When the sun sat at the horizon, it was the point in #mythic time when the #Mórrígan drove her cattle back into #Oweynagat. Every night at sunset they entered the #Otherworld through the souterrain entrance of this cave.
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of #Celtic #Mythology and Folklore`
#mythic #morrigan #Oweynagat #otherworld #celtic #mythology
Once the sound of a gigantic voice issuing from the tiny opening of the cave called #Oweynagat, the cave of cats, frightened away the heroine or goddess Erne and a group of maidens from Cruachan, the great capital of the province of #Connacht. `Taking with her the comb (symbol of feminine potency) of her mistress, the great queen #Medb, Erne took her party northward to a lake in which they all drowned.` This is how the river Erne (an Éirne in Modern #Irish) and the lake from which it rises gained their names.
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of #Celtic #Mythology and #Folklore`
RT @NeuKelte
#Celtic #WyrdWednesday: #Odras was the wife of a cattle lord. She refused to let one of her cows mate with the bull of the Mórrígan. The goddess…
#Oweynagat #Connacht #Medb #irish #celtic #mythology #folklore #WyrdWednesday #odras
At the river #Barrow in #Leinster the #Irish god of healing, DIAN CÉCHT, was slaying a serpent and burned her to ash who would otherwise have devoured all the cattle in #Ireland.
There may be a hidden seasonal myth in this stories, with the serpent representing the winter goddess who gives way to her double, the blooming spring. Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of #Celtic #Mythology and #Folklore
RT @NeuKelte
#Celtic #WyrdWednesday: Once the sound of a gigantic voice issuing from the tiny opening of the cave called #Oweynagat, the cave of cats, frightened…
#barrow #leinster #irish #ireland #celtic #mythology #folklore #WyrdWednesday #Oweynagat
#Celtic #WyrdWednesday: At the river #Barrow in #Leinster the #Irish god of healing, DIAN CÉCHT, was slaying a serpent and burned her to ash who would otherwise have devoured all the cattle in #Ireland.
There may be a hidden seasonal myth in this stories, with the serpent
RT @NeuKelte
#Celtic #WyrdWednesday: Once the sound of a gigantic voice issuing from the tiny opening of the cave called #Oweynagat, the cave of cats, frightened…
#celtic #WyrdWednesday #barrow #leinster #irish #ireland #Oweynagat
#Celtic #WyrdWednesday: Once the sound of a gigantic voice issuing from the tiny opening of the cave called #Oweynagat, the cave of cats, frightened away the heroine or goddess Erne and a group of maidens from Cruachan, the great capital of the province of #Connacht. `Taking
RT @NeuKelte
#Celtic #WyrdWednesday: #Odras was the wife of a cattle lord. She refused to let one of her cows mate with the bull of the Mórrígan. The goddess…
#celtic #WyrdWednesday #Oweynagat #Connacht #odras
When the sun sat at the horizon, it was the point in #mythic time when the #Mórrígan drove her cattle back into #Oweynagat. Every night at sunset they entered the #Otherworld through the souterrain entrance of this cave.
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of #Celtic #Mythology and Folklore`
RT @irarchaeology
Great image by @copter_view of Oweynagat, Roscommon. This cave was thought to be a portal to the Otherworld, through which the goddess Morrigan travelled. At Samhai…
#mythic #morrigan #Oweynagat #otherworld #celtic #mythology
#Celtic #MythologyMonday: Aillén Trechenn („triple-headed“) was a monster that was said to have emerged from the cave #Oweynagat and ravaged the countryside until it was killed by the hero Amergin.
Source: http://www.thestandingstone.ie/2010/08/rathcroghan-complex-co-roscommon.html
RT @adrianwla
@Acyn This is a vile, disgusting, triple headed fricken monster if I’ve ever seen one. Like Ghidora! My God! 🤧
#celtic #mythologymonday #Oweynagat
Ben trogain, literally ‘raven woman’, is a kenning for the #Morrígan in her bird-aspect. Her name means „death queen“, she`s the queen of poets, prophets and battle.
The Morrígan emerged from #Oweynagat, one of the three main entrances to the #Otherworld in #Ireland, on a chariot pulled by a one-legged chestnut horse.
Source: Patricia Monaghan `The Red-Haired Girl From The Bog`
RT @Modquokka@twitter.com
In Celtic folklore, bold Odras followed the Mórrígan after the enchantress stole her cow.
