I broke production via a really dumb mistake, and #Overleaf was down for around 10 minutes.
I'm regularly making sure that my team know that it's never "I" broke production, always "we" broke production... But it's harder to take that medicine than dish it out it seems. #devops #hugops
AHA! Mystery solved! ๐
For years, I have wondered why so many things that people edit with #overleaf end up with the document's URL pasted (https://www.overleaf.com/project/....) at random spots in the document. I've reviewed submitted papers that had the URL in the middle of the conclusion, seen stuff on arxiv that had the URL in the Acknowledgements section, spotted it in the middle of the bibliography, caught it in the middle of proposals I was giving people feedback on, etc.
But my theories on how it was getting there (people pasting into the body instead of the URL bar, etc.) just didn't seem likely to explain just how amazingly common it is. And I don't use overleaf much myself, so I couldn't tell what was going on.
Until today. I think I figured it out.
There's a bar between the source and the PDF that you can drag to resize them. But the middle of that bar is *not* draggable, it's a button! (clicking it hides the PDF completely) And it has the document's URL on it, for some reason.
So, if you intend to resize the PDF, but "grab" this button instead of the actual resize bar, and drag it toward the source ... yep, that pastes the document's URL into the spot your cursor stops.
#Overleaf tip: hitting the "end" key twice brings the cursor to the end of a paragraph and hitting the "home"/line start key twice beings the cursor to the beginning. This is useful because the ctrl+up/down shortcut, which does this in Word/Drive, instead moves all of the text up or down one line in the Overleaf viewport.
My template is based on https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/simple-and-clear-your-username-resume/wksqncvzcbff with some modifications
I would compile it with `xelatex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode resume.tex`, until that I found my university is providing #overleaf subscriptions
RT @overleaf
Hey everybody: we are hiring!๐คฉ
Frontend Engineer (remote, full-time) โถ๏ธ We are looking to hire a frontend engineer to help improve our platform. Come work with us, we are a friendly bunch! https://www.overleaf.com/about/careers/frontend-engineer #Overleaf #OverleafJobs
RT @overleaf
Hey everybody! ๐คฉ Overleaf celebrated its official 10th anniversary on December 31, 2022. ๐๐ We always say it, and it is true, we could not have made it to 10 years without all 11 million of you! ๐ Check out our blog post: https://www.overleaf.com/blog/celebrate-good-times-its-overleafs-10th-anniversary #Overleaf #OverleafBlog
Morning fellow tooters! Do any users of #Latex, specifically #Overleaf, know the favicon code for #Mastodon?
It seemingly does not work via the \fa code as a new command? Even using the #fontawesome package, it does not show.
#latex #Overleaf #Mastodon #fontawesome
@mackaaij I'd love to, but unfortunately I can't find it anymore! And I don't even remember who posted it.
However the main take aways were a toolbox for successful #AcademicWriting: #Overleaf #Zotero - both of which I use already - and #Obsidian for note taking...
Thankyou ๐ to whoever it was...
#obsidian #zotero #Overleaf #academicwriting
RT @overleaf
You can create chemistry formulae in #TeXLaTeX! โ๏ธ Check out this article on how to use the chemfig package to create these formulas: https://www.overleaf.com/learn/latex/Chemistry_formulae #TeXLaTeX #Overleaf #OverleafKB
#texlatex #Overleaf #overleafkb
RT @overleaf
Hi everybody! ๐คฉ #Overleaf will be at SciTech 2023, January 24-27, taking place at National Harbor, MD. If you're attending, stop by and say hi to Ray, Sergey, and Lee! Visit us at booth 609! See you there! ๐ #OverleafEvents
Anyone else getting strange "biblatex" errors with @langscipress and Overleaf?
I find it so hard to concentrate on writing with that red error flag popping up... #latex #overleaf
We've had a chunk over 2,000 applications for our developer roles this week. Normally we'd expect about 500 over the space of a ~3 week period.
I think there's a combination of factors. Layoffs are obviously a big thing, new year bringing in restless feet. Also we've done a lot of work on our job ads and the #Overleaf brand is becoming more well known.
Hoo, boy this is a CV sift and a half though.
(There's still time if you're a #JavaScript engineer, but be quick! https://apply.workable.com/overleaf/)
We're #hiring #JavaScript #developers!
#Overleaf is a collaborative #LaTeX editor, like Google Docs for Science! We're looking for #frontend (#React), #backend (#NodeJS) and #FullStack #engineers.
Were fully #Remote and can hire in the UK, USA, EU and Canada.
We've been doing remote for a long time and everyone says we're really good at it. We're solving interesting problems, helping science and most of our code is #opensource.
Please boost! :rocinante: :boost_ok:
#hiring #javascript #developers #Overleaf #latex #frontend #react #backend #nodejs #fullstack #engineers #remote #opensource
I know there are a few fans of #Overleaf / #TeX / #LaTeX 'round these parts, and if that's you then we have a great opportunity!
We're looking for a Product Specialist who can help people use, run and deploy Overleaf.
We have a reputation for providing great support and the team is amazing. We're fully remote and can hire in the EU, UK, US and Canada.
Tell your friends! :boost_requested: :boost_requested: