An Elephant Never Forgets! 3 Years Ago | I was Blind but Now I Can See??;)

GLOBAL BANKING SYSTEMS on the Brink OF Financial, Economic, Social and Political ? | "Prophecy"?

What is USA and should YOU be CONCERNED? All 3 years ago right here on . We tried to ALL BUT .. see Vid for FULL STORY below.

from delivers a assessment on the state of developed .


* The in the under is of . Corporate American is the MOST highly Leveraged it has ever been. 3 trillion dollars sitting at TRIPLE B?"

* But Debt is NOT the Problem in the United States.. Its .. ..

are NOW OVER 124 ?? That means is that the USA Government has promised to pay people 124 Trillion dollars?? But they haven't Funded it that's why its a UNFUNDED LIABILITY.. Where the Hell is the USA Government going to get 124 TRILLION Dollars From?..

* "What is your perspective on the state of the Bond Market happening today and What are the implications of ?"

* "1998 Asian financial Crisis | All Asian Governments wanted to PRINT MONEY while (International Money Fund) says NO! NO! NO! you cant do that because if you so you are gonna end up like ZIMBABWE.. BANKS WENT BUST..??"

* "2007 AND 2008 NOT GLOBAL but Financial Crisis REVISITED.. There was absolute SHOCK IN ASIA?? What did Western Governments and Central banks do?? They did exactly what they had told Asian Governments NOT TO-DO 10 YEARS EARLIER?? They went and PRINTED MONEY??"

* "In the Emerging World Economic and Monetary Policy is Broadly Orthodox' it's the that is running Economic and Monetary Policy and its the that is NOW on the ??

Emerging Markets ARE a SAFE HAVEN NOW. Its the DEVELOPED WORLD that is really at RISK NOW..??"

No more Bullets left in the Gun. The West has fired all its Bullets.

* "Take my dear mother in London for example. She Feels POOR and she feels she has to economize with her spending.."

* "The only people who've made MONEY in the last 10 years are the 1% of the 1%.. (!) 99.99% of the rest of the population have been left behind (EXCLUSION?)."

* What we never had to deal with before is a IN THE ?? What Happens when that goes ??..

* "In an environment where the WEST FINALLY WAKES UP and Takes the Medicine it's going to impact EVERYBODY including EMERGING MARKETS..? Emerging Market Balance sheets are far stronger than the DEVELOPED WORLD."

Today for EARLY TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON! JOBS FOR ALL WORLDWIDE! WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending). Upon launch all will be notified.

Founder of (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of (High Frequency Trading) ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) ® () ® (Got Complaints Post it;)?)
Davidv.TV ® (BIGFAITH) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #COLLAPSE #Credit_Suisse #UNFUNDED_LIABILITIES #PREDICTED #linkedin #WARN #NO_ONE_LISTENED #Donald_Amstad #Aberdeen_Standard_Investments #sobering #market_economies #Quick_Quotes #Government_Debt #usa #President_Trump #out #control #liabilities #TRILLION_DOLLARS #Government_Bonds #imf #western #west #UNORTHODOX #CLIFF_EDGE #THE_ELITE #bubble #RISK_FREE #ASSET_CLASS #pop #CONNECT #INVITE #SEO #RTB #HFT

Last updated 2 years ago

DavidV.TV ® · @DavidVTV
1 followers · 109 posts · Server

An Elephant Never Forgets! 3 Years Ago | I was Blind but Now I Can See??;)

GLOBAL BANKING SYSTEMS on the Brink OF Financial, Economic, Social and Political ? | "Prophecy"?

What is USA and should YOU be CONCERNED? All 3 years ago right here on . We tried to ALL BUT .. see Vid for FULL STORY below.

from delivers a assessment on the state of developed .


* The in the under is of . Corporate American is the MOST highly Leveraged it has ever been. 3 trillion dollars sitting at TRIPLE B?"

* But Debt is NOT the Problem in the United States.. Its .. ..

are NOW OVER 124 ?? That means is that the USA Government has promised to pay people 124 Trillion dollars?? But they haven't Funded it that's why its a UNFUNDED LIABILITY.. Where the Hell is the USA Government going to get 124 TRILLION Dollars From?..

* "What is your perspective on the state of the Bond Market happening today and What are the implications of ?"

* "1998 Asian financial Crisis | All Asian Governments wanted to PRINT MONEY while (International Money Fund) says NO! NO! NO! you cant do that because if you so you are gonna end up like ZIMBABWE.. BANKS WENT BUST..??"

* "2007 AND 2008 NOT GLOBAL but Financial Crisis REVISITED.. There was absolute SHOCK IN ASIA?? What did Western Governments and Central banks do?? They did exactly what they had told Asian Governments NOT TO-DO 10 YEARS EARLIER?? They went and PRINTED MONEY??"

* "In the Emerging World Economic and Monetary Policy is Broadly Orthodox' it's the that is running Economic and Monetary Policy and its the that is NOW on the ??

Emerging Markets ARE a SAFE HAVEN NOW. Its the DEVELOPED WORLD that is really at RISK NOW..??"

No more Bullets left in the Gun. The West has fired all its Bullets.

* "Take my dear mother in London for example. She Feels POOR and she feels she has to economize with her spending.."

* "The only people who've made MONEY in the last 10 years are the 1% of the 1%.. (!) 99.99% of the rest of the population have been left behind (EXCLUSION?)."

* What we never had to deal with before is a IN THE ?? What Happens when that goes ??..

* "In an environment where the WEST FINALLY WAKES UP and Takes the Medicine it's going to impact EVERYBODY including EMERGING MARKETS..? Emerging Market Balance sheets are far stronger than the DEVELOPED WORLD."

Today for EARLY TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON! JOBS FOR ALL WORLDWIDE! WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending). Upon launch all will be notified.

Founder of (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of (High Frequency Trading) ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) ® () ® (Got Complaints Post it;)?)
Davidv.TV ® (BIGFAITH) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #COLLAPSE #Credit_Suisse #UNFUNDED_LIABILITIES #PREDICTED #linkedin #WARN #NO_ONE_LISTENED #Donald_Amstad #Aberdeen_Standard_Investments #sobering #market_economies #Quick_Quotes #Government_Debt #usa #President_Trump #out #control #liabilities #TRILLION_DOLLARS #Government_Bonds #imf #western #west #UNORTHODOX #CLIFF_EDGE #THE_ELITE #bubble #RISK_FREE #ASSET_CLASS #pop #CONNECT #INVITE #SEO #RTB #HFT

Last updated 2 years ago

DavidV.TV ® · @DavidVTV
1 followers · 108 posts · Server

An Elephant Never Forgets! 3 Years Ago | I was Blind but Now I Can See??;)

GLOBAL BANKING SYSTEMS on the Brink OF Financial, Economic, Social and Political ? | "Prophecy"?

What is USA and should YOU be CONCERNED? All 3 years ago right here on . We tried to ALL BUT .. see Vid for FULL STORY below.

from delivers a assessment on the state of developed .


* The in the under is of . Corporate American is the MOST highly Leveraged it has ever been. 3 trillion dollars sitting at TRIPLE B?"

* But Debt is NOT the Problem in the United States.. Its .. ..

are NOW OVER 124 ?? That means is that the USA Government has promised to pay people 124 Trillion dollars?? But they haven't Funded it that's why its a UNFUNDED LIABILITY.. Where the Hell is the USA Government going to get 124 TRILLION Dollars From?..

* "What is your perspective on the state of the Bond Market happening today and What are the implications of ?"

* "1998 Asian financial Crisis | All Asian Governments wanted to PRINT MONEY while (International Money Fund) says NO! NO! NO! you cant do that because if you so you are gonna end up like ZIMBABWE.. BANKS WENT BUST..??"

* "2007 AND 2008 NOT GLOBAL but Financial Crisis REVISITED.. There was absolute SHOCK IN ASIA?? What did Western Governments and Central banks do?? They did exactly what they had told Asian Governments NOT TO-DO 10 YEARS EARLIER?? They went and PRINTED MONEY??"

* "In the Emerging World Economic and Monetary Policy is Broadly Orthodox' it's the that is running Economic and Monetary Policy and its the that is NOW on the ??

Emerging Markets ARE a SAFE HAVEN NOW. Its the DEVELOPED WORLD that is really at RISK NOW..??"

No more Bullets left in the Gun. The West has fired all its Bullets.

* "Take my dear mother in London for example. She Feels POOR and she feels she has to economize with her spending.."

* "The only people who've made MONEY in the last 10 years are the 1% of the 1%.. (!) 99.99% of the rest of the population have been left behind (EXCLUSION?)."

* What we never had to deal with before is a IN THE ?? What Happens when that goes ??..

* "In an environment where the WEST FINALLY WAKES UP and Takes the Medicine it's going to impact EVERYBODY including EMERGING MARKETS..? Emerging Market Balance sheets are far stronger than the DEVELOPED WORLD."

Today for EARLY TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON! JOBS FOR ALL WORLDWIDE! WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending). Upon launch all will be notified.

Founder of (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of (High Frequency Trading) ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) ® () ® (Got Complaints Post it;)?)
Davidv.TV ® (BIGFAITH) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #COLLAPSE #Credit_Suisse #UNFUNDED_LIABILITIES #PREDICTED #linkedin #WARN #NO_ONE_LISTENED #Donald_Amstad #Aberdeen_Standard_Investments #sobering #market_economies #Quick_Quotes #Government_Debt #usa #President_Trump #out #control #liabilities #TRILLION_DOLLARS #Government_Bonds #imf #western #west #UNORTHODOX #CLIFF_EDGE #THE_ELITE #bubble #RISK_FREE #ASSET_CLASS #pop #CONNECT #INVITE #SEO #RTB #HFT

Last updated 2 years ago

DavidV.TV ® · @DavidVTV
1 followers · 107 posts · Server

An Elephant Never Forgets! 3 Years Ago | I was Blind but Now I Can See??;)

GLOBAL BANKING SYSTEMS on the Brink OF Financial, Economic, Social and Political ? | "Prophecy"?

What is USA and should YOU be CONCERNED? All 3 years ago right here on . We tried to ALL BUT .. see Vid for FULL STORY below.

from delivers a assessment on the state of developed .


* The in the under is of . Corporate American is the MOST highly Leveraged it has ever been. 3 trillion dollars sitting at TRIPLE B?"

* But Debt is NOT the Problem in the United States.. Its .. ..

are NOW OVER 124 ?? That means is that the USA Government has promised to pay people 124 Trillion dollars?? But they haven't Funded it that's why its a UNFUNDED LIABILITY.. Where the Hell is the USA Government going to get 124 TRILLION Dollars From?..

* "What is your perspective on the state of the Bond Market happening today and What are the implications of ?"

* "1998 Asian financial Crisis | All Asian Governments wanted to PRINT MONEY while (International Money Fund) says NO! NO! NO! you cant do that because if you so you are gonna end up like ZIMBABWE.. BANKS WENT BUST..??"

* "2007 AND 2008 NOT GLOBAL but Financial Crisis REVISITED.. There was absolute SHOCK IN ASIA?? What did Western Governments and Central banks do?? They did exactly what they had told Asian Governments NOT TO-DO 10 YEARS EARLIER?? They went and PRINTED MONEY??"

* "In the Emerging World Economic and Monetary Policy is Broadly Orthodox' it's the that is running Economic and Monetary Policy and its the that is NOW on the ??

Emerging Markets ARE a SAFE HAVEN NOW. Its the DEVELOPED WORLD that is really at RISK NOW..??"

No more Bullets left in the Gun. The West has fired all its Bullets.

* "Take my dear mother in London for example. She Feels POOR and she feels she has to economize with her spending.."

* "The only people who've made MONEY in the last 10 years are the 1% of the 1%.. (!) 99.99% of the rest of the population have been left behind (EXCLUSION?)."

* What we never had to deal with before is a IN THE ?? What Happens when that goes ??..

* "In an environment where the WEST FINALLY WAKES UP and Takes the Medicine it's going to impact EVERYBODY including EMERGING MARKETS..? Emerging Market Balance sheets are far stronger than the DEVELOPED WORLD."

Today for EARLY TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON! JOBS FOR ALL WORLDWIDE! WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending). Upon launch all will be notified.

Founder of (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of (High Frequency Trading) ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) ® () ® (Got Complaints Post it;)?)
Davidv.TV ® (BIGFAITH) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #COLLAPSE #Credit_Suisse #UNFUNDED_LIABILITIES #PREDICTED #linkedin #WARN #NO_ONE_LISTENED #Donald_Amstad #Aberdeen_Standard_Investments #sobering #market_economies #Quick_Quotes #Government_Debt #usa #President_Trump #out #control #liabilities #TRILLION_DOLLARS #Government_Bonds #imf #western #west #UNORTHODOX #CLIFF_EDGE #THE_ELITE #bubble #RISK_FREE #ASSET_CLASS #pop #CONNECT #INVITE #SEO #RTB #HFT

Last updated 2 years ago

DavidV.TV ® · @DavidVTV
1 followers · 106 posts · Server

An Elephant Never Forgets! 3 Years Ago | I was Blind but Now I Can See??;)

GLOBAL BANKING SYSTEMS on the Brink OF Financial, Economic, Social and Political ? | "Prophecy"?

What is USA and should YOU be CONCERNED? All 3 years ago right here on . We tried to ALL BUT .. see Vid for FULL STORY below.

from delivers a assessment on the state of developed .


* The in the under is of . Corporate American is the MOST highly Leveraged it has ever been. 3 trillion dollars sitting at TRIPLE B?"

* But Debt is NOT the Problem in the United States.. Its .. ..

are NOW OVER 124 ?? That means is that the USA Government has promised to pay people 124 Trillion dollars?? But they haven't Funded it that's why its a UNFUNDED LIABILITY.. Where the Hell is the USA Government going to get 124 TRILLION Dollars From?..

* "What is your perspective on the state of the Bond Market happening today and What are the implications of ?"

* "1998 Asian financial Crisis | All Asian Governments wanted to PRINT MONEY while (International Money Fund) says NO! NO! NO! you cant do that because if you so you are gonna end up like ZIMBABWE.. BANKS WENT BUST..??"

* "2007 AND 2008 NOT GLOBAL but Financial Crisis REVISITED.. There was absolute SHOCK IN ASIA?? What did Western Governments and Central banks do?? They did exactly what they had told Asian Governments NOT TO-DO 10 YEARS EARLIER?? They went and PRINTED MONEY??"

* "In the Emerging World Economic and Monetary Policy is Broadly Orthodox' it's the that is running Economic and Monetary Policy and its the that is NOW on the ??

Emerging Markets ARE a SAFE HAVEN NOW. Its the DEVELOPED WORLD that is really at RISK NOW..??"

No more Bullets left in the Gun. The West has fired all its Bullets.

* "Take my dear mother in London for example. She Feels POOR and she feels she has to economize with her spending.."

* "The only people who've made MONEY in the last 10 years are the 1% of the 1%.. (!) 99.99% of the rest of the population have been left behind (EXCLUSION?)."

* What we never had to deal with before is a IN THE ?? What Happens when that goes ??..

* "In an environment where the WEST FINALLY WAKES UP and Takes the Medicine it's going to impact EVERYBODY including EMERGING MARKETS..? Emerging Market Balance sheets are far stronger than the DEVELOPED WORLD."

Today for EARLY TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON! JOBS FOR ALL WORLDWIDE! WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending). Upon launch all will be notified.

Founder of (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of (High Frequency Trading) ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) ® () ® (Got Complaints Post it;)?)
Davidv.TV ® (BIGFAITH) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #COLLAPSE #Credit_Suisse #UNFUNDED_LIABILITIES #PREDICTED #linkedin #WARN #NO_ONE_LISTENED #Donald_Amstad #Aberdeen_Standard_Investments #sobering #market_economies #Quick_Quotes #Government_Debt #usa #President_Trump #out #control #liabilities #TRILLION_DOLLARS #Government_Bonds #imf #western #west #UNORTHODOX #CLIFF_EDGE #THE_ELITE #bubble #RISK_FREE #ASSET_CLASS #pop #CONNECT #INVITE #SEO #RTB #HFT

Last updated 2 years ago

An Elephant Never Forgets! 3 Years Ago | I was Blind but Now I Can See??;)

GLOBAL BANKING SYSTEMS on the Brink OF Financial, Economic, Social and Political ? | "Prophecy"?

What is USA and should YOU be CONCERNED? All 3 years ago right here on . We tried to ALL BUT .. see Vid for FULL STORY below.

from delivers a assessment on the state of developed .


* The in the under is of . Corporate American is the MOST highly Leveraged it has ever been. 3 trillion dollars sitting at TRIPLE B?"

* But Debt is NOT the Problem in the United States.. Its .. ..

are NOW OVER 124 ?? That means is that the USA Government has promised to pay people 124 Trillion dollars?? But they haven't Funded it that's why its a UNFUNDED LIABILITY.. Where the Hell is the USA Government going to get 124 TRILLION Dollars From?..

* "What is your perspective on the state of the Bond Market happening today and What are the implications of ?"

* "1998 Asian financial Crisis | All Asian Governments wanted to PRINT MONEY while (International Money Fund) says NO! NO! NO! you cant do that because if you so you are gonna end up like ZIMBABWE.. BANKS WENT BUST..??"

* "2007 AND 2008 NOT GLOBAL but Financial Crisis REVISITED.. There was absolute SHOCK IN ASIA?? What did Western Governments and Central banks do?? They did exactly what they had told Asian Governments NOT TO-DO 10 YEARS EARLIER?? They went and PRINTED MONEY??"

* "In the Emerging World Economic and Monetary Policy is Broadly Orthodox' it's the that is running Economic and Monetary Policy and its the that is NOW on the ??

Emerging Markets ARE a SAFE HAVEN NOW. Its the DEVELOPED WORLD that is really at RISK NOW..??"

No more Bullets left in the Gun. The West has fired all its Bullets.

* "Take my dear mother in London for example. She Feels POOR and she feels she has to economize with her spending.."

* "The only people who've made MONEY in the last 10 years are the 1% of the 1%.. (!) 99.99% of the rest of the population have been left behind (EXCLUSION?)."

* What we never had to deal with before is a IN THE ?? What Happens when that goes ??..

* "In an environment where the WEST FINALLY WAKES UP and Takes the Medicine it's going to impact EVERYBODY including EMERGING MARKETS..? Emerging Market Balance sheets are far stronger than the DEVELOPED WORLD."

Today for EARLY TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON! JOBS FOR ALL WORLDWIDE! WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending). Upon launch all will be notified.

Founder of (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of (High Frequency Trading) ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) ® () ® (Got Complaints Post it;)?)
Davidv.TV ® (BIGFAITH) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #COLLAPSE #Credit_Suisse #UNFUNDED_LIABILITIES #PREDICTED #linkedin #WARN #NO_ONE_LISTENED #Donald_Amstad #Aberdeen_Standard_Investments #sobering #market_economies #Quick_Quotes #Government_Debt #usa #President_Trump #out #control #liabilities #TRILLION_DOLLARS #Government_Bonds #imf #western #west #UNORTHODOX #CLIFF_EDGE #THE_ELITE #bubble #RISK_FREE #ASSET_CLASS #pop #CONNECT #INVITE #SEO #RTB #HFT

Last updated 2 years ago

An Elephant Never Forgets! 3 Years Ago | I was Blind but Now I Can See??;)

GLOBAL BANKING SYSTEMS on the Brink OF Financial, Economic, Social and Political ? | "Prophecy"?

What is USA and should YOU be CONCERNED? All 3 years ago right here on . We tried to ALL BUT .. see Vid for FULL STORY below.

from delivers a assessment on the state of developed .


* The in the under is of . Corporate American is the MOST highly Leveraged it has ever been. 3 trillion dollars sitting at TRIPLE B?"

* But Debt is NOT the Problem in the United States.. Its .. ..

are NOW OVER 124 ?? That means is that the USA Government has promised to pay people 124 Trillion dollars?? But they haven't Funded it that's why its a UNFUNDED LIABILITY.. Where the Hell is the USA Government going to get 124 TRILLION Dollars From?..

* "What is your perspective on the state of the Bond Market happening today and What are the implications of ?"

* "1998 Asian financial Crisis | All Asian Governments wanted to PRINT MONEY while (International Money Fund) says NO! NO! NO! you cant do that because if you so you are gonna end up like ZIMBABWE.. BANKS WENT BUST..??"

* "2007 AND 2008 NOT GLOBAL but Financial Crisis REVISITED.. There was absolute SHOCK IN ASIA?? What did Western Governments and Central banks do?? They did exactly what they had told Asian Governments NOT TO-DO 10 YEARS EARLIER?? They went and PRINTED MONEY??"

* "In the Emerging World Economic and Monetary Policy is Broadly Orthodox' it's the that is running Economic and Monetary Policy and its the that is NOW on the ??

Emerging Markets ARE a SAFE HAVEN NOW. Its the DEVELOPED WORLD that is really at RISK NOW..??"

No more Bullets left in the Gun. The West has fired all its Bullets.

* "Take my dear mother in London for example. She Feels POOR and she feels she has to economize with her spending.."

* "The only people who've made MONEY in the last 10 years are the 1% of the 1%.. (!) 99.99% of the rest of the population have been left behind (EXCLUSION?)."

* What we never had to deal with before is a IN THE ?? What Happens when that goes ??..

* "In an environment where the WEST FINALLY WAKES UP and Takes the Medicine it's going to impact EVERYBODY including EMERGING MARKETS..? Emerging Market Balance sheets are far stronger than the DEVELOPED WORLD."

Today for EARLY TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON! JOBS FOR ALL WORLDWIDE! WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending). Upon launch all will be notified.

Founder of (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of (High Frequency Trading) ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) ® () ® (Got Complaints Post it;)?)
Davidv.TV ® (BIGFAITH) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #COLLAPSE #Credit_Suisse #UNFUNDED_LIABILITIES #PREDICTED #linkedin #WARN #NO_ONE_LISTENED #Donald_Amstad #Aberdeen_Standard_Investments #sobering #market_economies #Quick_Quotes #Government_Debt #usa #President_Trump #out #control #liabilities #TRILLION_DOLLARS #Government_Bonds #imf #western #west #UNORTHODOX #CLIFF_EDGE #THE_ELITE #bubble #RISK_FREE #ASSET_CLASS #pop #CONNECT #INVITE #SEO #RTB #HFT

Last updated 2 years ago

An Elephant Never Forgets! 3 Years Ago | I was Blind but Now I Can See??;)

GLOBAL BANKING SYSTEMS on the Brink OF Financial, Economic, Social and Political ? | "Prophecy"?

What is USA and should YOU be CONCERNED? All 3 years ago right here on . We tried to ALL BUT .. see Vid for FULL STORY below.

from delivers a assessment on the state of developed .


* The in the under is of . Corporate American is the MOST highly Leveraged it has ever been. 3 trillion dollars sitting at TRIPLE B?"

* But Debt is NOT the Problem in the United States.. Its .. ..

are NOW OVER 124 ?? That means is that the USA Government has promised to pay people 124 Trillion dollars?? But they haven't Funded it that's why its a UNFUNDED LIABILITY.. Where the Hell is the USA Government going to get 124 TRILLION Dollars From?..

* "What is your perspective on the state of the Bond Market happening today and What are the implications of ?"

* "1998 Asian financial Crisis | All Asian Governments wanted to PRINT MONEY while (International Money Fund) says NO! NO! NO! you cant do that because if you so you are gonna end up like ZIMBABWE.. BANKS WENT BUST..??"

* "2007 AND 2008 NOT GLOBAL but Financial Crisis REVISITED.. There was absolute SHOCK IN ASIA?? What did Western Governments and Central banks do?? They did exactly what they had told Asian Governments NOT TO-DO 10 YEARS EARLIER?? They went and PRINTED MONEY??"

* "In the Emerging World Economic and Monetary Policy is Broadly Orthodox' it's the that is running Economic and Monetary Policy and its the that is NOW on the ??

Emerging Markets ARE a SAFE HAVEN NOW. Its the DEVELOPED WORLD that is really at RISK NOW..??"

No more Bullets left in the Gun. The West has fired all its Bullets.

* "Take my dear mother in London for example. She Feels POOR and she feels she has to economize with her spending.."

* "The only people who've made MONEY in the last 10 years are the 1% of the 1%.. (!) 99.99% of the rest of the population have been left behind (EXCLUSION?)."

* What we never had to deal with before is a IN THE ?? What Happens when that goes ??..

* "In an environment where the WEST FINALLY WAKES UP and Takes the Medicine it's going to impact EVERYBODY including EMERGING MARKETS..? Emerging Market Balance sheets are far stronger than the DEVELOPED WORLD."

Today for EARLY TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON! JOBS FOR ALL WORLDWIDE! WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending). Upon launch all will be notified.

Founder of (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of (High Frequency Trading) ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) ® () ® (Got Complaints Post it;)?)
Davidv.TV ® (BIGFAITH) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #COLLAPSE #Credit_Suisse #UNFUNDED_LIABILITIES #PREDICTED #linkedin #WARN #NO_ONE_LISTENED #Donald_Amstad #Aberdeen_Standard_Investments #sobering #market_economies #Quick_Quotes #Government_Debt #usa #President_Trump #out #control #liabilities #TRILLION_DOLLARS #Government_Bonds #imf #western #west #UNORTHODOX #CLIFF_EDGE #THE_ELITE #bubble #RISK_FREE #ASSET_CLASS #pop #CONNECT #INVITE #SEO #RTB #HFT

Last updated 2 years ago

An Elephant Never Forgets! 3 Years Ago | I was Blind but Now I Can See??;)

GLOBAL BANKING SYSTEMS on the Brink OF Financial, Economic, Social and Political ? | "Prophecy"?

What is USA and should YOU be CONCERNED? All 3 years ago right here on . We tried to ALL BUT .. see Vid for FULL STORY below.

from delivers a assessment on the state of developed .


* The in the under is of . Corporate American is the MOST highly Leveraged it has ever been. 3 trillion dollars sitting at TRIPLE B?"

* But Debt is NOT the Problem in the United States.. Its .. ..

are NOW OVER 124 ?? That means is that the USA Government has promised to pay people 124 Trillion dollars?? But they haven't Funded it that's why its a UNFUNDED LIABILITY.. Where the Hell is the USA Government going to get 124 TRILLION Dollars From?..

* "What is your perspective on the state of the Bond Market happening today and What are the implications of ?"

* "1998 Asian financial Crisis | All Asian Governments wanted to PRINT MONEY while (International Money Fund) says NO! NO! NO! you cant do that because if you so you are gonna end up like ZIMBABWE.. BANKS WENT BUST..??"

* "2007 AND 2008 NOT GLOBAL but Financial Crisis REVISITED.. There was absolute SHOCK IN ASIA?? What did Western Governments and Central banks do?? They did exactly what they had told Asian Governments NOT TO-DO 10 YEARS EARLIER?? They went and PRINTED MONEY??"

* "In the Emerging World Economic and Monetary Policy is Broadly Orthodox' it's the that is running Economic and Monetary Policy and its the that is NOW on the ??

Emerging Markets ARE a SAFE HAVEN NOW. Its the DEVELOPED WORLD that is really at RISK NOW..??"

No more Bullets left in the Gun. The West has fired all its Bullets.

* "Take my dear mother in London for example. She Feels POOR and she feels she has to economize with her spending.."

* "The only people who've made MONEY in the last 10 years are the 1% of the 1%.. (!) 99.99% of the rest of the population have been left behind (EXCLUSION?)."

* What we never had to deal with before is a IN THE ?? What Happens when that goes ??..

* "In an environment where the WEST FINALLY WAKES UP and Takes the Medicine it's going to impact EVERYBODY including EMERGING MARKETS..? Emerging Market Balance sheets are far stronger than the DEVELOPED WORLD."

Today for EARLY TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON! JOBS FOR ALL WORLDWIDE! WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending). Upon launch all will be notified.

Founder of (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of (High Frequency Trading) ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) ® () ® (Got Complaints Post it;)?)
Davidv.TV ® (BIGFAITH) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #COLLAPSE #Credit_Suisse #UNFUNDED_LIABILITIES #PREDICTED #linkedin #WARN #NO_ONE_LISTENED #Donald_Amstad #Aberdeen_Standard_Investments #sobering #market_economies #Quick_Quotes #Government_Debt #usa #President_Trump #out #control #liabilities #TRILLION_DOLLARS #Government_Bonds #imf #western #west #UNORTHODOX #CLIFF_EDGE #THE_ELITE #bubble #RISK_FREE #ASSET_CLASS #pop #CONNECT #INVITE #SEO #RTB #HFT

Last updated 2 years ago

An Elephant Never Forgets! 3 Years Ago | I was Blind but Now I Can See??;)

GLOBAL BANKING SYSTEMS on the Brink OF Financial, Economic, Social and Political ? | "Prophecy"?

What is USA and should YOU be CONCERNED? All 3 years ago right here on . We tried to ALL BUT .. see Vid for FULL STORY below.

from delivers a assessment on the state of developed .


* The in the under is of . Corporate American is the MOST highly Leveraged it has ever been. 3 trillion dollars sitting at TRIPLE B?"

* But Debt is NOT the Problem in the United States.. Its .. ..

are NOW OVER 124 ?? That means is that the USA Government has promised to pay people 124 Trillion dollars?? But they haven't Funded it that's why its a UNFUNDED LIABILITY.. Where the Hell is the USA Government going to get 124 TRILLION Dollars From?..

* "What is your perspective on the state of the Bond Market happening today and What are the implications of ?"

* "1998 Asian financial Crisis | All Asian Governments wanted to PRINT MONEY while (International Money Fund) says NO! NO! NO! you cant do that because if you so you are gonna end up like ZIMBABWE.. BANKS WENT BUST..??"

* "2007 AND 2008 NOT GLOBAL but Financial Crisis REVISITED.. There was absolute SHOCK IN ASIA?? What did Western Governments and Central banks do?? They did exactly what they had told Asian Governments NOT TO-DO 10 YEARS EARLIER?? They went and PRINTED MONEY??"

* "In the Emerging World Economic and Monetary Policy is Broadly Orthodox' it's the that is running Economic and Monetary Policy and its the that is NOW on the ??

Emerging Markets ARE a SAFE HAVEN NOW. Its the DEVELOPED WORLD that is really at RISK NOW..??"

No more Bullets left in the Gun. The West has fired all its Bullets.

* "Take my dear mother in London for example. She Feels POOR and she feels she has to economize with her spending.."

* "The only people who've made MONEY in the last 10 years are the 1% of the 1%.. (!) 99.99% of the rest of the population have been left behind (EXCLUSION?)."

* What we never had to deal with before is a IN THE ?? What Happens when that goes ??..

* "In an environment where the WEST FINALLY WAKES UP and Takes the Medicine it's going to impact EVERYBODY including EMERGING MARKETS..? Emerging Market Balance sheets are far stronger than the DEVELOPED WORLD."

Today for EARLY TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON! JOBS FOR ALL WORLDWIDE! WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending). Upon launch all will be notified.

Founder of (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of (High Frequency Trading) ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) ® () ® (Got Complaints Post it;)?)
Davidv.TV ® (BIGFAITH) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #COLLAPSE #Credit_Suisse #UNFUNDED_LIABILITIES #PREDICTED #linkedin #WARN #NO_ONE_LISTENED #Donald_Amstad #Aberdeen_Standard_Investments #sobering #market_economies #Quick_Quotes #Government_Debt #usa #President_Trump #out #control #liabilities #TRILLION_DOLLARS #Government_Bonds #imf #western #west #UNORTHODOX #CLIFF_EDGE #THE_ELITE #bubble #RISK_FREE #ASSET_CLASS #pop #CONNECT #INVITE #SEO #RTB #HFT

Last updated 2 years ago

An Elephant Never Forgets! 3 Years Ago | I was Blind but Now I Can See??;)

GLOBAL BANKING SYSTEMS on the Brink OF Financial, Economic, Social and Political ? | "Prophecy"?

What is USA and should YOU be CONCERNED? All 3 years ago right here on . We tried to ALL BUT .. see Vid for FULL STORY below.

from delivers a assessment on the state of developed .


* The in the under is of . Corporate American is the MOST highly Leveraged it has ever been. 3 trillion dollars sitting at TRIPLE B?"

* But Debt is NOT the Problem in the United States.. Its .. ..

are NOW OVER 124 ?? That means is that the USA Government has promised to pay people 124 Trillion dollars?? But they haven't Funded it that's why its a UNFUNDED LIABILITY.. Where the Hell is the USA Government going to get 124 TRILLION Dollars From?..

* "What is your perspective on the state of the Bond Market happening today and What are the implications of ?"

* "1998 Asian financial Crisis | All Asian Governments wanted to PRINT MONEY while (International Money Fund) says NO! NO! NO! you cant do that because if you so you are gonna end up like ZIMBABWE.. BANKS WENT BUST..??"

* "2007 AND 2008 NOT GLOBAL but Financial Crisis REVISITED.. There was absolute SHOCK IN ASIA?? What did Western Governments and Central banks do?? They did exactly what they had told Asian Governments NOT TO-DO 10 YEARS EARLIER?? They went and PRINTED MONEY??"

* "In the Emerging World Economic and Monetary Policy is Broadly Orthodox' it's the that is running Economic and Monetary Policy and its the that is NOW on the ??

Emerging Markets ARE a SAFE HAVEN NOW. Its the DEVELOPED WORLD that is really at RISK NOW..??"

No more Bullets left in the Gun. The West has fired all its Bullets.

* "Take my dear mother in London for example. She Feels POOR and she feels she has to economize with her spending.."

* "The only people who've made MONEY in the last 10 years are the 1% of the 1%.. (!) 99.99% of the rest of the population have been left behind (EXCLUSION?)."

