Hi @torproject,

To help people find and possibly verify your /fingerprint what about pinning a toot with your , and a link to your 'How to verify signature" page?

#signingKeys #PGPFingerprint

Last updated 3 years ago

Its about time we published our PGP fingerprint and keys.

- dsfgs@mail.i2p (clearnet address is i2pmail. org)
- dsfgs at riseup. net

Keys should be fetchable from:
- keyserver.ubuntu.com
- keys.gnupg.net
- pgp.mit.edu

And conform to PGP Fingerprint: 83b15d65bbf4e1ad3eb1


#PGPKey #PGPFingerprint #DickSmithsFairGoSupportersPGP #DSFGSPublicKey #DSFGSEncryption #DSFGS #DSFGSGPG #DSFGSPGP #PGPDSFGS #PublicKeyDSFGS #KeyserversDSFGS

Last updated 4 years ago