Any #DnD3x / #Pathfinder1e DMs/GMs have any experience with Leadership feat in their games?
How did it go?
I had a player take Leadership feat once. I did not like it.
#Pathfinder1 #P1e
#PathfinderRPG #PFRPG
#DnD3x #DnD3 #DnD35
#DungeonsandDragons #TTRPG
#dnd3x #pathfinder1e #pathfinder1 #p1e #pathfinderrpg #PFRPG #dnd3 #dnd35 #dungeonsAndDragons #ttrpg
Any #Dnd3x / #Pathfinder1e DMs/GMs have any experience with Leadership feat in their games?
How did it go?
I had a player take Leadership feat once. I did not like it.
#Pathfinder1 #P1e
#PathfinderRPG #PFRPG
#DnD3x #DnD3 #DnD35
#DungeonsandDragons #TTRPG
#dnd3x #pathfinder1e #pathfinder1 #p1e #pathfinderrpg #PFRPG #dnd3 #dnd35 #dungeonsAndDragons #ttrpg
#RPGaDay day 17:
I haven't tried any #ttrpg *system* yet that would qualify as funny per se (and couldn't really imagine it).
Practically every "normal" round I had (outside horror and things like that) would have its comic relieve moments and I often help create them. But I remember 2 that stand out:
One was the #PFRPG "We be Goblins" session I already mentioned for prompt 11 ("weirdest"). I think the complete session was kind of a comic relieve for the campaign at that point.
#RPGaDay day 11:
I don't think I've actually played a really weird game yet. Ok, parts of #mutantyearzero's setting have a weird touch. And #nibiru's character backgrounds sounded extremely weird at first read. But they both feel perfectly sensible within their games.
In play, my weirdest experience was a round of #Pathfinder's "We be Goblins" that I GM'd as a filler one-shot between our no-nonsense #PFRPG campaign, when our usual GM needed a break.
#rpgaday #mutantyearzero #Nibiru #Pathfinder #PFRPG
10) Favorite #TTRPG tie-in fiction
I'm not really a fan.
I did enjoy the 6-part short fiction pieces at the end of #Paizo's #PathfinderRPG adventure path issues, until they stopped including them in 2017. I read a few of the PF novels, but never got into them.
And when I was a kid, I liked the #DragonLance original trilogy, though when I re-read them in my 30s, I didn't think it held up.
But, in general, I don't care much about published settings' famous NPCs.
#ttrpg #paizo #pathfinderrpg #Dragonlance #rpgaday2023 #PFRPG #PF1e
Heute habe ich dieses #Pathfinder2e Produkt erhalten: Monsterhandbuch-Aufstellerbox. Zugegeben, der Titel klingt etwas sperrig, ist aber eine Art "Totschläger". Zumindest vom Gewicht her. 😅 #PFRPG #PFRPG2e #pnpde
#pathfinder2e #PFRPG #PFRPG2e #pnpde
@just_like_aerin that's why I encourage a different scribe for each #PFRPG session fwiiw. After two campaigns, spanning 16 years, we have tomes :)
Hui, was liegt denn da herum? 🥰
#CurseOfStrahd #DnD5e #DungeonsAndDragons #Pathfinder2e #PFRPG #pnpde
#curseofstrahd #dnd5e #dungeonsanddragons #pathfinder2e #PFRPG #pnpde
That said, I wanted to call out the work of Manuel Hegner and Robert Stiles, who've resurrected the GIS mapping project for Golarion on PathfinderWiki that I'd built on John Mechalas's data:
They've modernized the tech stack and started updating the content for the Lost Omens setting updates. It's really exciting to see come about.
#pathfinder #PFRPG #ttrpg #Golarion #gis #qgis
Joining in...
Currently Running:
- few and far between One-/Few-Shots
(mostly #BeyondTheWall)
Currently Playing:
Most Played:
- #PFRPG (1e)
Want to Try:
- #FateRPG (and/or Fate Acc.)
- something #PbtA
- #DCC
- something crunchy (like #PF2e or #DnD5e)
- loads of small story driven RPGs
Want to Return To:
- regular playing in (a) fixed group(s)
#beyondthewall #PFRPG #faterpg #PbtA #dcc #pf2e #dnd5e #ttrpg #pnpde
Öhm...ich habe gerade festgestellt, dass ich mir irgendwann schon einmal das #Pathfinder2e GRW sowie Monsterhandbuch als PDF zugelegt habe. Joa, ne? 😅 #PFRPG #pnpde
Ich liebäugele seit geraumer Zeit damit, mehr über #Pathfinder2e zu erfahren. Nachdem ich mir das ein oder andere Video angeschaut habe, bin ich tätig geworden und habe mir neuen Lesestoff besorgt. Das #PF2e GRW ist aber ein ganz schöner "Klopper". Oha. 😅
Wie waren/sind denn eure Erfahrungen mit der #Pathfinder 2nd Edition?
#pathfinder2e #pf2e #Pathfinder #pnpde #PFRPG #PFRPG2e