* What we never had to deal with before is a IN THE ?? What Happens when that goes ??..

* "In an environment where the WEST FINALLY WAKES UP and Takes the Medicine it's going to impact EVERYBODY including EMERGING MARKETS..? Emerging Market Balance sheets are far stronger than the DEVELOPED WORLD."

Today for EARLY TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON! JOBS FOR ALL WORLDWIDE! WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending). Upon launch all will be notified.

Founder of (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of (High Frequency Trading) ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) ® () ® (Got Complaints Post it;)?)
Davidv.TV ® (BIGFAITH) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #COLLAPSE #Credit_Suisse #UNFUNDED_LIABILITIES #PREDICTED #linkedin #WARN #NO_ONE_LISTENED #Donald_Amstad #Aberdeen_Standard_Investments #sobering #market_economies #Quick_Quotes #Government_Debt #usa #President_Trump #out #control #liabilities #TRILLION_DOLLARS #Government_Bonds #imf #western #west #UNORTHODOX #CLIFF_EDGE #THE_ELITE #bubble #RISK_FREE #ASSET_CLASS #pop #CONNECT #INVITE #SEO #RTB #HFT

Last updated 2 years ago

An Elephant Never Forgets! 3 Years Ago | I was Blind but Now I Can See??;)

GLOBAL BANKING SYSTEMS on the Brink OF Financial, Economic, Social and Political ? | "Prophecy"?

What is USA and should YOU be CONCERNED? All 3 years ago right here on . We tried to ALL BUT .. see Vid for FULL STORY below.

from delivers a assessment on the state of developed .


* The in the under is of . Corporate American is the MOST highly Leveraged it has ever been. 3 trillion dollars sitting at TRIPLE B?"

* But Debt is NOT the Problem in the United States.. Its .. ..

are NOW OVER 124 ?? That means is that the USA Government has promised to pay people 124 Trillion dollars?? But they haven't Funded it that's why its a UNFUNDED LIABILITY.. Where the Hell is the USA Government going to get 124 TRILLION Dollars From?..

* "What is your perspective on the state of the Bond Market happening today and What are the implications of ?"

* "1998 Asian financial Crisis | All Asian Governments wanted to PRINT MONEY while (International Money Fund) says NO! NO! NO! you cant do that because if you so you are gonna end up like ZIMBABWE.. BANKS WENT BUST..??"

* "2007 AND 2008 NOT GLOBAL but Financial Crisis REVISITED.. There was absolute SHOCK IN ASIA?? What did Western Governments and Central banks do?? They did exactly what they had told Asian Governments NOT TO-DO 10 YEARS EARLIER?? They went and PRINTED MONEY??"

* "In the Emerging World Economic and Monetary Policy is Broadly Orthodox' it's the that is running Economic and Monetary Policy and its the that is NOW on the ??

Emerging Markets ARE a SAFE HAVEN NOW. Its the DEVELOPED WORLD that is really at RISK NOW..??"

No more Bullets left in the Gun. The West has fired all its Bullets.

* "Take my dear mother in London for example. She Feels POOR and she feels she has to economize with her spending.."

* "The only people who've made MONEY in the last 10 years are the 1% of the 1%.. (!) 99.99% of the rest of the population have been left behind (EXCLUSION?)."

* What we never had to deal with before is a IN THE ?? What Happens when that goes ??..

* "In an environment where the WEST FINALLY WAKES UP and Takes the Medicine it's going to impact EVERYBODY including EMERGING MARKETS..? Emerging Market Balance sheets are far stronger than the DEVELOPED WORLD."

Today for EARLY TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON! JOBS FOR ALL WORLDWIDE! WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending). Upon launch all will be notified.

Founder of (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of (High Frequency Trading) ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) ® () ® (Got Complaints Post it;)?)
Davidv.TV ® (BIGFAITH) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #COLLAPSE #Credit_Suisse #UNFUNDED_LIABILITIES #PREDICTED #linkedin #WARN #NO_ONE_LISTENED #Donald_Amstad #Aberdeen_Standard_Investments #sobering #market_economies #Quick_Quotes #Government_Debt #usa #President_Trump #out #control #liabilities #TRILLION_DOLLARS #Government_Bonds #imf #western #west #UNORTHODOX #CLIFF_EDGE #THE_ELITE #bubble #RISK_FREE #ASSET_CLASS #pop #CONNECT #INVITE #SEO #RTB #HFT

Last updated 2 years ago

An Elephant Never Forgets! 3 Years Ago | I was Blind but Now I Can See??;)

GLOBAL BANKING SYSTEMS on the Brink OF Financial, Economic, Social and Political ? | "Prophecy"?

What is USA and should YOU be CONCERNED? All 3 years ago right here on . We tried to ALL BUT .. see Vid for FULL STORY below.

from delivers a assessment on the state of developed .


* The in the under is of . Corporate American is the MOST highly Leveraged it has ever been. 3 trillion dollars sitting at TRIPLE B?"

* But Debt is NOT the Problem in the United States.. Its .. ..

are NOW OVER 124 ?? That means is that the USA Government has promised to pay people 124 Trillion dollars?? But they haven't Funded it that's why its a UNFUNDED LIABILITY.. Where the Hell is the USA Government going to get 124 TRILLION Dollars From?..

* "What is your perspective on the state of the Bond Market happening today and What are the implications of ?"

* "1998 Asian financial Crisis | All Asian Governments wanted to PRINT MONEY while (International Money Fund) says NO! NO! NO! you cant do that because if you so you are gonna end up like ZIMBABWE.. BANKS WENT BUST..??"

* "2007 AND 2008 NOT GLOBAL but Financial Crisis REVISITED.. There was absolute SHOCK IN ASIA?? What did Western Governments and Central banks do?? They did exactly what they had told Asian Governments NOT TO-DO 10 YEARS EARLIER?? They went and PRINTED MONEY??"

* "In the Emerging World Economic and Monetary Policy is Broadly Orthodox' it's the that is running Economic and Monetary Policy and its the that is NOW on the ??

Emerging Markets ARE a SAFE HAVEN NOW. Its the DEVELOPED WORLD that is really at RISK NOW..??"

No more Bullets left in the Gun. The West has fired all its Bullets.

* "Take my dear mother in London for example. She Feels POOR and she feels she has to economize with her spending.."

* "The only people who've made MONEY in the last 10 years are the 1% of the 1%.. (!) 99.99% of the rest of the population have been left behind (EXCLUSION?)."

* What we never had to deal with before is a IN THE ?? What Happens when that goes ??..

* "In an environment where the WEST FINALLY WAKES UP and Takes the Medicine it's going to impact EVERYBODY including EMERGING MARKETS..? Emerging Market Balance sheets are far stronger than the DEVELOPED WORLD."

Today for EARLY TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON! JOBS FOR ALL WORLDWIDE! WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending). Upon launch all will be notified.

Founder of (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of (High Frequency Trading) ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) ® () ® (Got Complaints Post it;)?)
Davidv.TV ® (BIGFAITH) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #COLLAPSE #Credit_Suisse #UNFUNDED_LIABILITIES #PREDICTED #linkedin #WARN #NO_ONE_LISTENED #Donald_Amstad #Aberdeen_Standard_Investments #sobering #market_economies #Quick_Quotes #Government_Debt #usa #President_Trump #out #control #liabilities #TRILLION_DOLLARS #Government_Bonds #imf #western #west #UNORTHODOX #CLIFF_EDGE #THE_ELITE #bubble #RISK_FREE #ASSET_CLASS #pop #CONNECT #INVITE #SEO #RTB #HFT

Last updated 2 years ago

An Elephant Never Forgets! 3 Years Ago | I was Blind but Now I Can See??;)

GLOBAL BANKING SYSTEMS on the Brink OF Financial, Economic, Social and Political ? | "Prophecy"?

What is USA and should YOU be CONCERNED? All 3 years ago right here on . We tried to ALL BUT .. see Vid for FULL STORY below.

from delivers a assessment on the state of developed .


* The in the under is of . Corporate American is the MOST highly Leveraged it has ever been. 3 trillion dollars sitting at TRIPLE B?"

* But Debt is NOT the Problem in the United States.. Its .. ..

are NOW OVER 124 ?? That means is that the USA Government has promised to pay people 124 Trillion dollars?? But they haven't Funded it that's why its a UNFUNDED LIABILITY.. Where the Hell is the USA Government going to get 124 TRILLION Dollars From?..

* "What is your perspective on the state of the Bond Market happening today and What are the implications of ?"

