#hp さんは大変面白いコンピュータを売ってはりましたなあ、という #お気持ち になっている。当該の機種は251-a130jpで、 #Celeron N3050と4GBの #DDR3 メモリと500GBのHDD, DVDマルチドライブを積んでいる。このスペックをミドルタワーケースに詰めて売っているわけだが、おしりを見ると大変激しい。 #PCI スロット用の穴も空いてなければ #ATX 電源用の穴も空いていない。あるのは古くはPS/2ポートやパラレルポート、USBコネクタを通すためのコネクタ用の穴だけだ。そこに #ACアダプター の穴が設けられているのである。筐体がデカけりゃえらいのか? それとも3.5インチHDDを使いたかったのか? 理由はさっぱり判らないが、拡張性に全く見合わないケースを採用しているのだ
日本HP、エントリークラスで5万円台のミニタワー型デスクトップPC | マイナビニュース https://news.mynavi.jp/article/20151020-a132/
#acアダプター #atx #PCI #DDR3 #Celeron #お気持ち #hp
RT Energy4Europe 🇪🇺
The Baltic 🇪🇪🇱🇻🇱🇹 synchronisation project #BEMIP has been one of the most ambitious Projects of Common Interest.
In recent years, it received more than 1.2bn € from #CEFEnergy funds to reinforce EU #EnergyInfrastructure.
👉 https://europa.eu/!fTqnqQ
#EnergySecurity #PCI
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Energy4Europe/status/1688437315717537792
#BEMIP #CEFEnergy #energyinfrastructure #EnergySecurity #PCI
"14 juillet 1948: l'attentat contre Togliatti et ce qui arriva ensuite.
Un étudiant tira sur le secrétaire du #PCI, qui survécut. Mais, pendant quelques jours, en Italie, il sembla qu'une révolution était en train de commencer..."
Are you planning to apply to the #PCI call under #CEFEnergy, with €750 million available for #EnergyInfrastructure?
Watch the info day about the call, with tips & tricks to submit a successful proposal!
👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LMgtoHdbbAQ&t=3353s
#REPowerEU #EUGreenDeal https://t.co/XaSppGWCNq
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/cinea_eu/status/1675855027435458561
#PCI #CEFEnergy #energyinfrastructure #REPowerEU #EUGreenDeal
Check out this electricity pylon by @Elering, a great example of 🇪🇪 infrastructure design enhancing the living space, the local identity & creativity.
It's called Bog Crane (Sookurg in Estonian) and is part of the #BalticSynchronisation #PCI.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/cinea_eu/status/1667152083508666371
#BalticSynchronisation #PCI #CEFEnergy
RT @Loreto_1910: Antonio #Gramsci, segretario del #PCI scrisse di Matteotti sul settimanale #comunista Stato operaio: «È morto il pellegrino del nulla».
Polemica sul prossimo convegno dedicato a #Matteotti e #Berlinguer: intervista a R. Nencini. @NenciniPsi
https://www.radioradicale.it/scheda/699048/la-polemica-sul-prossimo-convegno-dedicato-a-matteotti-e-a-berlinguer-intervista-a https://t.co/9u6mIVwzRy
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/NenciniPsi/status/1666913538810454016
#gramsci #PCI #Comunista #Agorà1910 #Matteotti #Berlinguer
We are in Estonia 🇪🇪 visiting the construction works of some parts of the #BalticSynchronisation Project, a #PCI supported by #CEFEnergy with EUR 1,3 billion ⚡️
#EU #REPowerEU #ConnectingEurope
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/cinea_eu/status/1666837444191309824
#BalticSynchronisation #PCI #CEFEnergy #EU #REPowerEU #ConnectingEurope
Hello from Cyprus 🇨🇾, where we are visiting the #Vassiliko port area, where the works for the #CyprusGas2EU #PCI are taking place.
#CEFEnergy supports the project to allow for the transmission of #gas from the Eastern Mediterranean region.
More info 👉 https://europa.eu/!j6gT4W
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/cinea_eu/status/1666814237967253507
#Vassiliko #CyprusGas2EU #PCI #CEFEnergy #Gas
Works at Inčukalns Underground Gas Storage infrastructures include a new #gas compression unit, the upgrading of the existing ones and the enhancement of 36 wells.
It contributes to the implementation of the Project of Common Interest (#PCI) 8.2.4.
Supported by #CEFEnergy #eu
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/cinea_eu/status/1666467380677992448
The #CEFEnergy beneficiaries of the project Enhancement of the Latvia-Lithuania Interconnection (#ELLI) are rebuilding pipelines, branch lines and pig launchers to improve connections across 🇱🇻 & 🇱🇹 contributing to the implementation of the #PCI 8.2.1.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/cinea_eu/status/1666465789447139328
New #CheesyFungi direct installment @PeerCommunityIn #journal
The gradient of #domestication in a #cheese making #fungi, by Bastien Bennetot et al., lead by @jeanne.ropars@twitter.com
Recommendation by @cfraisserios #PCI #EvolutionaryBiology
#cheesyfungi #journal #domestication #cheese #fungi #PCI #EvolutionaryBiology
We celebrate the kick off of the construction phase of the new 110/22kV Substation in Mierovo 🇸🇰!
The substation will be a major deliverable of the #PCI @DanubeInGrid and it will improve the integration of #renewables and development of e-mobility in the region.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/cinea_eu/status/1658866989413150721
#PCI #renewables #CEFEnergy #EU
The expansion of Chiren UGS wells is launched!
Bulgartransgaz signed a contract for the design, construction & commissioning of new wells that will increase Chiren UGS’s operational safety and capacity.
This #PCI is co-funded by #EU #CEFEnergy
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/cinea_eu/status/1646094729962979329
RT @GenomeBiolEvol
Did you know...GBE accepts reviews from Peer Community In (#PCI). GBE may choose to have your manuscript sent for further review either by the original reviewers or new reviewers. Learn more about our submission guidelines https://academic.oup.com/gbe/pages/General_Instructions
Antonio Gramsci, le prophète de la défaite.
Dans l'intervalle entre mort de l'ancien monde et naissance du nouveau, "des monstres apparaissent", disait le philosophe/fondateur du #PCI. #Babelia #ElPais
Actualité éditoriale en espagnol.
This was published only 1,5 hours after IPCC publish a new status report, saying we only have 9 years (!) to phase out fossil if we want to fulfill Paris agreement. Makes me sick! 🤢🤯
RT @Energy4Europe: EU #CohesionPolicy supports #energysecurity ⚡️
The EC approved an investment of €124 million from #ERDF for the construction of a 253 km-long section of a gas transmission pipeline in Poland 🇵🇱.
This #PCI project is expected to be ready by Dec-2023. https://energ…
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/emmawiesner/status/1637826174154944515
#CohesionPolicy #EnergySecurity #ERDF #PCI
EU #CohesionPolicy supports #energysecurity ⚡️
The EC approved an investment of €124 million from #ERDF for the construction of a 253 km-long section of a gas transmission pipeline in Poland 🇵🇱.
This #PCI project is expected to be ready by Dec-2023. https://europa.eu/!HJGXK8
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Energy4Europe/status/1637825259171725312
#CohesionPolicy #EnergySecurity #ERDF #PCI
Quand le patrimoine culturel immatériel #PCI #ICH est utilisé pour échauffer les animosités entre pays et l'appropriation culturelle ici le haïk #algerie #maroc