Tiktoker uses #OpenStreetMap data via (presumably) #OverpassTurbo to geolocate a video.
(There's also a whole genre of videos on YouTube where geeks geolocate photos with surprising and creepy accuracy.)
Mit #OverpassTurbo alle Straßennamen gefunden die #Chemnitz oder #Rabenstein enthalten. Skript:
out geom;
#OverpassTurbo #chemnitz #Rabenstein
For some time I've sporadically tried to improve #OpenStreetMap mapping of speed limits on major roads (A-roads) in Britain. I find roads missing limits with an #OverpassTurbo query: https://overpass-turbo.eu/s/1tI4 (replace ""Wales" with own area of interest).
The other day, out of curiosity I ran this query in a a couple of other countries. To my surprise a rather consistent pattern appeared, similar to that of Wales.
A short 🧵
#OpenStreetMap #OverpassTurbo #maxspeed #highwayprimary #highwaytrunk
Oh, vous avez moi je comprends !
Quand on est loin de la mer, qu'il n'y a pas de lac proche de chez vous il est bien légitime de construire une piscine.
Mais c'est le seul cas admissible, autrement c'est un abus énergétique et une remise en cause de la gestion éthique des ressources en eau ...
Et vous ?
#écologie #énergie #eau #pollution #lacanau #océan #foutage #osm #overpassturbo
#OverpassTurbo #osm #foutage #ocean #lacanau #pollution #eau #energie #ecologie
There are many useful online services that focus on a specific feature of #openstreetmap, such as https://osmhydrant.org for coverage by #FireHydrants and #FireStations.
For #Vienna🇦🇹 it offers #OpenData by @datagvat to help #OSM mappers to find and map hydrants. Unfortunately, the #OSMHydrant site is apparently not maintained anymore and while it shows the latest OSM data via #OverpassTurbo, it ignores latest #OpenData updates. Please do not blindly rely on it.
#OverpassTurbo #osmhydrant #osm #opendata #vienna #firestations #firehydrants #openstreetmap
Bist du ein Fan von #OverpassTurbo für #OpenStreetMap Data Mining und Visualisierung?
Wenn ja, könnte #OverpassUltra interessant und vielversprechend für Dich sein: https://overpass-ultra.trailsta.sh
Angetrieben von #MapLibreGLJS, ist es definitiv schneller und
kann im Vergleich zum Original mit viel größeren Bereichen arbeiten.
Außerdem verfügt sie über einen "Live-Modus", mit dem Du Daten abfragen kannst, während Du schwenkst und zoomst, anstatt die Abfrage neu zu starten.
via @MapAmore
#OverpassTurbo #openstreetmap #overpassultra #maplibregljs #osm
Are you a fan of #OverpassTurbo for #OpenStreetMap data mining and visualization?
If you are, you just might find #OverpassUltra interesting and very promising: https://overpass-ultra.trailsta.sh
Fueled by #MapLibreGLJS, it is definitely faster, and
can work with much larger areas compared to the original.
It also features "live mode" , that lets you query data while you pan & zoom, rather than re-running your query.
Its developer, Daniel Schep describes it as a reimagined Overpass Turbo.
#OverpassTurbo #OpenStreetMap #overpassultra #maplibregljs
We get all kinds of #awesomeOSM mapping folks in #OpenStreetMap
For instance, this #OverpassTurbo query show a particular mapper just adding trees in this neighbourhood.
#awesomeOSM #OpenStreetMap #OverpassTurbo
Mesmerizing to contemplate simple catalogs of #vector pieces of #GIS polygons, like here some water pieces from #Brussels.
#osm #overpassturbo #qgis #inkscape #cartography
#cartography #inkscape #qgis #OverpassTurbo #osm #brussels #gis #vector
#OverpassTurbo for querying #OpenStreetMap data has a new look, and it seems to perform much faster now 🤩
Today 20 years ago Douglas Adams died.
I would like to go into the closest building with a level 42
#OverpassTurbo ? #openstreemap
The current school data for the Philippines in #OpenStreetMap is available via #OverpassTurbo: https://overpass-turbo.eu/s/15Z6 thanks to #OpenStreetMap contributors !
Article on mapping #surveillance #camera in #OpenStreetMap, using #OSMAnd to collect the data and #Overpass Turbo to visualize the results: https://thejeshgn.com/2019/06/10/mapping-surveillance-in-bangalore-using-openstreetmap/ #overpassturbo
#surveillance #camera #OpenStreetMap #osmand #overpass #OverpassTurbo
The local #LGBT-led #MapBeks initiative to map HIV facilities (testing, counseling, etc.) gay-friendly spaces on #OpenStreetMap were featured on a local show, #StandForTruth
The show is in Filipino: https://invidio.us/watch?v=ahhwBYfgHVg
Check out the project´s main tags using #GeoFabrik taginfo instance for the #Philippines:
Tools featured on the show: #OpenStreetMap 😉 , #OverpassTurbo, #MapContrib
Kudos to the project contributors, and their allies.
#lgbt #MapBeks #OpenStreetMap #StandForTruth #geofabrik #philippines #OverpassTurbo #mapcontrib