Finally, some good news:
FDA approves first over-the-counter birth control pill - STAT #health #HumanRights #ReproductiveRights #choice #BodilyAutonomy #pregnancy #abortion #BirthControl #environment #overpopulation #anthropocene
#health #humanrights #reproductiverights #choice #bodilyautonomy #pregnancy #abortion #birthcontrol #environment #OverPopulation #anthropocene
Found this podcast on The Population Bomb, one of the original #overpopulation panic super spreaders.
It clearly illustrates the straight line between the fear of overpopulation and eugenics and outright genocide. And the hipocrisy of the proponents of population control.
Important to remember that #Overpopulation is a dangerous myth that at best distracts our attention from the actual causes of environmental harm (fossil fuels and consumerism), and at worst is an efficient tool to spread and normalise fascist ideas and violence.
Do not accept it as a cause for environmental degradation. Push back.
Here's a great video that explains further.
Human Disruption Risks Biosphere Collapse
Given we’ve triggered multiple crises in the natural world it’s time to talk about overpopulation, Jack Santa Barbara writes
#newsroom #jacksantabarbara #OverPopulation
Climate Change + Population Growth = Public Health Crisis
4 ways Climate change will impact public health globally
1. Infectious diseases
2. Extreme heat
3. Food and water security
4. Poor air quality
#climatechange #OverPopulation #Umsustainabile