#PFASaction_EU - Take a look at all Q&As from our info session on the #PFAS restriction proposal. Read about the consultation, the opinion-making in #ECHA’s committees, the #EU_REACH restrictions process & the content of the proposal.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_ECHA/status/1689924654956261376
#PFASaction_EU #PFAS #ECHA #EU_REACH #SaferChemicals
#PFASaction_EU -All Q&As from our info session on the #PFAS restriction proposal are now published. Read about the consultation, the opinion-making in #ECHA’s committees, the #EU_REACH restrictions process & the content of the proposal.
#SaferChemicals https://t.co/xgDVF1FFNu
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_ECHA/status/1676865956197416961
#PFASaction_EU #PFAS #ECHA #EU_REACH #SaferChemicals
Re @VSinkevicius @EU_ENV @EUClimateAction @CopernicusEU @LIFEprogramme @EU_Growth @EU_MARE @UEfrance @europainitalia @EUCYPRUS #EUHaveYourSay - We invite interested parties to send us scientific and technical information on the manufacture, placing on the market and use of PFAS by 25 September 2023.
It is your time to have your say on #PFAS restriction proposal!🔗https://fcld.ly/pfasconsultationlc
#PFASaction_EU https://t.co/LjpNoMzYU5
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_ECHA/status/1676519818407694336
#EUHaveYourSay #PFAS #PFASaction_EU
#SaferChemicals #PFASaction_EU - Our scientific committees support a gradual ban of #PFAS in firefighting foams. If adopted into law, the restriction could reduce emissions by more than 13 000 tonnes over 30 years.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_ECHA/status/1675803819714789377
#SaferChemicals #PFASaction_EU #PFAS
RT European Chemicals Agency - ECHA 🇪🇺
#SaferChemicals #PFASaction_EU - Our scientific committees support a gradual ban of #PFAS in firefighting foams. If adopted into law, the restriction could reduce emissions by more than 13 000 tonnes over 30 years.
🔗https://fcld.ly/seacfffjune23t https://t.co/crDVh0QTA3
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_ECHA/status/1671850584129822720
#SaferChemicals #PFASaction_EU #PFAS
#PFASaction_EU -Are you working in a sector that use per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances? Participate in our consultation on the #PFAS restriction proposal opened till 25/09 🔗https://fcld.ly/pfascommentsmay23t
🔽Check also this infographic and learn how the EU is taking action on PFAS.🔽
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_ECHA/status/1665978162503622656
News on #PFASaction_EU! The first Q&As from our info session on the #PFAS restriction proposal are now published. Read about the consultation, the opinion-making in ECHA’s committees and the #EU_REACH restrictions process.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_ECHA/status/1653701057707384839
#PFASaction_EU #PFAS #EU_REACH #SaferChemicals
Where are we now on #PFASaction_EU? We are asking interested parties to send us scientific and technical information on the manufacture, placing on the market and use of PFAS.
#EUHaveYourSay by 25 𝐒𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 2023 🔗https://fcld.ly/pfasconsultationl
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_ECHA/status/1651875816148533248
#PFASaction_EU #EUHaveYourSay #SaferChemicals #EU_REACH
Večné chemikálie. Aj tak sa hovorí PFAS a ďalším PFCs, teda polyfórovaným organickým chemikáliám, ktoré ohrozujú naše zdravie.
Preto už od svojho zvolenia tlačím na to, aby sme ich čo najviac nahradili. dúfam, že sa to čoskoro stane skutočnosťou.
RT @EU_ECHA: #PFASAction_EU - #PFAS can still be found in many products - clothing, cookware, paints, food packaging, etc.
👉🏼Once they are the environment, they stay there for centuries.
🔎Check this infographic and le…
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/martinhojsik/status/1645804502828871687
#PFASAction_EU - #PFAS can still be found in many products - clothing, cookware, paints, food packaging, etc.
👉🏼Once they are the environment, they stay there for centuries.
🔎Check this infographic and learn how the EU is taking action on PFAS.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_ECHA/status/1645762983581171714
#PFASaction_EU #PFAS #SaferChemicals
Chcete vedieť viac o horúcej téme "večných chemikálií" ako sa hovorí PFCs (polyflórovaným chemikáliám)? Odporúčam sledovať túto Q&A od @EU_ECHA
RT @EU_ECHA: #PFASaction_EU - Final reminder: our info session on the universal #PFAS restriction proposal takes place tomorrow.
Check the programme on our website and send us your questions already today.
See you online!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/martinhojsik/status/1643162117330071553
#PFASaction_EU #PFAS #SaferChemicals #EU_REACH
#PFASaction_EU - Final reminder: our info session on the universal #PFAS restriction proposal takes place tomorrow.
Check the programme on our website and send us your questions already today.
See you online!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_ECHA/status/1643146457308884992
#PFASaction_EU #PFAS #SaferChemicals #EU_REACH
#PFASaction_EU - Are you taking part in our info session on 5 April on the universal #PFAS restriction proposal?
Help us answer as many questions as possible during the Q&A by sending them to us well ahead of the event.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_ECHA/status/1640628581414977536
#PFASaction_EU #PFAS #SaferChemicals #EU_REACH
#PFAS sind extrem langlebige Industriechemikalien. Sie werden in vielen Industriebereichen und auch im Haushalt eingesetzt.
Die @EU_ECHA bittet mit einer Konsultation um Infos zu PFAS, konkret zur Herstellung, das Inverkehrbringen und die Verwendung 👉 http://europa.eu/!6mTgBx
RT @EU_ECHA: #PFASaction_EU - It is your time to have your say on #PFAS restriction proposal.
We invite interested parties to send us scientific and technical information on the manufactur…
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUinDE/status/1638914748233162753
#PFASaction_EU - If you plan to participate in the consultation on the #PFAS restriction proposal, join our info session to learn about the restriction and how the #EU_REACH restriction process works. Get your questions answered. Don't miss out!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_ECHA/status/1638506006819885056
#PFASaction_EU - It is your time to have your say on #PFAS restriction proposal.
We invite interested parties to send us scientific and technical information on the manufacture, placing on the market and use of PFAS by 25 September 2023.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_ECHA/status/1638480687807225856
#PFASaction_EU - Join our info session to learn about the #PFAS restriction proposal consultation and how to participate. Get your questions answered. Don't miss out! 🔗https://fcld.ly/infosessionpfasechat
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_ECHA/status/1635943980188704771
#PFASaction_EU - Do you plan to participate in the consultation on the #PFAS restriction proposal? Join our info session to learn about the restriction, how the #EU_REACH restriction process works, and how to participate in the consultation.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_ECHA/status/1632667409092845570
#PFASaction_EU - Starting 25 Feb, the EU-wide #EU_REACH restriction on certain PFCAs kicks in, reducing exposure to this harmful subgroup of #PFAS and avoiding the regrettable substitution of PFOA. Another step towards phasing out non-essential PFAS uses.🔗https://fcld.ly/pfcast
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_ECHA/status/1629081247224832000
News on #PFASaction_EU (2/2) - #ForeverChemicals, #PFASs persist in the environment, exposing people, plants, and animals to their harmful effects. According to 🇸🇪🇩🇪🇳🇴🇳🇱🇩🇰, without action, 4.4 M tons would end up in the environment in the next 30 years. 🔗https://fcld.ly/pfaspaget
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_ECHA/status/1622914822793723907
#PFASaction_EU #ForeverChemicals #PFASs