New from Italy
Structural & functional impairments of skeletal muscle in patients with post-acute sequelae of #SARSCoV2 infection
“In our cohort of patients with #PASC, we showed limited exercise tolerance mainly due to ‘peripheral’ determinants. Substantial reductions were observed for biomarkers of mitochondrial function, content, & biogenesis”
@longcovid #LongCovid #PwLC #LC #postcovid @covid @covid19 #COVIDー19 #COVID19 #COVID #COVID_19
#sarscov2 #PASC #LongCovid #pwlc #lc #PostCovid #covidー19 #COVID19 #covid #COVID_19
#SARSCoV2 reservoir in post-acute sequelae of #COVID19 (#PASC). Review by 33 authors
“we explore evidence for SARS-CoV-2 reservoir in PASC & provide context on interpretation of the findings. We delineate mechanisms by which a SARS-CoV-2 reservoir may contribute to PASC pathology & identify central research priorities & methods to guide the continued study of SARSCoV2 persistence in PASC”
@longcovid #LongCovid #PwLC #postcovid #COVIDー19 #COVID #COVID_19 #LC
#sarscov2 #COVID19 #PASC #LongCovid #pwlc #PostCovid #covidー19 #covid #COVID_19 #lc
New research hints at a connection between post-acute sequelae of #COVID19 & an antibody response biased against the endemic #coronavirus OC43 in rheumatic disease
“Rather than identifying an autoimmune marker of PASC, these results from 2 independent cohorts point to immunological imprinting by human endemic coronaviruses in patients with SARDs & #PASC may result in the generation of incomplete #SARSCoV2 immunity, control, & clearance”
#LongCovid #PostCovid #PwLC #LC
#COVID19 #Coronavirus #PASC #sarscov2 #LongCovid #PostCovid #pwlc #lc
How much of the work force has to be disabled before they figure out that the goald needs to be preventing long covid, not just keeping people out of the hospital?
#longcovid #pasc #disability
@Juicyfranck @sudnadja
ignorance is not bliss & they should be more afraid, mainly of the long term consequences
#viralPersistence #PASC
#EndothelialDamage #acceleratedAging
Perhaps it’s b/c I was a kid w/mad active imagination during #Reagan but there was nothing scarier to me than #HIV #AIDS
#SARS2 has replaced that fear b/c there are therapeutics for one & not the other
Given the choice, I’d take #HIV vs repeated♾️reinfection #Covid
#viralpersistence #PASC #EndothelialDamage #acceleratedaging #reagan #hiv #aids #SARS2 #covid
Up to 1/3 of individuals who survived acute #COVID19 infection will develop symptoms persisting longer than 6 weeks, known as LC or #PASC. Many individuals with PASC experience neurologic symptoms : cognitive impairment,fatigue, ANS disturbances, myalgia, headache, & other pain syndromes, #neurocovid . Most patients with NP experience mild and transient respiratory symptoms of #COVID19 and do not require hospitalization during the acute infection.
Long-Term Dysfunction of Taste Papillae in SARS-CoV-2
“We performed fungiform papillae biopsies on 16 patients who reported taste disturbance lasting more than 6 weeks after […] infection.” “In all patients, we found evidence of #SARSCoV2, accompanying immune response and misshapen or absent taste buds with loss of intergemmal neurite fibers”
@covid @covid19 @longcovid #taste #covid #covid19 #covid_19 #postcovid #pwlc #postcovid19 #pasc
#sarscov2 #taste #covid #COVID19 #COVID_19 #PostCovid #pwlc #PostCovid19 #PASC
Thanks to everyone for participating in the poll!
I asked folks who have post COVID symptoms what diagnosis they have, if any.
41 people vote in the poll. Here are the results:
61% = Long Covid
2% = ME/CFS
22% = Both
15% = Something else
(please explain in replies)
Link to my original post in case you want to read replies:
#covid #COVID19 #LongCovid #PostCovid #PASC #mecfs #poll
“#longcovid19 Cardiac Complications Are Associated With Autoimmunity to Cardiac Self-Antigens Sufficient to Cause Cardiac Dysfunction”
“The pathogenesis of #postCOVID19 sequelae has many potential causal factors, including inflammation. Our data suggest self-reactive B cells may be significantly involved”
@covid @covid19 @longcovid #longcovid #PostCovid #PostCovid19 #PostCovidSyndrome #PASC #cardiology #pwlc
#longcovid19 #PostCovid19 #LongCovid #PostCovid #postcovidsyndrome #PASC #cardiology #pwlc
“All the people I know who have #LongCovid and ME and who are also health-care professionals tell me that they never learned about these conditions when they were going through their training and were completely shocked to see for themselves that a body could lack energy in these profound ways”
#MEcfs #CFS #MyalgicE #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome
#PwME #MyE #postcovid #MedMastodon #postcovid19 #postcovidsyndrome #pasc #pwlc
#LongCovid #mecfs #cfs #myalgice #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #chronicfatiguesyndrome #pwme #mye #PostCovid #MedMastodon #PostCovid19 #postcovidsyndrome #PASC #pwlc
Just FYI, here's one patient's story of getting ME/CFS after an acute COVID infection. This is from the CDC website:
#LongCovid #PostCovid #PASC #mecfs
Poll for folks w/Long Covid
Some studies have shown close to half of Long Covid/Post-covid cases meet ME/CFS criteria. Here's one study (there are others):
But many docs don't get any training on how to diagnose ME/CFS. So I wonder if patients are getting diagnosed?
