🚨 #ElectoralBonds #RTI 🚨
₹ 20.28 Crores worth lapsed electoral bond went to unaccountable #PMNRF over 16 series of bonds issued by @TheOfficialSBI
RT @nit_set
A reminder:
The value of #ElectoralBonds sold so far: Rs 7380,63,80,000.
The indefatigable transparency activist, Commodore Lokesh Batra continues to track the channel secretively funneling unaccounted money into political parties. A channel that BJP legalised.
Bombay HC, in context of Kargil, Gujarat relief funds in 2001.
This is not specific to #PMCARES, #PMNRF also has been converted into corporate financing scheme, while been shown to public as relief fund. There is more to report, please DM
RT @logic
@Arunan22 #PMCARES is corporate investment vehicle, not to be confused with relief activities
மருத்துவ உதவி நிதி; ஒரு ஆண்டில் 40 பேருக்கு ஒரு கோடி ரூபாய்...- சு.வெங்கடேசன்.எம்.பி., மாநிலக்குழு உறுப்பினர் #CPIM #MedicalAssistanceFund #PMNRF #MaduraiMP @suve4madurai@twitter.com
#MaduraiMP #cpim #MedicalAssistanceFund #PMNRF