* "1998 Asian financial Crisis | All Asian Governments wanted to PRINT MONEY while (International Money Fund) says NO! NO! NO! you cant do that because if you so you are gonna end up like ZIMBABWE.. BANKS WENT BUST..??"

* "2007 AND 2008 NOT GLOBAL but Financial Crisis REVISITED.. There was absolute SHOCK IN ASIA?? What did Western Governments and Central banks do?? They did exactly what they had told Asian Governments NOT TO-DO 10 YEARS EARLIER?? They went and PRINTED MONEY??"

* "In the Emerging World Economic and Monetary Policy is Broadly Orthodox' it's the that is running Economic and Monetary Policy and its the that is NOW on the ??

Emerging Markets ARE a SAFE HAVEN NOW. Its the DEVELOPED WORLD that is really at RISK NOW..??"

No more Bullets left in the Gun. The West has fired all its Bullets.

* "Take my dear mother in London for example. She Feels POOR and she feels she has to economize with her spending.."

* "The only people who've made MONEY in the last 10 years are the 1% of the 1%.. (!) 99.99% of the rest of the population have been left behind (EXCLUSION?)."

* What we never had to deal with before is a IN THE ?? What Happens when that goes ??..

* "In an environment where the WEST FINALLY WAKES UP and Takes the Medicine it's going to impact EVERYBODY including EMERGING MARKETS..? Emerging Market Balance sheets are far stronger than the DEVELOPED WORLD."

Today for EARLY TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON! JOBS FOR ALL WORLDWIDE! WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending). Upon launch all will be notified.

Founder of (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of (High Frequency Trading) ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) ® () ® (Got Complaints Post it;)?)
Davidv.TV ® (BIGFAITH) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #COLLAPSE #Credit_Suisse #UNFUNDED_LIABILITIES #PREDICTED #linkedin #WARN #NO_ONE_LISTENED #Donald_Amstad #Aberdeen_Standard_Investments #sobering #market_economies #Quick_Quotes #Government_Debt #usa #President_Trump #out #control #liabilities #TRILLION_DOLLARS #Government_Bonds #imf #western #west #UNORTHODOX #CLIFF_EDGE #THE_ELITE #bubble #RISK_FREE #ASSET_CLASS #pop #CONNECT #INVITE #SEO #RTB #HFT

Last updated 2 years ago

is the ! As LLC | and !

Years ago, I jumped onto Netflix when STOCK was was $69 USD per share –approx. two decades ago.

Blockbuster Video was Booming. REMEMBER?


At the same time watching streaming content from YouTube..

? Just a matter of time until the DVD's got ..

TO PRESENT DAY ..months ago listening to all the Snake Oil Salesmen on CNBC (Karen) manipulation the crap out of everyone—pushing and ??

Basically (Newscasters/Talking Heads) are Bird-dogs on bird-dog allowances pushing everything into AND SERVICES

-- like BIG TECH??? UGH!

News flash don’t be fooled it’s DUMB tech LIKE APPLES DUMB PHONES.

One hit wonders at best!

THE HAS in terms of .

You all have been taking to the CLEANERS. AS "THEY" SAY..

You just don’t know it yet. You will lose every penny you have invested..


Shall we go on.. ? and were soon promoted ahead of Netflix by AMERICAN Main Stream Media.

Why? Because those million dollar $$$eats they $it in every day ARE ON THE LINE!!

HELLO anyone home??

I told those idiots at the time that Netflix has when Netflix price dropped –a Paramount/Disney-- behind the scenes --stock manipulation.

Netflix got caught in the crossfire but they have always been in a league of their own!

They still pushed their losing agenda..


We have determined>>that the United States of America is/are:

* --only to Steal, Rape and Pillage Third World Countries. (EG | Stolen makes USA the largest in the and stolen for more in our country (eg: , California Lab | BOYCOTT & GUILTY)

* . (ONLY CENTRALIZED BLOCKCHAINS and Cryptocurrencies.

Only has been to date??)

* . USA has stolen 3 major software inventions from our Companies over last 25 years that in the wrong hands is a major security risk and those wrong hands happen to be THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND WE WANT OUR TECH BACK INCLUDING ALL MARKET SHARE TO PRESENT DAY!

Again if I had a mother or father they would have said you can learn the hard way or the easy way? Doesn't really matter much to us .. BUT !

* Anti Health Care. The Big .. it will cost the exact same as being on that no-one can .


!! Hello?

(aka Ring Road, Afghanistan)

Boycott -- one of the worst presidents behind the scenes ON BIG TECH in the history of Mankind. see image below at the last supper.. Yep that Mark btw --2 scheming losers in a !

GPS SATELLITES AND 5G TOWERS that cause major Migratory issues with all living and Marine creatures on earth.

Not to mention via 5g towers -- everyone brains with the utilization of unconstrained microwave technology via 5G Technologies

All world wide airlines have cancelled flights into USA bc of the 5G tower interference with pilot instrument panels??


* Last 5 president NEED TO be removed from history and our history books!! imho.

* are all and need to be removed and replaced. ( the Buck to all states individually).


TastingTraffic LLC

Founder of (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of (High Frequency Trading)

Disclaimer: and/or (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) and/or its owners [] are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #netflix #WINNER #TastingTraffic #PREDICTED #paramount #disney #losers #hello #NUKED #CRAPPY #AMERICAN_PRODUCTS #AMERICANIZED #hype #ZERO_VALUE #INNOVATION #LAST_WARNING #INTERNATIONAL_PRESENCE #WE_THE_PEOPLE #Class_Action #Anti_Trust #united_states #america #Anti_Globalists #afghanistan #heroin #Drug_Dealers #world #uranium #Nuclear_Melt_Downs #Santa_Susanna_Valley #nuclear #meltdown #nasa #Boeing #Anti_DECENTRALIZATION #centralized #NOTTA #solution #peddled #Anti_Internet #you #will #learn #Obama_Lie #red_cross #blue_shield #afford #sweden #legalized #obama #drunk #Kool_Aide #SUCKER_BURG #POD #ANTI_PRIVACY #ANTI_PERSONAL_SECURITY_RIGHTS #Havana_Syndrome #FRYING #supreme_court #cowards #passing #abortion #SEO #RTB #HFT

Last updated 2 years ago

is the ! As LLC | and !

Years ago, I jumped onto Netflix when STOCK was was $69 USD per share –approx. two decades ago.

Blockbuster Video was Booming. REMEMBER?


At the same time watching streaming content from YouTube..

? Just a matter of time until the DVD's got ..

TO PRESENT DAY ..months ago listening to all the Snake Oil Salesmen on CNBC (Karen) manipulation the crap out of everyone—pushing and ??

Basically (Newscasters/Talking Heads) are Bird-dogs on bird-dog allowances pushing everything into AND SERVICES

-- like BIG TECH??? UGH!

News flash don’t be fooled it’s DUMB tech LIKE APPLES DUMB PHONES.

One hit wonders at best!

THE HAS in terms of .

You all have been taking to the CLEANERS. AS "THEY" SAY..

You just don’t know it yet. You will lose every penny you have invested..


Shall we go on.. ? and were soon promoted ahead of Netflix by AMERICAN Main Stream Media.

Why? Because those million dollar $$$eats they $it in every day ARE ON THE LINE!!

HELLO anyone home??

I told those idiots at the time that Netflix has when Netflix price dropped –a Paramount/Disney-- behind the scenes --stock manipulation.

Netflix got caught in the crossfire but they have always been in a league of their own!

They still pushed their losing agenda..


We have determined>>that the United States of America is/are:

* --only to Steal, Rape and Pillage Third World Countries. (EG | Stolen makes USA the largest in the and stolen for more in our country (eg: , California Lab | BOYCOTT & GUILTY)

* . (ONLY CENTRALIZED BLOCKCHAINS and Cryptocurrencies.

Only has been to date??)

* . USA has stolen 3 major software inventions from our Companies over last 25 years that in the wrong hands is a major security risk and those wrong hands happen to be THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND WE WANT OUR TECH BACK INCLUDING ALL MARKET SHARE TO PRESENT DAY!

Again if I had a mother or father they would have said you can learn the hard way or the easy way? Doesn't really matter much to us .. BUT !

* Anti Health Care. The Big .. it will cost the exact same as being on that no-one can .


!! Hello?

(aka Ring Road, Afghanistan)

Boycott -- one of the worst presidents behind the scenes ON BIG TECH in the history of Mankind. see image below at the last supper.. Yep that Mark btw --2 scheming losers in a !

GPS SATELLITES AND 5G TOWERS that cause major Migratory issues with all living and Marine creatures on earth.

