As headlines go, this one takes some beating ...
#Overcrowding #India #independent
Revealed: Britain’s council housing shame as majority of councils fail to build a single home | The Independent
#CouncilHousing #socialhousing #poverty #DLUHC #affordablehomes #BuildingSafety #MoneyNotSpent #ukgov #HousingDept #housing #Rents #RentRises #Overcrowding #tories #nandy #mould #Housebuilding #AffordableRentNotAffordable #righttobuy
Girl, 4, hospitalised by mould in squalid Westminster flat | The Independent
#mould #westminster #breathingissues #ZainabHamid #Damp #Overcrowding #HousingAssociation #awaabishak #Gove #housing #housingcrisis #racism #black #poc #PeabodyTrust #socialhousing #SocialHousingShortage #AwaabsLaw
Overcrowding in prisons is a ‘powder keg waiting to blow’ | The Independent
#Overcrowding #prisons #PrisonCrisis #moj #PoliceCells #HMChiefInspectorOfPrisons #PrisonOfficersAssociation #POA #PrisonersFrustrstion #violence #PoliceRecruitmentDrive #tories #LengthOfSentences #Sentenced #ViolentCriminals #SexualOffenders #Raab #parole #reed #HowardLeaguePenalReform #PrisonReformTrust #RapidDeploymentCells #HMPNorwich
Thousands of homeless single mothers moved to temporary housing up to 300 miles from families | The Independent
#homeless #homelessness #singlemums #shelter #housingcrisis #HousingShortage #affordablehomes #domesticabuse #HousingBenefit #Overcrowding #mould
One in six children in England living in cramped overcrowded conditions, research finds – Channel 4 News
#children #housingcrisis #Overcrowding
Statistics released after an #FOI from the Scottish Liberal Democrats show 2,235 social homes are occupied by more people than they are intended to house.
This represents 7% of the 30,894 social homes which are managed under the Fife Housing Register
#journalism #FreedomOfInformation #JournalismTips #InvestigativeJournalism #housing #overcrowding #OvercrowdedHomes #SocialHousing
More #FOIFriday stories:
#foifriday #Socialhousing #overcrowdedhomes #Overcrowding #housing #investigativejournalism #journalismtips #freedomofinformation #journalism #foi
The Perfect #Train #Car The #US Doesn’t Use
As #cities return to #normalcy, #transportation #systems are facing a familiar #problem: #overcrowding. This overcrowding is due to, in part, #design. More specifically a design #American #transit systems ignore. So what should a #trainCar look like?
#train #car #us #cities #normalcy #transportation #systems #problem #Overcrowding #design #american #transit #traincar
#Städtetourismus mache etwa 30% aller #Übernachtung(en) im #Tourismus aus.
Der #Rest der #Übernachtung(en) wären #Geschäftsreise(n) und #Tourismus außerhalb von Städten, bei #Differenzierung nach #intendiert(em) #Umfeld als #Anlass der #Reise.
#Overcrowding, #Overtourism and #Local Level #Disturbance: How Much Can #Munich Handle? Philipp #Namberger, Sascha #Jackisch, Jürgen #Schmude and Marion #Karl
#Tourism, #Planning & #Development 2019, VOL. 16, NO. 4, 452–472
#Städtetourismus #Übernachtung #tourismus #rest #Geschäftsreise #differenzierung #intendiert #Umfeld #Anlass #reise #Overcrowding #Overtourism #local #Disturbance #munich #Namberger #Jackisch #Schmude #karl #tourism #planning #development