End of #PHE (05/11/2023), Ends the following.. a detailed timeline from @KFF
Might be a good time to order a last batch of free COVID tests: https://www.covid.gov/tests
RT @jenkatesdc
NEW: The #COVID19 #PHE ends in less than two weeks. Here's a timeline of what ends with it, and what's coming down the pike. https://kff.org/coronavirus-covid-19/issue-brief/timeline-of-end-dates-for-key-health-related-flexibilities-provided-through-covid-19-emergency-declarations-legislation-and-administrative-actions/
RT @ErinMPrater
“If you end the PHE, make sure the virus gets the memo too." — @RajlabN
More: http://tinyurl.com/bdhz2ask #XBB116 #Omicron #COVIDTwitter #Arcturus #pandemic #epidemic #PHE
#PHE #epidemic #Pandemic #arcturus #CovidTwitter #Omicron #xbb116
(3/3) Biden administration flips, indicates
will sign the Republican-led effort to end #COVID national emergency https://thehill.com/homenews/house/3925090-house-democrats-vent-frustration-after-biden-reversal-on-covid-19-emergency-measure/ "a move that came less than two months after Democrats had opposed the same measure en masse at the administration’s request." #COVID #PublicHealth #PublicHealthEmergency #PHE
#PHE #publichealthemergency #publichealth #COVID
Major news via a new Statement of Biden Administration Policy on House Republican proposals (#HR382 and #HJRes7) to abruptly terminate the #COVID19 Public Health Emergency (#PHE).
TLDR: no—but he does plan to end the PHE on May 11th. https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/SAP-H.R.-382-H.J.-Res.-7.pdf