*ENTREVISTA: ¿Hay luz al final del túnel político?*
*Propuestas del #PLP, la nueva opción electoral para el #Peru*
Nuestro candidato presidencial, #PedroGuevara, nos explicará algunas de las propuestas del PLP en una entrevista para PlataformaCapital.
*Fecha:* viernes 06 de enero
*Hora:* 6:30 p.m. (hora peruana)
#Guardian #msm #Starmer #Labour #UK #politics
Like millions of #Leftwingers I am stuck wondering who the hell to vote for. In #England Labour should be an obvious choice. They are better than the #Tories but so is a used wet wipe. As for policies, almost everything Starmer or most of the #PLP says makes me furious so where does that take us?
I wish the Left had the sense to form a new united Left political party and gave us something to vote for and campaign through.
Or I could emigrate.
#PLP #tories #england #leftwingers #politics #uk #labour #starmer #msm #guardian
RT @Mediapart@twitter.com
#PLP Pour réformer les lycées professionnels, le pari de la concertation ne fait pas que des heureux. Certains ont déjà claqué la porte, échaudés par les précédents et les annonces hâtives du président de la République.
Par @MathildeGoanec@twitter.com https://mdpt.fr/3fMchsS
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Mediapart/status/1589693920090460163
What is #Labour for? Who is #Starmer? Who are the #PLP? Damned if I know. And, frankly, it is getting hard to care. I have no plans to vote Labour in any election. I might vote #Green - although it is just a futile protest vote under #FPTP.
Labour has no policy about stuff I am focused on: fundamental constitutional reform, sustainable economy, guaranteed human rights, accessible justice, new international ties to give security in a dangerous world. No more foodbanks. No more exploitation.
#FPTP #green #PLP #starmer #labour
#Paulette_Hamilton - she won the by-election for #Labour! Despite dirty campaign by #Tories. Well done, Paulette! Don't let yourself become another drone of the #PLP.
#PLP #tories #labour #Paulette_Hamilton
#Paulette_Hamilton #Keir_Starmer #labour
#Starmer has dragged #Labour to the #Right so he gets no love from me. In my opinion he belongs in the #LibDems but so do 99% of the #PLP.
Here's hoping #Hamilton does not forget her past if/when she joins the #Westminster_Bubble. You know, the same bubble that left #POC to die in #Grenfell and called #BLM 'criminals'. #UK is deeply #racist. #POC MPs have got to resist the #Whitewashing Kool-aid but few ever do.
Be different, Paulette!
#whitewashing #racist #uk #blm #grenfell #poc #Westminster_Bubble #hamilton #PLP #libdems #right #starmer #labour #keir_starmer #Paulette_Hamilton