Come one, come all, to the !

This we've got a bumper event for the whole parish! Starting with the Coronation Parade at Village Green from 12:30pm, follow along to the Coronation Carnival at 1pm.

? We've got them! A big ? You bet! Stalls, traditional games, and more besides, commemorate the in style and bring your whole family down to Lawley Primary School's sports field from 1pm until 4pm!

#kingcoronation #Carnival #Sunday #Lawley #bouncycastles #picnic #fairground #Coronation #Overdale #telford

Last updated 2 years ago

is taking the holidays off! This Friday is , and next Friday (14 April) there are other events going on in the Carpenter Centre , so unfortunately Tea, Toast and Talk will be skipping the next couple of Fridays.

We'll be back on Friday 21 April! Here are some photos of last week's session to keep you going!

#teatoastandtalk #easter #GoodFriday #Overdale #bingo

Last updated 2 years ago

Next week (Wednesday 12 April), will be helping children aged 8 -15 learn from the pros! There will be one session at the green space from 1pm, and another at play park in from 3:30pm. No need to book, and the sessions are FREE!

#afctelford #football #Overdale #Newdale #Lawley #telford #easterholidays

Last updated 2 years ago

will be taking place in on 4 May. Find out everything you need to know, including the new Photo ID requirement and the revised and and boundaries, here:

#localelections2023 #telfordwrekin #telford #Lawley #Overdale #parish #ward

Last updated 2 years ago

If you notice an increase in the number of magical events in the parish over the coming weeks, that'll be because we're currently training the next generation of magicians!

#magic #easter #Lawley #Overdale #telford

Last updated 2 years ago

It was great to see so many people turn up for on Friday, and we hope you all had a good time!

Remember, Tea, Toast and Talk takes place at the Carpenter Centre every Friday from 10am - 12pm. Come along for a bit of tea, toast, and talk!

#teatoastandtalk #Overdale #telford

Last updated 2 years ago

Join us for the second week of Talk, at the new at the , ! The theme this week will be , and we'll be making stuff out of modelling clay!

Learn will also be attending, to talk to people about what activities and courses they'd like to see at future sessions.

Tea, Toast, and Talk is open to everyone, of all ages. To keep the group sustainable we ask for a £1 donation to pay for the drinks and food. Every Friday from 10am - 12pm.

#teatoastand #overdalehub #carpentercentre #Overdale #crafts #telford

Last updated 2 years ago

Reminder - the very first session of the weekly , , and will be starting tomorrow (Friday 13 January) from 10pm to 12pm at the Carpenter Centre, !

Open to all ages, it's a great chance to mingle with your local community over some warm drinks and toast. There'll be board games too! All you need to bring is yourself and a £1 entry fee.

#tea #Toast #talk #Overdale #telford

Last updated 2 years ago

Our Chairman, Councillor Raj Mehta, is back to deliver his first video update of the . What's happening in your parish?

#NewYear #Lawley #Overdale #TheRock #DawleyBank #Newdale #OldPark #telford

Last updated 2 years ago

and Parish Council is pleased to be able to support a local residents' community group with a donation of a delicious hamper! It will go to the charity taking place on Friday 30 , organised by the Lawley Village Community Association.

#Lawley #Overdale #christmas #quiz #december

Last updated 2 years ago

and Parish Council is pleased to be able to support a local residents' community group with a donation of a delicious hamper! It will go to the charity taking place on Friday 30 , organised by the Lawley Village Community Association.

#Lawley #Overdale #christmas #quiz #december

Last updated 2 years ago

and Parish Council's Neighbourhood Enforcement Officers, part of , were out patrolling the parish this morning, and they managed to take some photos of the it had become!

#Lawley #Overdale #TelfCAT #WinterWonderland

Last updated 2 years ago

and Parish Council's Neighbourhood Enforcement Officers, part of , were out patrolling the parish this morning, and they managed to take some photos of the it had become!

#Lawley #Overdale #TelfCAT #WinterWonderland

Last updated 2 years ago

Following a spate of break-ins almost a month ago, our chairman, Councillor Raj Mehta, went on a walkabout around Square this week with the Lawley and Safer Neighbourhood Team.

#Lawley #Overdale #police

Last updated 2 years ago

Following a spate of break-ins almost a month ago, our chairman, Councillor Raj Mehta, went on a walkabout around Square this week with the Lawley and Safer Neighbourhood Team.

#Lawley #Overdale #police

Last updated 2 years ago

This , your children can learn all the tips and tricks needed to master the period - become as stealthy as one of 's , and learn how to spot different Christmas !

Check our website for details on how to book your place:

#december #christmas #santa #elves #Creatures #Lawley #Overdale #Newdale #OldPark #TheRock #DawleyBank #telford #uk

Last updated 2 years ago

Our PET operative, as part of the , has been out and about in , Town Centre, and this week, tidying up the area!

#TelfCAT #Overdale #telford #Lawley

Last updated 2 years ago

This in , there will be a Christmas in the Carpenter Centre, starting 2pm Saturday 10 December. Get your festive cheer ready!

#christmas #Overdale #telford #fayre

Last updated 2 years ago