBeginning #ActionAdventure #XboxSeriesX/S #AppealStudios #SinglePlayer #Thirdperson #THQNordic #Shooter #PS5 #PC
#pc #ps5 #shooter #thqnordic #thirdperson #singleplayer #AppealStudios #XboxSeriesX #ActionAdventure #Outcast2
Even though it does remind me that I'm old, my nostalgia for this game from 1999 is still strong enough that I'm excited for #Outcast2 :
Outcast 2: A New Beginning gets a new trailer showing combat and jetpacks - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/outcast-2-a-new-beginning-gets-a-new-trailer-showing-combat-and-jetpacks #Outcast2:ANewBeginning #ActionAdventure #AppealStudios #THQNordic #RPG
#Outcast2 #ActionAdventure #AppealStudios #thqnordic #rpg
Will I buy #Outcast2?
Of course.
Will I dislike the horrible robotic enemies which is simply awful?
Of course.
Will it be criminal if the game doesn't have a photo mode?
Of course.
Mundu irekiko abenturak hasi zituen Outcast-ek jarraipena jasoko du
#bideojokoak #Outcast2 #THQNordic
Outcast is getting a sequel 20 years after the original - http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RockPaperShotgun/~3/VW6bzQ-aGyQ/outcast-is-getting-a-sequel-20-years-after-the-original #Outcast2:ANewBeginning #ActionAdventure #THQNordic #Outcast #Appeal
#Outcast2 #ActionAdventure #thqnordic #outcast #appeal