Just catching up on the latest controversy over my lunchtime kai and kawhi... OMG. What a twit. Huge apologies to everywhere for being lumped in with imbeciles like this. Seems like this week I'm getting a great education in ever growing heritage based involving or . Including someone trying to insist I make sure I put that or white people (Europeans) were the first in NZ, in my early local history book. 😬

#aotearoa #Pākehā #pseudohistory #pseudoarchaeology #conspiracytheories #histodons #hancock

Last updated 2 years ago

Isaac Freeman · @isaacfreeman
226 followers · 705 posts · Server cloudisland.nz

Great to see the influx of arriving here. I promise that this is but one of the many exciting topics we discuss here on Mastodon.

By way of reintroduction, I am
in / , / with my family. My politics are and , and I enjoy drinking and occasionally drawing .

#NZTwits #Pākehā #webdeveloper #ōtautahi #Christchurch #Aotearoa #NewZealand #green #antifascist #tea #comics

Last updated 2 years ago

Sara Passmore · @KingSara
143 followers · 243 posts · Server cloudisland.nz

My friend Te Hāmua was targeted by this couple. They impersonated him and printed threatening flyers and distributed them to local businesses claiming that if they appropriate designs they’ll be “hunted down”. The couple say they fear for safety if names made public.
I hate them with the intensity of a thousand suns. They’re trying to position Māori as the aggressors for protecting their taonga. rnz.co.nz/news/national/466833

#Pākehā #māori

Last updated 3 years ago