The Mail app on my #windows 11 gaming PC now sports a "Try new #outlook" button ... so of course I had to try it.
Turns out it's a #privacy nightmare ! Upon setting up an IMAP account, a pop-up message will ask for your consent to sync your entire inbox to Microsoft Cloud first. Yes, they have actually removed client-side support for POP/IMAP đ
Needless to say this new #outlook got uninstalled fast.
Ars Technica: Outlook for Windows app replaces Mail and Calendar in new Windows 11 preview #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #outlookforwindows #MicrosoftOutlook #windows11 #Outlook #Tech #pwa
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #outlookforwindows #MicrosoftOutlook #windows11 #Outlook #pwa
This Week in Security: Kali Purple, Malicious Notifications, and Cybersecurity Strategy #ThisWeekinSecurity #HackadayColumns #SecurityHacks #Outlook #News #Kali
#ThisWeekinSecurity #HackadayColumns #SecurityHacks #Outlook #News #kali
Sometimes I wonder if #Outlook is just a very sneaky way of convincing people that #email as a medium should die?
Original tweet :
01 Net: Microsoft va intĂ©grer une version allĂ©gĂ©e dâAuthenticator dans Outlook sur iOS et Android #francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #Applis,Logiciels #Authenticator #ActualitĂ©s #Microsoft #Android #outlook #ios
#francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #Applis #authenticator #actualites #microsoft #android #Outlook #iOS
01 Net: Microsoft Outlook est désormais gratuit sur macOS #francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #Applis,Logiciels #Actualités #Microsoft #outlook #MacOS
#francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #Applis #actualites #microsoft #Outlook #macos
01 Net: One Outlook, le nouveau client mail de Microsoft serait sur le point de remplacer lâapplication Courrier #francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #Applis,Logiciels #ActualitĂ©s #Microsoft #outlook
#francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #Applis #actualites #microsoft #Outlook
01 Net: Comment demander ChatGPT dâĂ©crire vos emails Ă votre place ? #francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #GoogleChrome #ActualitĂ©s #chatGPT #outlook #gmail
#francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #GoogleChrome #actualites #chatgpt #Outlook #gmail
01 Net: Microsoft 365 Basic, lâoffre Ă 1,99 euro pour 100 Go de stockage, qui ne fait toujours pas trop rĂȘver #francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #Applis,Logiciels #Microsoft365 #ActualitĂ©s #Microsoft #outlook
#francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #Applis #Microsoft365 #actualites #microsoft #Outlook
This Week in Security: Microsoft Patches, Typosquatting Continues, and Code Signing for All #ThisWeekinSecurity #HackadayColumns #SecurityHacks #Sigstore #Outlook #News
#ThisWeekinSecurity #HackadayColumns #SecurityHacks #Sigstore #Outlook #News
Non una buona notizia per gli utenti che utilizzano un account #Microsoft #Outlook "gratuito".
Maggiori dettagli:
Memory_Lane | #International_Tech_News | THE #MOTHER OF #ALL #JOY_RIDES!
#Stock #Market Is #Massively_Overvalued With #Mother of All #BUBBLES;
David Stockman | As part of our #Outlook Series 2021, David Stockman of Contra Corner #warns Daniela Cambone that the new year will #not be any better than 2020. Dec 24, 2020
Pointing to an #overvalued_market and government that has been #led_astray..
..he predicts 2021 will be âthe year after the joy ride with a #massive_accident #waiting to #happen.â
Stockman asserts that America is TREADING?? (AKA #NOW_SUNK?) #UNCHARTED WATERS, and âthe longer it takes to #correct, the more #DISASTEROUS the #CRASH.â
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#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #MOTHER #all #JOY_RIDES #Stock #market #Massively_Overvalued #BUBBLES #Waiting #COLLAPSE #Outlook #warns #not #overvalued_market #led_astray #massive_accident #happen #NOW_SUNK #UNCHARTED #correct #DISASTEROUS #crash