At Oweynagat she fell asleep 'neath an oak tree, taken by the Mórrígan's spell and ne'er did wake; changed forever there by the enchatress into a lake.
Pic: @sharon_aur@twitter.com
#Morrígan #Oweynagat #otherworld #ireland #FairyTaleTuesday
#Celtic #FaustianFriday: Ben trogain, literally ‘raven woman’, is a kenning for the #Morrígan in her bird-aspect. Her name means „death queen“, she`s the queen of poets, prophets and battle.
The Morrígan emerged from #Oweynagat, one of the three main entrances to
#celtic #FaustianFriday #Morrígan #Oweynagat
“From #Oweynagat the #Morrigan emerged each #Samhain, and here she once appeared in her chariot, crimson-cloaked, leading the heifer to the brown bull of Cuailnge.”
Source: https://storyarchaeology.com/uaimh-na-gcait-oweynagat/
RT @MitologiaCelta@twitter.com
Oweynagat tiene una gran asociación con la diosa Morrigan, la cuál se dice que emerge cada Samhain de la cueva conduciendo terribles bestias ante ella.
#LegendaryWednesday: It wasn’t all sweetness and light in the #Celtic #Otherworld. It had a dark side, too. E.g. the `Magic Kittens of Crúachan` that emerged from #Oweynagat. It is freely accessible, if you ever feel like entering the #Otherworld, ask me for the coordinates!
RT @themeatofit@twitter.com
#drawing: #cat #monster #catmonster #face #art #grotesque #creature #Surrealism #darkSurrealism #darkart #Expressionism #Surrealism #lowbrowart #digitalart #lowbrowSurrealism #Grotesquerie
#LegendaryWednesday #celtic #otherworld #Oweynagat #drawing #cat #monster #catmonster #face #art #grotesque #creature #surrealism #darksurrealism #darkart #Expressionism #lowbrowart #DigitalArt #lowbrowSurrealism #Grotesquerie
Aillén Trechenn (Trechend) “Triple-headed Aillen” was a murderous monster that regularly attacked #Ireland’s great capital #Tara, as well as the regional capital of #EmainMacha in #Ulster. Described as sometimes male, sometimes female, this fiend lived in the cave called #Oweynagat at the #Connacht capital of Cruachan. The poet Amairgin finally dispatched the monster and freed Tara from its stranglehold.
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of Celtic #Mythology and #Folklore`
RT @irarchaeology@twitter.com
Great image by @copter_view@twitter.com of Oweynagat, Roscommon. This cave was thought to be a portal to the Otherworld, through which the goddess Morrigan travelled. At Samhain (Halloween) the cave's magic was believed to be particularly powerful, allowing spirits to enter our world at ease
#ireland #tara #EmainMacha #ulster #Oweynagat #Connacht #mythology #folklore
The sight of the `Magic Kittens of Crúachan` was enough for the heroes #Loegaire Buadach and #Conall Cernach to flee into the rafters of their hostel in Rathcroghan. There they awaited an unpleasand night while the magical beings from #Oweynagat, the so-called `hell-mouth gate of #Ireland`, devoured their supper. #Celtic
RT @NiftyBuckles@twitter.com
Oweynagat (cave of the cats) is located in Rathcroghan Royal Complex of North Co. Roscommon Ireland
Oweynagat may come from the magical wildcats featured in "Bricriu's Feast" that emerge from the cave to attack 3 Ulster warriors before being tamed by Cúchulainn.
#Loegaire #Conall #Oweynagat #ireland #celtic #WyrdWednesday
The #Celtic #Otherworld existed in a parallel universe, not entirely separate from our world but not within it either. This contiguous world was believed to be reached through portals in either time or space. Temporally, the dates of #Samhain on November 1 and its opposite feast of #Beltaine on May 1 were considered to be open to the Otherworld. In this world, borderland places like bogs and islands served as the same kind of doorway.
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of #Celtic #Mythology and #Folklore`
RT @NeuKelte@twitter.com
Nua-#CelticSoulJourney at #Rathcroghan: When the sun sat at the horizon, it was the point in #mythic time when the Mórrígan drove her cattle back into #Oweynagat. Every night at sunset they entered the #Otherworld through the souterrain entrance of this cave.
