remember me, ranting about my #pi4 and #linux problem?! turns out, the #pi4 has some issues with older tvs due to some changes that were necessary to support 4k and such. for me the #pi4 as #pi3 replacement died the moment i touched the microhdmi adapter slightly and my screen lost signal. nope. thats it, way too sensitive. what to do with a pi4 now?! 🤔
i had a solid raspi3 setup running with #libreelec for years. now it bugged me with update notifications. after 3 years of waiting for a #pi4 i finally got one to upgrade my setup. simple. flash new libreelec image on sd, replace #pi3 with #pi4, connect to hdmi and done. NOPE! fucking hell no! just a fucking blackscreen and nothing else. jesus fucking christ - i am so fucking sick of it. every fucking time - every - fucking - time. i wish linux and all its forms would work but they fucking dont