Overwatch 2 has banned over 250,000 cheaters since it launched - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/overwatch-2-has-banned-over-250000-cheaters-since-it-launched #MultiplayerCooperative #MultiplayerCompetitive #BlizzardEntertainment #ActivisionBlizzard #NintendoSwitch #SinglePlayer #Firstperson #Overwatch2 #Shooter #XboxOne #PS4 #PC
#pc #ps4 #xboxone #shooter #Overwatch2 #firstperson #singleplayer #nintendoswitch #activisionblizzard #blizzardentertainment #multiplayercompetitive #multiplayercooperative
Came in as backfill for a team stuck in spawn; took a minute but I got 'em sprung. I like this clip for the first and last shots, but particularly the last one.
The best part is when enemy Widowmaker went "Fine. You've made me pull out the tryhard" in match chat, and I replied "I'm playing on a game controller."
#overwatch #Overwatch2 #gamecontroller #PCGaming
Doesn't seem like Overwatch 2 is having a great time on Steam right now!
The MajorLinux Show: Overwatch 2’s Steam Launch
#Blizzard #Overwatch2 #Steam #Illari #DLC #PC #Gaming #BlackMastodon #BlackFedi #Blerd #Twitch #YouTube
#blizzard #Overwatch2 #steam #illari #dlc #PC #gaming #BlackMastodon #blackfedi #blerd #twitch #youtube
Kotaku: Blizzard Responds To Overwatch 2 Review Bombing https://kotaku.com/overwatch-2-steam-review-bombing-negative-respond-1850753119 #gaming #tech #kotaku #transmediastorytelling #multiplayeronlinegames #multiplayervideogames #windowsgames #aaronkeller #overwatch2 #overwatch #sports #tracer #dva
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #transmediastorytelling #multiplayeronlinegames #multiplayervideogames #windowsgames #aaronkeller #Overwatch2 #overwatch #sports #tracer #dva
There are a lot more people out there than you might think...
Overwatch 2 Is Steam's Worst User-Reviewed Game Of All Time, But For A Surprising Reason https://www.gamespot.com/articles/overwatch-2-is-steams-worst-user-reviewed-game-of-all-time-but-for-a-surprising-reason/1100-6516849/?ftag=CAD-01-10abi2f
#Overwatch2 #blizzard #steam #reviews #gamingnews
Overwatch 2: Invasion | Official Trailer | New Support Hero, Flashpoint, and More https://www.deadarticgames.com/2023/08/overwatch-2-invasion-official-trailer.html #Overwatch2 #Overwatch #Blizzard #PlayStation5 #PS5 #Ps4Pro #Ps4 #XboxSeriesX #XboxSeriesS #XboxOneX #XboxOne #NintendoSwitch #PC #deadarticgames
#Overwatch2 #overwatch #blizzard #playstation5 #ps5 #ps4pro #PS4 #XboxSeriesX #xboxseriess #xboxonex #xboxone #nintendoswitch #pc #deadarticgames
Doesn't seem like Overwatch 2 is having a great time on Steam right now!
The MajorLinux Show: Overwatch 2's Steam Launch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTcrcNgYzM4
#Blizzard #Overwatch2 #Steam #Valve #Illari #DLC #SinglePlayer #PC #Gaming #Twitch #YouTube #BlackMastodon #BlackFedi #Blerd
#blizzard #Overwatch2 #steam #valve #illari #dlc #singleplayer #PC #gaming #twitch #youtube #BlackMastodon #blackfedi #blerd
Kotaku: Overwatch 2 Is Steam’s Worst-Rated Game, But It’s Complicated https://kotaku.com/steam-review-overwatch-2-season-6-pve-illari-pc-1850735534 #gaming #tech #kotaku #transmediastorytelling #multiplayeronlinegames #multiplayervideogames #blizzardentertainment #videogamepublishers #activisionblizzard #shanghaidragons #overwatchleague #nikopartners #danielahmad #overwatch2 #overwatch #battlenet #blizzard #netease
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #transmediastorytelling #multiplayeronlinegames #multiplayervideogames #blizzardentertainment #videogamepublishers #ActivisionBlizzard #shanghaidragons #overwatchleague #nikopartners #danielahmad #Overwatch2 #overwatch #battlenet #blizzard #netease
@heiseonline Schlechter als der erste Teil ja, aber so eine Wertung? Nein! Das ist Missbrauch des Bewertungssystems. Wenn die Leute ihren Frust kundtun wollen, dann doch bitte anders. Z.B. konstruktive Kritik in deren Forum, per Mail, Hotline oder sachlich im Steamforum bzw. ordentliche Reviews verfassen. Mit der Heugabel und ner Fackel in der Hand wird doch niemand wirklich ernst genommen...
#overwatch #Overwatch2 #blizzard #steam #review #reviewbombing
#overwatch #Overwatch2 #blizzard #steam #review #reviewbombing
Doesn't seem like Overwatch 2 is having a great time on Steam right now!
The MajorLinux Show: Overwatch 2’s Steam Launch https://majorlinux.com/the-majorlinux-show-overwatch-2s-steam-launch/
#Blizzard #Overwatch2 #Steam #Valve #Illari #DLC #SinglePlayer #PC #Gaming #Twitch #YouTube #BlackMastodon #BlackFedi #Blerd
#blizzard #Overwatch2 #steam #valve #illari #dlc #singleplayer #PC #gaming #twitch #youtube #BlackMastodon #blackfedi #blerd
Auf der einen Seite haben wir ein Spiel, das viel versprochen hat und sich an nichts gehalten hat aus Gier. Und auf der anderen Seite haben wir ein Spiel, welches zeigt, dass Dungeons & Dragons immer noch ein gutes Konzept ist und womöglich das beste Spiel aller Zeiten wird, weil man mit Liebe dran gearbeitet hat.
#overwatch #Overwatch2 #baldursgate #baldursgate3
Non ho mai visto su Steam un gioco con valutazione "Estremamente negativa", neanche eFootball (ex PES) che si è assestato a "perlopiù negativa". C'è riuscito #Overwatch2.
Amid the review bombing, #Overwatch2 being on Steam gets some stuff right. Being easier for Steam Deck players is always a win.
Sounds like #TF2 has had a better update this year compared to #Overwatch2’s Invasion update lol.
Parece que la cosa no va mejorando #Overwatch2
Tampoco es de extrañar después de que hayan sacado las misiones PVE de pago.
#Overwatch2 gestern auf Steam freigegeben worden, heute schon 73% schlechte Reviews.
Kommt davon, wenn man einen riesen PvE Modus ankündigt und dann nur eine hard abgespeckte Variante davon für unverschämte 15€ - 40€ rausballert.
#Blizzard ist halt auch nur noch Greedy.
required restart and oh hello where the fuck is _this_ map then?
also i have discovered the firing range and it's so good
there would've been a
fewer "overwatch 1.1" jokes if this had been the 2.0 launch.
i mean a _lot_.