Join our next Better Together webinar about the "Great Varieties of PIDs"! Explore the world of Persistent Identifiers, learn how to navigate the PID landscape & build a robust integration strategy. Register now & share!👇
#PIDs #Webinar #DataManagement
@ORCID_Org @crossref @sysg
#PIDs #webinar #datamanagement
▶️ في حالة عدم تمكنك من حضور ندوتنا التعريفية عن المعرفات الدائمة وتقديم برنامج داتاسيت للوصول العالمي الي العالم
العربي، يمكنك الان مشاهدة التسجيل من خلال قناتنا علي يوتيوب
تعرف علي دور معرفات الكيانات الرقمية في ربط مختلف المخرجات البحثية ببنية النظام البحثي العالمية.
#PIDs #DOIs #OpenResearch #MENA #ArabResearch
#PIDs #DOIs #openresearch #mena #arabresearch
Join us on October 12, 2023, for the DataCite Annual Community Meeting. Connect with our community and explore exciting sessions about our strategic initiatives, best practices, #metadata, #PIDs, etc.
Register now & share:👇
@ORCID_Org @ResearchOrgs
@crossref @ardc_au
@makedatacount @gabioshka @Mohamadmostafa @kelly
@digitaldogsbody @Iratxe
#metadata #PIDs #openresearch #datacite2023 #openinfrastructure
Hello Fediverse!
We are the #KOMET project. We are new here and we would like to introduce ourselves briefly!
With the help of funding from the @bmbf_bund, we are working on the transformation of science towards a diverse and participatory #OpenAccessCulture over the next 2 years.
Our goal is to help independent and often #scholarled OA journals professionalise their metadata processes.
#komet #openaccessculture #ScholarLed #openaccess #metadata #opendata #ojs #PIDs #introduction
🎉 Exciting news! The Public Knowledge Project joins DataCite as a DataCite Registered Service Provider. Learn more about how PKP implemented best practice #DOI & metadata registration in #OJS:
Please boost if you love best practice #DOI metadata!🚀
#doi #ojs #PIDs #openinfrastructure #openresearch #scholcomm
🔊 En septiembre lanzamos nuestro Fondo de Acceso Global! Los invitamos a participar de esta sesión para saber más sobre el alcance, cómo aplicar y beneficiarse de este financiamiento para fomentar las #InfraestructuraAbierta en Latinoamérica👇🏾
#PIDs #Metadatos #CienciaAbierta
#infraestructuraabierta #PIDs #metadatos #cienciaabierta
📣 We are announcing our next webinar to the Asian research community. Join us to know the role of Persistent Identifiers (PIDs) in improving #visibility, #impact and #reusability of research outputs and resources!
▶️ Speakers: @Mohamadmostafa @dasaptaerwin Yuyun Wirawati Mohd Basyaruddin Abdul Rahman
▶️ Organisations: ISTIC-UNESCO, Nanyang Technological University Singapore, Institut Teknologi Bandung
#PIDs #DataCiteGAP #AsianResearch
Register and share 🚀 :
#visibility #impact #reusability #PIDs #datacitegap #asianresearch
📺 Missed the live webinar? Catch the recording of 'Unlocking repositories through persistent identifiers (PIDs): Enabling open research practices' now available on YouTube (slides linked in the description). Discover how institutional repositories can support Open Research policies:
#openresearch #datacitegap #PIDs #repositories
نود ان نذكركم بالتسجيل في اول ندوة لنا باللغه العربية حيث سنقدم برنامجنا للوصول العالمي وسنتطرق الي الحديث عن اهمية ودور المعرفات الدائمة للباحثين/الأكاديميين والجامعات والمؤسسات البحثية وصانعي السياسات الجامعية.
