hatsch (✓) · @hatsch
50 followers · 51 posts · Server social.servus.at

happy to release the first alpha of the module. It integrates with the great opensource streaming server.
I've learned a lot during development and will incrementally add features we need for @DORFTV

i hope that some of you find it useful. If so, jump in!
If you find bugs or security implications, or simply want to exchange ideas, pls let me know.

Now looking forward to join tomorrow

#ddd23 #drupaldevdays23 #opensource #OvenMediaEngine #drupal #ovenmedia

Last updated 1 year ago

Zee Spencer (He/They) · @Zee
382 followers · 1056 posts · Server social.coop

Really cool to see , by !


May wind up using it for 's infrastructure backend, and migrate our hand-rolled infra into an abra Recipe using the new (and nice!) format: jitsi.github.io/handbook/docs/

From there, I should be able to slap together either and (or maybe ?!) into recipes; which will allow a Convene neighborhood to leverage all the goodies the folks are building!

#OvenMediaEngine #PrismPlus #owncast #docker #jitsi #Convene #coopcloud #abra

Last updated 3 years ago