Just trust us not good enough as Ottawa holds inquiry on Emergencies Act, law's author says | CP24 https://bit.ly/39LSOoR #EmergenciesAct #Inquiry #PCParty #cdnpoli
#EmergenciesAct #inquiry #PCParty #cdnpoli
#PatrickBrown has always been ambitious, and he developed the skills and organisation to win leadership of the #Ontario #PCParty . Then it fell apart incredibly quickly.
I presume that some in the party worked for his downfall, though I don't know exactly why. Maybe it was his pro #CarbonTax policy? I supported it, but I was remote from #onpol at the time.
Anyway, I expect to get more insight into the man in the next few months.
#canpol #onpol #carbontax #PCParty #ontario #patrickbrown
The leading candidates to replace Erin O'Toole, should he lose his job
A useful article. Unfortunately it repeats the myth that #PeterMacKay was a Red Tory. In fact, he was a Blue, on the right of the old #PCParty. Pro-choice, but tough on crime, a hawk on foreign affairs, in favour of cutting government spending to balance the books.
I liked him 20 years ago, but I do not trust his judgement after the deal with #DavidOrchard .
#nationalpost #conservatives #canpol #DavidOrchard #PCParty #PeterMacKay