Morgen Abend (08.08) wird es eine weitere #Mobiveranstaltung von uns geben. Wir sind um 19 Uhr im #P31 in #Nürnberg und freuen uns wenn ihr vorbeischaut. Lasst uns im September dafür sorgen, dass die #IAA2023 die letzte sein wird. #NoFutureForIAA
#mobiveranstaltung #P31 #nurnberg #IAA2023 #NoFutureForIAA
400 Groveland Ave #p31 is located in Ward 7 in the Loring Park neighborhood. Its current use is condominium garage. It was built in 1968.
Its land is currently valued at $2800, and the property is valued at $11200.
The same analysis as yesterday but for good articles in #frwiki
Good articles are similar to featured articles but criteria are just a bit easier to achieve.
Distribution of articles by instance of (#P31), country (P17) , gender (P21) , country of citizenship (P27) and occupation (P106)
#wikidata #wikipedia #observablehq #wikiviz #P31 #frwiki