#openreserch #PIDs #datacitegap
So ... here I am ... an institutional repository who used to idle on Twitter, automatically posting #OpenAccess publications of my respected researchers from #TUHamburg But being a selfish repository I am also interested in the best repository software there is and all the folks taking care of it. #DSpace #DSpaceCRIS Needless to say #PIDs like #ORCID #DOI and #ROR are my favorite conversation topics as far as repositories can talk. #introduction
#openaccess #tuhamburg #dspace #dspacecris #PIDs #orcid #doi #ror #introduction
Ya está disponible la grabación del webinar "La adopción de Identificadores Persistentes #PIDs y su importancia en la investigación en Latinoamérica" junto con las diapositivas en la descripción. ¡Por favor, compártelo!
@argama @gabioshka
📢 ORCID-DE-Dialog heißt jetzt PID-Dialog!
Die Mailingliste ORCID-DE-Dialog ist jetzt unter neuem Namen und neuer Adresse erreichbar.
Abonnieren Sie die Liste, um zu den Entwicklungen rund um #PIDs auf nationaler & internationaler Ebene auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben:
Mehr Infos:
#PIDs #PersistentIdentifier #openscience
📺 Missed the live webinar? Catch the recording of 'Introducing DataCite's Global Access Program in Africa' now available on YouTube (slides linked in the description). Discover how we're empowering African research outputs for increased visibility & impact: 👇
Please boost if you support our GAP Africa webinar! 🚀
#africa #openresearch #openinfrastructure #PersistentIdentifier #DOIs #PIDs
¡Sólo queda una semana para inscribirse en nuestro seminario web sobre la adopción de Identificadores Persistentes (#PIDs) en la investigación en Latinoamérica! Únete a nosotros y aprende de Paola Bongiovani sobre #GestiónDeDatosDeInvestigación en Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Regístrate ahora y apóyanos compartiendo: 👇
#PIDs #gestiondedatosdeinvestigacion #cienciaabierta #DOIs
Join us next Tuesday at 10:00 UTC (13:00 EAT, 12:00 CAT, 11:00 WAT) for our webinar to hear from @gabioshka, Bosun Obileye, Harold Bowa & Olayemi Oluwasoga on how to promote research results in Africa using DataCite #DOIs.👇
#OpenScience #OpenResearch #persistentIdentifier #PIDs #DOI
Please boost to spread the word about DataCite in #Africa!🚀
#DOIs #openscience #openresearch #PersistentIdentifier #PIDs #doi #africa
We're happy to announce that Mohamad Mostafa has joined DataCite as our new Regional Engagement Specialist for the Middle East & Asia.
Read @Mohamadmostafa's first DataCite blog post to learn more about his plans to promote openness in the region's research landscape👇
#OpenScience #OpenResearch #OpenInfrastructure #persistentIdentifier #DOI #PIDs
Please boost to welcome Mohamad!🚀
#openscience #openresearch #openinfrastructure #PersistentIdentifier #doi #PIDs
thinking about benefits to a publication in academia of using #PIDs - my top three so far: 1. A solution to link rot by replacing URLs with permanent URI.
2. Helps with inclusion in academic record with PID registries distributing associated metadata.
3. Allows for granular referencing of parts of a publication such as chapters and of entities such as authors, or organisation, etc.
We're excited to engage with the Open Research Funders Group community to build on the work of #FAIRWorkflowsProject and make #FAIR a reality across sectors. Read all about it here 👇
#OpenScience #PersistentIdentifiers #DOI #OpenResearch #FAIRprinciples #PIDs
@sysg @chodacki
#fairworkflowsproject #fair #openscience #PersistentIdentifiers #doi #openresearch #FAIRprinciples #PIDs
Help us shape the DataCite Metadata Schema! Take our survey to help us understand the value of metadata to your organization and how your organization registers or consumes DOI metadata. Share your feedback by July 7:
#Metadata #CommunityDriven #PIDs #DOIs
Please boost, if you love our metadata schema too! 🚀
#metadata #CommunityDriven #PIDs #DOIs
We welcome the King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center as a new DataCite Member. 🥳💐🎉
DataCite DOIs will help KAPSARC assign DOIs to datasets.
#OpenResearch #PIDs #DOI #PersistentIdentifier #OpenScience
#openresearch #PIDs #doi #PersistentIdentifier #openscience