Not to mention via 5g towers -- everyone brains with the utilization of unconstrained microwave technology via 5G Technologies

All world wide airlines have cancelled flights into USA bc of the 5G tower interference with pilot instrument panels??


* Last 5 president NEED TO be removed from history and our history books!! imho.

* are all and need to be removed and replaced. ( the Buck to all states individually).


TastingTraffic LLC

Founder of (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of (High Frequency Trading)

Disclaimer: and/or (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) and/or its owners [] are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #netflix #WINNER #TastingTraffic #PREDICTED #paramount #disney #losers #hello #NUKED #CRAPPY #AMERICAN_PRODUCTS #AMERICANIZED #hype #ZERO_VALUE #INNOVATION #LAST_WARNING #INTERNATIONAL_PRESENCE #WE_THE_PEOPLE #Class_Action #Anti_Trust #united_states #america #Anti_Globalists #afghanistan #heroin #Drug_Dealers #world #uranium #Nuclear_Melt_Downs #Santa_Susanna_Valley #nuclear #meltdown #nasa #Boeing #Anti_DECENTRALIZATION #centralized #NOTTA #solution #peddled #Anti_Internet #you #will #learn #Obama_Lie #red_cross #blue_shield #afford #sweden #legalized #obama #drunk #Kool_Aide #SUCKER_BURG #POD #ANTI_PRIVACY #ANTI_PERSONAL_SECURITY_RIGHTS #Havana_Syndrome #FRYING #supreme_court #cowards #passing #abortion #SEO #RTB #HFT

Last updated 2 years ago

is the ! As LLC | and !

Years ago, I jumped onto Netflix when STOCK was was $69 USD per share –approx. two decades ago.

Blockbuster Video was Booming. REMEMBER?


At the same time watching streaming content from YouTube..

? Just a matter of time until the DVD's got ..

TO PRESENT DAY ..months ago listening to all the Snake Oil Salesmen on CNBC (Karen) manipulation the crap out of everyone—pushing and ??

Basically (Newscasters/Talking Heads) are Bird-dogs on bird-dog allowances pushing everything into AND SERVICES

-- like BIG TECH??? UGH!

News flash don’t be fooled it’s DUMB tech LIKE APPLES DUMB PHONES.

One hit wonders at best!

THE HAS in terms of .

You all have been taking to the CLEANERS. AS "THEY" SAY..

You just don’t know it yet. You will lose every penny you have invested..


Shall we go on.. ? and were soon promoted ahead of Netflix by AMERICAN Main Stream Media.

Why? Because those million dollar $$$eats they $it in every day ARE ON THE LINE!!

HELLO anyone home??

I told those idiots at the time that Netflix has when Netflix price dropped –a Paramount/Disney-- behind the scenes --stock manipulation.

Netflix got caught in the crossfire but they have always been in a league of their own!

They still pushed their losing agenda..


We have determined>>that the United States of America is/are:

* --only to Steal, Rape and Pillage Third World Countries. (EG | Stolen makes USA the largest in the and stolen for more in our country (eg: , California Lab | BOYCOTT & GUILTY)

* . (ONLY CENTRALIZED BLOCKCHAINS and Cryptocurrencies.

Only has been to date??)

* . USA has stolen 3 major software inventions from our Companies over last 25 years that in the wrong hands is a major security risk and those wrong hands happen to be THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND WE WANT OUR TECH BACK INCLUDING ALL MARKET SHARE TO PRESENT DAY!

Again if I had a mother or father they would have said you can learn the hard way or the easy way? Doesn't really matter much to us .. BUT !

* Anti Health Care. The Big .. it will cost the exact same as being on that no-one can .


!! Hello?

(aka Ring Road, Afghanistan)

Boycott -- one of the worst presidents behind the scenes ON BIG TECH in the history of Mankind. see image below at the last supper.. Yep that Mark btw --2 scheming losers in a !

GPS SATELLITES AND 5G TOWERS that cause major Migratory issues with all living and Marine creatures on earth.

Not to mention via 5g towers -- everyone brains with the utilization of unconstrained microwave technology via 5G Technologies

All world wide airlines have cancelled flights into USA bc of the 5G tower interference with pilot instrument panels??


* Last 5 president NEED TO be removed from history and our history books!! imho.

* are all and need to be removed and replaced. ( the Buck to all states individually).


TastingTraffic LLC

Founder of (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of (High Frequency Trading)

Disclaimer: and/or (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) and/or its owners [] are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #netflix #WINNER #TastingTraffic #PREDICTED #paramount #disney #losers #hello #NUKED #CRAPPY #AMERICAN_PRODUCTS #AMERICANIZED #hype #ZERO_VALUE #INNOVATION #LAST_WARNING #INTERNATIONAL_PRESENCE #WE_THE_PEOPLE #Class_Action #Anti_Trust #united_states #america #Anti_Globalists #afghanistan #heroin #Drug_Dealers #world #uranium #Nuclear_Melt_Downs #Santa_Susanna_Valley #nuclear #meltdown #nasa #Boeing #Anti_DECENTRALIZATION #centralized #NOTTA #solution #peddled #Anti_Internet #you #will #learn #Obama_Lie #red_cross #blue_shield #afford #sweden #legalized #obama #drunk #Kool_Aide #SUCKER_BURG #POD #ANTI_PRIVACY #ANTI_PERSONAL_SECURITY_RIGHTS #Havana_Syndrome #FRYING #supreme_court #cowards #passing #abortion #SEO #RTB #HFT

Last updated 2 years ago

is the ! As LLC | and !

Years ago, I jumped onto Netflix when STOCK was was $69 USD per share –approx. two decades ago.

Blockbuster Video was Booming. REMEMBER?


At the same time watching streaming content from YouTube..

? Just a matter of time until the DVD's got ..

TO PRESENT DAY ..months ago listening to all the Snake Oil Salesmen on CNBC (Karen) manipulation the crap out of everyone—pushing and ??

Basically (Newscasters/Talking Heads) are Bird-dogs on bird-dog allowances pushing everything into AND SERVICES

-- like BIG TECH??? UGH!

News flash don’t be fooled it’s DUMB tech LIKE APPLES DUMB PHONES.

One hit wonders at best!

THE HAS in terms of .

You all have been taking to the CLEANERS. AS "THEY" SAY..

You just don’t know it yet. You will lose every penny you have invested..


Shall we go on.. ? and were soon promoted ahead of Netflix by AMERICAN Main Stream Media.

Why? Because those million dollar $$$eats they $it in every day ARE ON THE LINE!!

HELLO anyone home??

I told those idiots at the time that Netflix has when Netflix price dropped –a Paramount/Disney-- behind the scenes --stock manipulation.

Netflix got caught in the crossfire but they have always been in a league of their own!

They still pushed their losing agenda..


We have determined>>that the United States of America is/are:

* --only to Steal, Rape and Pillage Third World Countries. (EG | Stolen makes USA the largest in the and stolen for more in our country (eg: , California Lab | BOYCOTT & GUILTY)

* . (ONLY CENTRALIZED BLOCKCHAINS and Cryptocurrencies.

Only has been to date??)

* . USA has stolen 3 major software inventions from our Companies over last 25 years that in the wrong hands is a major security risk and those wrong hands happen to be THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND WE WANT OUR TECH BACK INCLUDING ALL MARKET SHARE TO PRESENT DAY!

Again if I had a mother or father they would have said you can learn the hard way or the easy way? Doesn't really matter much to us .. BUT !

* Anti Health Care. The Big .. it will cost the exact same as being on that no-one can .


!! Hello?

(aka Ring Road, Afghanistan)

Boycott -- one of the worst presidents behind the scenes ON BIG TECH in the history of Mankind. see image below at the last supper.. Yep that Mark btw --2 scheming losers in a !

GPS SATELLITES AND 5G TOWERS that cause major Migratory issues with all living and Marine creatures on earth.

Not to mention via 5g towers -- everyone brains with the utilization of unconstrained microwave technology via 5G Technologies

All world wide airlines have cancelled flights into USA bc of the 5G tower interference with pilot instrument panels??


* Last 5 president NEED TO be removed from history and our history books!! imho.

* are all and need to be removed and replaced. ( the Buck to all states individually).


