Eryck Gu⸸⸸eЯaL · @GothFvck
29 followers · 412 posts · Server

Procrastination pays off again! A new portable music player with was released.

My main gripe with companies like this is that they poop out hardware and never keep the software up-to-date. These do have WiFi and BT, along with a few applications for streaming services. Thus, they are potentially volunerable.

They are seriously still selling an older model with 8. Shame.

That's why I figure a stripped down distro can't be as bad.

#mp3player #ipod #PMP #linux #android #hibyos #hifi

Last updated 1 year ago

Cromley · @VoiceofDuum
55 followers · 468 posts · Server

@estherschindler do think I remember this Q from my project management exam


Last updated 2 years ago

Casual Observer · @clankgy1
139 followers · 467 posts · Server

I'm determined to not wait until the absolute last minute to get my PDUs done. 600+ days to renewal, and I am 1/4 of the way there.

(boy some of this stuff is as dry as pine needles)


Last updated 2 years ago

Casual Observer · @clankgy1
132 followers · 403 posts · Server

I realize that I should probably be looking at PDUs that are either of interest or relevant to job responsibilities, but I am letting LinkedIn Learning suggest videos. Interesting way to learn about topics I will likely never use (looking at you Project Online Reporting witjh Power BI).


Last updated 2 years ago

Casual Observer · @clankgy1
120 followers · 349 posts · Server

So after recent discussions in the meat-space and online with sec folks, they appear split on the usefulness of a CISSP in getting a role, and they also appear split on if going after a CISSP is a wise move if I can't guarantee my experience can be validated (long story, not involving fraud). And I'm not sure how I feel about the "have a CISSP vouch for you" thing.

A bonus of sorts is that some hiring managers look favorably on candidates with due to the large amount of project work in GRC and previous exposure to risk management,

Given all that, I will probably go with studying for Sec+ until I stop waffling on what to do. If nothing else, the Sec+ will reduce my CISSP work requirement by a year if I turn out to be undocumented.


#infosec #grc #PMP

Last updated 2 years ago

pyjack · @pyjack
55 followers · 34 posts · Server

Any folks out there? My partner is looking for a career change and any advice on how to start would be appreciated!

#projectmanagement #pm #projectmanagementtool #PMP #scrum #agile #projectmanager

Last updated 2 years ago

storyteller · @storyteller
93 followers · 86 posts · Server

I'll be real: I bogged down in the second chapter of this guide, all about "assessing project needs". The holidays didn't help.

A lot of the material seems to complicate what feels like it should be straightforward? It goes into painstaking detail about knowledge areas and process groups ... which are different ways of looking at the same material. Potentially helpful, potentially overkill.

The project viability math was cool. Straightforward to understand. Definitely the hidden gem in the chapter.

Tragically little space is spent discussing maintaining the documentation; basically, accessibility and version control. What about data retention? Encryption? Security and privacy requirements?

The case study introduced is cute.

Progress: 2/12 chapters. 70% on review questions, despite my holiday break. Unclear what that means about either me or the material.


Last updated 2 years ago

Simeon · @simeonjewell
2 followers · 25 posts · Server

I'm looking into getting some while I have free time between jobs. Based on some initial research, it looks like both and should be fairly straightforward for me, although I'm not certain about whether either would be worth the time and expense. Does anyone have any opinions on these certs, or other ones that might be more appropriate for a manager in or ? I'm still investigating getting a , which is another one I'm vaguely familiar with.

#certifications #itil #PMP #it #infosec #cissp

Last updated 2 years ago

Josh Teter · @jteter
8 followers · 5 posts · Server

Is worth it for a ? I believe so, but the reasons why may not be what you expect. Here's the article on LinkedIn:

The TPM Handbook is available on Amazon here:

#PMP #tpm

Last updated 2 years ago

Kenton Riley · @clueax
15 followers · 1 posts · Server

I've been silently following & observing for a couple weeks, so it appears I'm overdue for an post.

Professionally, I've been for about 16 years. I've evolved into more of a policy & guidance roll over the years, but I'm also still the lead. I'll try to share what I can when I can.

The first was my first infosec conference I attended. The second through final, I was a volunteer. I've also volunteered for every year except their 2nd.

I'm a , 4x college who had no career direction and eventually got an AAS degree in network administration in my 30s. I was working for an employer who had no IT security at the time, so I raised my hand and started my infosec career. I collect IT certs like kids collect pokemon but never submit CPEs - I just move on to another cert. I've had 7 certs at this point (8th pending), but only 2 are currently active. Also have expired , , and... lots of lesser stuff.

Apparently, I make a pretty damn good . Also a serviceable home bartender.

I've completed 7-ish(?) and a handful of half...but weight gain and age have kept me from adding any in the last 4 years. Also have a decent bike that I ride on a stand more than I do outdoors.

Most Wednesday evenings you can catch me at for the Louisville Society weekly "Drink and Draw." I don't draw, but I have a few friends who do and I enjoy practicing the drinking part.

Married, no kids. Both me and my pups (3 of them) are .

My politics trend very and I try to back that up with actions and financial support.

#introduction #blueteam #infosec #incidentresponse #derbycon #CircleCityCon #usnavy #veteran #dropout #giac #PMP #cissp #cheesecake #mixology #marathon #zanzabar #cartoonist #snipped #liberal

Last updated 2 years ago

Adam Dymitruk :uv: :em: :tux: · @adymitruk
1141 followers · 770 posts · Server

Lowercase 'a' has been so watered down that it loses any meaning. I avoid the term agile or any other loaded term associated with it like iterating, sprint, retro, stand up, and other buzzwords. I like systems to be manageable and flexible. I like them to be designed well in an expedient and collaborative manner with as little management overhead as possible. Any agile, , , etc certification in your title is a sure way to push the odds that you'll never work at my company.

#agile #scrum #PMP

Last updated 2 years ago

RISC-V · @risc_v
311 followers · 1662 posts · Server

-based XuanTie C series processors, which are developed based on RISC-V’s physical memory protection () mechanism and privileged architecture, can simultaneously support 16 zones? Read our recent blog post by @alibaba_cloud to learn more:

Original tweet :

#DYK #riscv #PMP

Last updated 3 years ago

RISC-V · @risc_v
311 followers · 1662 posts · Server

Read our newest blog to learn about -based XuanTie C series processors, which are developed based on RISC-V’s physical memory protection () mechanism and privileged architecture:

Original tweet :

#riscv #PMP

Last updated 3 years ago