RT @SmithLyte
I was on the Wayne Bavin show today (10:20) re: the obtuse #PublicOrderBill - #pcscbill even nastier successor. How about our government actually DO something about #ClimateEmergency instead arresting and jailing us protesters @XRebellionUK @JustStop_Oil https://twitter.com/CarolineLucas/status/1614908916055375873
#ClimateEmergency #PCSCBill #PublicOrderBill
#PCSCBill #PolicingBill debate 15/03/2021
Worth reading and remembering how hard House of Lords fought to remove elements, some now back in the new #PublicOrderBill
Especially now with Johnson's resignation honours. To go with those from Cameron, May, and maybe even Truss to come https://hansard.parliament.uk/Commons/2021-03-15/debates/3F59B66E-E7A1-484B-86E3-E78E71D0FE0F/PoliceCrimeSentencingAndCourtsBill#contribution-BCA82DA8-CBDE-4992-A08F-187E8A20C038
#PCSCBill #policingbill #PublicOrderBill
RT @TravellerRacism@twitter.com
Can you imagine your human rights tore away from you? Your home snatched away? Your family split up? Your culture and way of life eradicated? Everything you own being taken away for the crime of having nowhere else to go?
This is the harsh reality of the #PCSCBILL legislation.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/TravellerRacism/status/1526928588905259010
#StreetMicLivestream 🇬🇧
#London. #ExtinctionRebellion
#JeremyCorbyn outside parliament @ #KillTheBill
#killthebill #pcscbill #JeremyCorbyn Jeremy Corbyn gave a powerful speech outside parliament at a KillTheBill mass protest.Anger is growing over the governm...
#StreetMicLivestream #london #extinctionrebellion #JeremyCorbyn #killthebill #PCSCBill
RT @ExtinctionR@twitter.com
@BBC@twitter.com Social & environmental justice defenders join candlelit vigil to fight #PCSCBill & defend #RightToProtest
Livestream at 5PM
(If not at a protest, maybe call/email Lords while you watch? http://bit.ly/ktbdigital)
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ExtinctionR/status/1468490559505403907
#PCSCBill #righttoprotest #killthebill
#Killthebill at the House of Lords Wed 8th December 2021, 5-7pm to add pressure to the Lords 3rd reading and vote on the #PCSCBill. Bring candles, lights and torches for this celebration of everything protest and freedom have given us. Expect music, singing, poetry and speakers. pic.twitter.com/goPvzSHppN
" #Killthebill at the House of Lords Wed 8th December 2021, 5-7pm to add pressure to the Lords 3rd reading and vote on the #PCSCBill. Bring candles, lights and torches for this celebration of everything protest and freedom have given us. Expect music, singing, poetry and speakers."