The good old #IBM #PCs #Kleinanzeigen
Wired: How to Upgrade Wi-Fi in Your Laptop or Desktop: Wi-Fi Card or USB Adapter #Tech #wired #TechNews #IT #Technology via @morganeogerbc #Gear/Products/Computers #Gear/HowToandAdvice #FullSpeedAhead #laptops #how-to #Wi-Fi #Gear #wifi #PCs
#Tech #wired #technews #it #technology #gear #fullspeedahead #laptops #how #WI #wifi #PCs
Wired: Laptop Buying Guide (2023): How to Choose the Right PC (Step-by-Step Guide) #Tech #wired #TechNews #IT #Technology via @morganeogerbc #Gear/Products/Computers #Gear/HowToandAdvice #operatingsystems #BuyingGuide #Computers #Shopping #laptops #Windows #how-to #Gear #PCs
#Tech #wired #technews #it #technology #gear #operatingsystems #BuyingGuide #computers #shopping #laptops #windows #how #PCs
How much RAM do you have in your computer? I'm super curious where the median is these days now that there's so much variance between the baseline and the high end.
If you don't have exactly the same amount as an option, vote for the largest option that fits into your RAM.
#computers #pcs #apple #windows #macos #laptop #desktop #memory
#computers #PCs #apple #windows #macos #laptop #desktop #memory
Wired: 8 Best Cheap Laptops (2023): Our Picks for $700 or Less #Tech #wired #TechNews #IT #Technology via @morganeogerbc #Gear/Products/Computers #Gear/BuyingGuides #buyingguides #BuyingGuide #notebooks #Computers #Shopping #laptops #Gear #PCs
#Tech #wired #technews #it #technology #gear #buyingguides #BuyingGuide #notebooks #computers #shopping #laptops #PCs
I have these two fans. The IceGale fan is rated for 3500 rpm at 6.5 watts. The ThermalTake fan is rated for 2000 rpm at 8.4 watts. To compare airflow, the IceGale fan is supposed to deliver 127 cfm, while the ThermalTake is rated at 58. So, the ThermalTake fan delivers half the airflow and spins ~35% slower while consuming more energy?
What’s going on here?
#PCs #pc #overclocking #pcbuilding #computers #onlyfans
Intel says it's a step ahead of the competition with PowerVia, its version of backside power delivery, coming to PC chips in 2024. Test chips show a 6% speed boost. The tech moves power connections to the opposite side of a chip from transistors' communications links.
#Intel #processors #semiconductor #PCs
#PCs #semiconductor #processors #Intel
Staff in the #HomeOffice will not “just sit back and take” the Rwanda deal and new small boats bill, and may strike if forced to implement measures they believe are unlawful.
The Public and Commercial Services (#PCS) union, which represents almost 16,000 staff across different Home Office departments and #BorderForce, said they were buckling under “constant downwards political pressure”, “intolerable” working conditions and fear of being forced to break the law.
#rwanda #BorderForce #PCs #HomeOffice
Has anyone played #StarTrekResurgence on PC yet? How does it perform? Any crippling bugs yet? Or is this a 'safe' one? #StarTrek #PCs #PCgaming
#StarTrekResurgence #startrek #PCs #PCGaming
Wired: 5 Best Linux Laptops (2023): Repairable, Budget, Powerful #Tech #wired #TechNews #IT #Technology via @morganeogerbc #Gear/Products/Computers #Gear/BuyingGuides #operatingsystems #buyingguides #BuyingGuide #Computers #Shopping #laptops #Linux #Gear #PCs
#Tech #wired #technews #it #technology #gear #operatingsystems #buyingguides #BuyingGuide #computers #shopping #laptops #Linux #PCs
Wired: BenQ Mobiuz OLED Gaming Monitor Review: Just Too Much #Tech #wired #TechNews #IT #Technology via @morganeogerbc #homeentertainment #BiggerNotBetter #Gear/Reviews #videogames #displays #Shopping #Reviews #Gear #PCs #4K
#Tech #wired #technews #it #technology #homeentertainment #biggernotbetter #gear #videogames #Displays #shopping #reviews #PCs #4K
I like to meditate on your card as if I was one of my #NPCs or #PCs. It is great to add some flavour to my next #ttrpg sessions.
I'll share we you the meditations of Orla, a gnomish girl rised by a hag coven that saved the kingdom but is still feared for her appearance.
[see next post in thread]
छत्तीसगढ़ मासिक करंट अफेयर्स जनवरी 2023 PART-1 || Chhattisgarh Current Affairs 2022
#chhatisgarh #india #generalknowledge #civilservices #currentaffairs #study #knowledge #ssccgl #dailycurrentaffairs #motivation #mppsc #ias #ssc #pcs
#chhatisgarh #india #generalknowledge #civilservices #currentaffairs #study #knowledge #ssccgl #dailycurrentaffairs #motivation #mppsc #IAS #SSC #PCs
On ne le répétera jamais assez, soyez prudent sur Internet.
Dans cette vidéo, on peut voir que n’importe qui peut se faire avoir.
#Sandoz #lalain #Lwshosting #Leboncoin
#Arnaque #Brouteurs #SMS #PCS #CPF
#sandoz #lalain #lwshosting #leboncoin #arnaque #brouteurs #sms #PCs #cpf
छत्तीसगढ़ मासिक करंट अफेयर्स जनवरी 2023 PART-1 || Chhattisgarh Current Affairs 2022
#chhatisgarh #india #generalknowledge #civilservices #currentaffairs #study #knowledge #ssccgl #dailycurrentaffairs #motivation #mppsc #ias #ssc #pcs
#chhatisgarh #india #generalknowledge #civilservices #currentaffairs #study #knowledge #ssccgl #dailycurrentaffairs #motivation #mppsc #IAS #SSC #PCs
DAS sind die, in die betroffene von #LongCovid u/o #MECFS ihre hoffnungen setzen 🦠💦🤪
"Heute besuchte uns Katrin @GoeringEckardt an der @ChariteBerlin um sich beim Team der #NKSG über die Forschung und klinischen Studien zu #MECFS und #PCS zu informieren. Vielen Dank für das große Engagement und die Unterstützung."
#Corona #Eigenverantwortung #Covid #Maskenpflicht #EuthanasieViaVirus #Infektionsschutz #TeamWissenschaftAmLimit #scheibenbogen #DavosStandard ? #Vulnerable
#vulnerable #davosstandard #Scheibenbogen #teamwissenschaftamlimit #infektionsschutz #euthanasieviavirus #Maskenpflicht #COVID #Eigenverantwortung #Corona #PCs #nksg #mecfs #LongCovid
nicht schön aber es sind nun mal auch "wissenschaftler_innen" wie scheibenbogen, die durch ihr verhalten den steten nachschub an studienobjekten sichern
"Heute Besuch des Ausschuss für Soziales, Gesundheit und Integration BaWü und Prof. Gerner, Kinderklinik Offenburg zum Austausch über #MECFS und #PCS"
#Eigenverantwortung #Corona #Covid #LongCovid #Maskenpflicht #Vulnerable #Infektionsschutz #CovidIsAirborn #DavosStandart #TeamWissenschaft am limit 🦠💦🥳
#teamwissenschaft #davosstandart #CovidIsAirborn #infektionsschutz #vulnerable #Maskenpflicht #LongCovid #COVID #Corona #Eigenverantwortung #PCs #mecfs
#Microsoft will forcibly remove #InternetExplorer from most #Windows 10 #PCs today
#microsoft #internetexplorer #windows #PCs