TastingTraffic LLC

Founder of (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of (High Frequency Trading)

Disclaimer: and/or (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) and/or its owners [] are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #netflix #WINNER #TastingTraffic #PREDICTED #paramount #disney #losers #hello #NUKED #CRAPPY #AMERICAN_PRODUCTS #AMERICANIZED #hype #ZERO_VALUE #INNOVATION #LAST_WARNING #INTERNATIONAL_PRESENCE #WE_THE_PEOPLE #Class_Action #Anti_Trust #united_states #america #Anti_Globalists #afghanistan #heroin #Drug_Dealers #world #uranium #Nuclear_Melt_Downs #Santa_Susanna_Valley #nuclear #meltdown #nasa #Boeing #Anti_DECENTRALIZATION #centralized #NOTTA #solution #peddled #Anti_Internet #you #will #learn #Obama_Lie #red_cross #blue_shield #afford #sweden #legalized #obama #drunk #Kool_Aide #SUCKER_BURG #POD #ANTI_PRIVACY #ANTI_PERSONAL_SECURITY_RIGHTS #Havana_Syndrome #FRYING #supreme_court #cowards #passing #abortion #SEO #RTB #HFT

Last updated 2 years ago

is the ! As LLC | and !

Years ago, I jumped onto Netflix when STOCK was was $69 USD per share –approx. two decades ago.

Blockbuster Video was Booming. REMEMBER?


At the same time watching streaming content from YouTube..

? Just a matter of time until the DVD's got ..

TO PRESENT DAY ..months ago listening to all the Snake Oil Salesmen on CNBC (Karen) manipulation the crap out of everyone—pushing and ??

Basically (Newscasters/Talking Heads) are Bird-dogs on bird-dog allowances pushing everything into AND SERVICES

-- like BIG TECH??? UGH!

News flash don’t be fooled it’s DUMB tech LIKE APPLES DUMB PHONES.

One hit wonders at best!

THE HAS in terms of .

You all have been taking to the CLEANERS. AS "THEY" SAY..

You just don’t know it yet. You will lose every penny you have invested..


Shall we go on.. ? and were soon promoted ahead of Netflix by AMERICAN Main Stream Media.

Why? Because those million dollar $$$eats they $it in every day ARE ON THE LINE!!

HELLO anyone home??

I told those idiots at the time that Netflix has when Netflix price dropped –a Paramount/Disney-- behind the scenes --stock manipulation.

Netflix got caught in the crossfire but they have always been in a league of their own!

They still pushed their losing agenda..


We have determined>>that the United States of America is/are:

* --only to Steal, Rape and Pillage Third World Countries. (EG | Stolen makes USA the largest in the and stolen for more in our country (eg: , California Lab | BOYCOTT & GUILTY)

* . (ONLY CENTRALIZED BLOCKCHAINS and Cryptocurrencies.

Only has been to date??)

* . USA has stolen 3 major software inventions from our Companies over last 25 years that in the wrong hands is a major security risk and those wrong hands happen to be THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND WE WANT OUR TECH BACK INCLUDING ALL MARKET SHARE TO PRESENT DAY!

Again if I had a mother or father they would have said you can learn the hard way or the easy way? Doesn't really matter much to us .. BUT !

* Anti Health Care. The Big .. it will cost the exact same as being on that no-one can .


!! Hello?

(aka Ring Road, Afghanistan)

Boycott -- one of the worst presidents behind the scenes ON BIG TECH in the history of Mankind. see image below at the last supper.. Yep that Mark btw --2 scheming losers in a !

GPS SATELLITES AND 5G TOWERS that cause major Migratory issues with all living and Marine creatures on earth.

Not to mention via 5g towers -- everyone brains with the utilization of unconstrained microwave technology via 5G Technologies

All world wide airlines have cancelled flights into USA bc of the 5G tower interference with pilot instrument panels??


* Last 5 president NEED TO be removed from history and our history books!! imho.

* are all and need to be removed and replaced. ( the Buck to all states individually).


TastingTraffic LLC

Founder of (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of (High Frequency Trading)

Disclaimer: and/or (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) and/or its owners [] are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #netflix #WINNER #TastingTraffic #PREDICTED #paramount #disney #losers #hello #NUKED #CRAPPY #AMERICAN_PRODUCTS #AMERICANIZED #hype #ZERO_VALUE #INNOVATION #LAST_WARNING #INTERNATIONAL_PRESENCE #WE_THE_PEOPLE #Class_Action #Anti_Trust #united_states #america #Anti_Globalists #afghanistan #heroin #Drug_Dealers #world #uranium #Nuclear_Melt_Downs #Santa_Susanna_Valley #nuclear #meltdown #nasa #Boeing #Anti_DECENTRALIZATION #centralized #NOTTA #solution #peddled #Anti_Internet #you #will #learn #Obama_Lie #red_cross #blue_shield #afford #sweden #legalized #obama #drunk #Kool_Aide #SUCKER_BURG #POD #ANTI_PRIVACY #ANTI_PERSONAL_SECURITY_RIGHTS #Havana_Syndrome #FRYING #supreme_court #cowards #passing #abortion #SEO #RTB #HFT

Last updated 2 years ago

is the ! As LLC | and !

Years ago, I jumped onto Netflix when STOCK was was $69 USD per share –approx. two decades ago.

Blockbuster Video was Booming. REMEMBER?


At the same time watching streaming content from YouTube..

? Just a matter of time until the DVD's got ..

TO PRESENT DAY ..months ago listening to all the Snake Oil Salesmen on CNBC (Karen) manipulation the crap out of everyone—pushing and ??

Basically (Newscasters/Talking Heads) are Bird-dogs on bird-dog allowances pushing everything into AND SERVICES

-- like BIG TECH??? UGH!

News flash don’t be fooled it’s DUMB tech LIKE APPLES DUMB PHONES.

One hit wonders at best!

THE HAS in terms of .

You all have been taking to the CLEANERS. AS "THEY" SAY..

You just don’t know it yet. You will lose every penny you have invested..


Shall we go on.. ? and were soon promoted ahead of Netflix by AMERICAN Main Stream Media.

Why? Because those million dollar $$$eats they $it in every day ARE ON THE LINE!!

HELLO anyone home??

I told those idiots at the time that Netflix has when Netflix price dropped –a Paramount/Disney-- behind the scenes --stock manipulation.

Netflix got caught in the crossfire but they have always been in a league of their own!

They still pushed their losing agenda..


We have determined>>that the United States of America is/are:

* --only to Steal, Rape and Pillage Third World Countries. (EG | Stolen makes USA the largest in the and stolen for more in our country (eg: , California Lab | BOYCOTT & GUILTY)

* . (ONLY CENTRALIZED BLOCKCHAINS and Cryptocurrencies.

Only has been to date??)

* . USA has stolen 3 major software inventions from our Companies over last 25 years that in the wrong hands is a major security risk and those wrong hands happen to be THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND WE WANT OUR TECH BACK INCLUDING ALL MARKET SHARE TO PRESENT DAY!

Again if I had a mother or father they would have said you can learn the hard way or the easy way? Doesn't really matter much to us .. BUT !

* Anti Health Care. The Big .. it will cost the exact same as being on that no-one can .


!! Hello?

(aka Ring Road, Afghanistan)

Boycott -- one of the worst presidents behind the scenes ON BIG TECH in the history of Mankind. see image below at the last supper.. Yep that Mark btw --2 scheming losers in a !

GPS SATELLITES AND 5G TOWERS that cause major Migratory issues with all living and Marine creatures on earth.

Not to mention via 5g towers -- everyone brains with the utilization of unconstrained microwave technology via 5G Technologies

All world wide airlines have cancelled flights into USA bc of the 5G tower interference with pilot instrument panels??


* Last 5 president NEED TO be removed from history and our history books!! imho.

* are all and need to be removed and replaced. ( the Buck to all states individually).


TastingTraffic LLC

Founder of (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of (High Frequency Trading)

Disclaimer: and/or (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) and/or its owners [] are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #netflix #WINNER #TastingTraffic #PREDICTED #paramount #disney #losers #hello #NUKED #CRAPPY #AMERICAN_PRODUCTS #AMERICANIZED #hype #ZERO_VALUE #INNOVATION #LAST_WARNING #INTERNATIONAL_PRESENCE #WE_THE_PEOPLE #Class_Action #Anti_Trust #united_states #america #Anti_Globalists #afghanistan #heroin #Drug_Dealers #world #uranium #Nuclear_Melt_Downs #Santa_Susanna_Valley #nuclear #meltdown #nasa #Boeing #Anti_DECENTRALIZATION #centralized #NOTTA #solution #peddled #Anti_Internet #you #will #learn #Obama_Lie #red_cross #blue_shield #afford #sweden #legalized #obama #drunk #Kool_Aide #SUCKER_BURG #POD #ANTI_PRIVACY #ANTI_PERSONAL_SECURITY_RIGHTS #Havana_Syndrome #FRYING #supreme_court #cowards #passing #abortion #SEO #RTB #HFT

Last updated 2 years ago