1/2 https://twitter.com/NeuKelte/status/1553473245105594368
#celtic #otherworld #samhain #Beltaine #mythology #folklore #CelticSoulJourney #Rathcroghan #mythic #Oweynagat
Once the sound of a gigantic voice issuing from the tiny opening of #Oweynagat, the cave of cats, frightened away the heroine or goddess Erne and a group of maidens from Cruachan, the great capital of the province of #Connacht. `Taking with her the comb (symbol of feminine potency) of her mistress, the great queen #Medb, Erne took her party northward to a lake in which they all drowned.` This is how the river Erne and the lake from which it rises gained their names.
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of #Celtic #Mythology and #Folklore`
#Oweynagat #Connacht #Medb #celtic #mythology #folklore
A woman was said to have traveled underground for many miles after entering #Oweynagat, described as the “Hell-mouth of #Ireland”. She was dragged there by a calf to whose tail she clung.
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of Celtic #Mythology and #Folklore`
RT @NeuKelte@twitter.com
Nua-#CelticSoulJourney at #Rathcroghan: When the sun sat at the horizon, it was the point in #mythic time when the Mórrígan drove her cattle back into #Oweynagat. Every night at sunset they entered the #Otherworld through the souterrain entrance of this cave.
1/2 https://twitter.com/NeuKelte/status/1553473245105594368
#Oweynagat #ireland #mythology #folklore #CelticSoulJourney #Rathcroghan #mythic #otherworld
„In a text from the 18th century, #Oweynagat was described as the “Hell-mouth of #Ireland,” suggesting that the deities and spirits who had been believed to live within this cave were still imagined as active, if diabolical.“
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of #Celtic #Mythology and #Folklore`
RT @NeuKelte@twitter.com
Nua-#CelticSoulJourney at #Rathcroghan: In #Ireland the most mythologically significant cave was #Oweynagat. Within it, the great cauldron of abundance, once kept at Tara but later returned hither, was stored.
To us #Oweynagat seems only a dingy cave, but it is a great palace
1/2 https://twitter.com/NeuKelte/status/1552980575534948357
#Oweynagat #ireland #celtic #mythology #folklore #CelticSoulJourney #Rathcroghan
Some weird creatures emerged from #Oweynagat, the cave of the cats: the `Magic Kittens of Crúachan` (demonic cat monsters), which frightened the heroes #Loegaire Buadach and #Conall Cernach to flee into the rafters; Aillén Trechenn was a triple-headed monster that ravaged the countryside until it was killed by the hero Amergin; red birds caused anything they came in contact with to whither; herds of pigs with similar decaying powers, which Ailill and Medb themselves desperately tried to hunt down, but having to deal with the pigs' power of vanishing and their ability to shed captured flesh
Source: http://www.thestandingstone.ie/2010/08/rathcroghan-complex-co-roscommon.html
RT @NeuKelte@twitter.com
Nua-#CelticSoulJourney at #Rathcroghan: In #Ireland the most mythologically significant cave was #Oweynagat. Within it, the great cauldron of abundance, once kept at Tara but later returned hither, was stored.
To us #Oweynagat seems only a dingy cave, but it is a great palace https://twitter.com/NeuKelte/status/1552980575534948357
#Oweynagat #Loegaire #Conall #CelticSoulJourney #Rathcroghan #ireland
The last lintel of the entrance passage to #Oweynagat is an #ogham stone with characters on both lower edges. „They read "VRAICCI...MAQI MEDVVI" which means "Fraech... son of Medb". Actually Fraech wasn't Medb's son, he was the husband of Findabair, daughter of Medb and Ailill.“
Source: https://www.irishstones.org/place.aspx?p=789
#FairyTaleTuesday: `There were portals or gates between the worlds through which the fairy folk came forth and through which humans could pass to visit them. However, for most people, the passage was one way, for it was rare for humans to return from fairyland— although they might return so far distant in time or place that they found nothing familiar to greet them.`
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of Celtic #Mythology and #Folklore`
RT @NeuKelte@twitter.com
Nua-#CelticSoulJourney at #Rathcroghan: In #Ireland the most mythologically significant cave was #Oweynagat. Within it, the great cauldron of abundance, once kept at Tara but later returned hither, was stored.
To us #Oweynagat seems only a dingy cave, but it is a great palace
in the #Otherworld and one of the three main entrances to it in #Ireland.
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of #Celtic #Mythology and Folklore`
Photo© @NeuKelte
#FairyTaleTuesday #mythology #folklore #CelticSoulJourney #Rathcroghan #ireland #Oweynagat #otherworld #celtic