For those with post COVID symptoms, what's your diagnosis, if any?
Poll options are limited, please reply with details.
Please boost!
#covid #COVID19 #LongCovid #PostCovid #PASC #mecfs #poll
Review of Hyperpolarized Pulmonary Functional 129Xe MR for Long-COVID
Free full text:
“Pulmonary functional MRI using inhaled hyperpolarized 129 Xe gas has played a role in detecting gas-exchange & ventilation abnormalities providing complementary information that may help develop our understanding of the root causes of #longCOVID”
@longcovid #pwlc #postcovid #postcovid19 #pasc #postcovidsyndrome
#LongCovid #pwlc #PostCovid #PostCovid19 #PASC #postcovidsyndrome
One-Year Adverse Outcomes Among US Adults With Post–COVID-19 Condition #PASC vs Those Without #COVID19 in a Large Commercial Insurance Database
> In this cohort study of 13 435 US adults with post–COVID-19 condition (#PCC) and 26 870 matched adults without COVID-19, the adults with PCC experienced increased risks for a number of cardiovascular outcomes, such as ischemic stroke. During the 12-month follow-up period, 2.8% of the individuals with PCC vs 1.2% of the individuals without COVID-19 died, implying an excess death rate of 16.4 per 1000 individuals.
#PASC #covid19 #pcc #LongCOVID #SARS2 #sarscov2
Experimental drugs in randomized controlled trials for long-COVID: what’s in the pipeline? A systematic and critical review
“We identified four completed and 22 ongoing RCTs, investigating 22 unique drugs. However, most drugs were deemed to not have high potential for treating long-COVID, according to three pre-specified domains, a testament to the ordeal of treating #longCOVID.”
@longcovid @covid19 #postcovid #postcovid19 #pasc #covidlong #pwlc
#LongCovid #PostCovid #PostCovid19 #PASC #CovidLong #pwlc
New from Mexico:
The plasma metabolome of #LongCovid patients two years after infection
“Mitochondrial dysfunction, redox state imbalance, impaired energy metabolism, and chronic immune dysregulation are likely to be the main hallmarks of long COVID even two years after acute COVID-19 infection.”
@longcovid @covid19 #pasc #covid #covid_19 #postcovid #postcovid19
#LongCovid #PASC #covid #COVID_19 #PostCovid #PostCovid19
Persistent immune and clotting dysfunction detected in saliva and blood plasma after COVID-19
“Shotgun proteomics revealed persistent inflammatory patterns in convalescent samples including dysfunction of salivary innate immune cells, such as neutrophil markers (e.g., myeloperoxidase), and clotting factors in plasma (e.g., fibrinogen), with positive correlations to acute COVID-19 disease severity”
#covid #COVID19 #COVID_19 #PASC
Multimodal Molecular Imaging Reveals Tissue-Based T Cell Activation and Viral RNA Persistence for Up to Two Years Following COVID-19
“Overall, these observations challenge the paradigm that COVID-19 is a transient acute viral infection and provide evidence for T cell activation and viral persistence in tissues well beyond the initial illness.”
#covid #COVID19 #COVID_19 #PASC
RECOVER-SLEEP treating hypersomnia with "two wakefulness-promoting drugs"
RECOVER-AUTONOMIC testing POTS and high heart rate treatments.
" A fifth platform protocol, focusing on exercise intolerance and fatigue, is under development with input from the patient community and scientific experts."
#covidlong #postcovid #postcovid19 #pasc #covidlonghauler #covidlonghaulers
#CovidLong #PostCovid #PostCovid19 #PASC #COVIDlonghauler #covidlonghaulers
NIH launches #longCOVID clinical trials through RECOVER Initiative, opening enrollment
The trials are grouped as follows:
RECOVER-VITAL testing the antiviral Paxlovid
RECOVER-NEURO for brain fog with trials testing brain training, web based goal management training, and transcranial direct current stimulation.
@longcovid #covidlong #postcovid #postcovid19 #pasc #covidlonghauler #covidlonghaulers
#LongCovid #CovidLong #PostCovid #PostCovid19 #PASC #COVIDlonghauler #covidlonghaulers