When Roamed the Earth?? AN NEVER !

What came first the , or ? You all have been LIED too again --NOW by themselves (INTEL) no less.

Here is the below.. We have been here since 1999 btw.. (exp. 25 years all things internet).


and many others would Integrate a Graphics Card (AKA Graphic accelerators) into CPU’S used primarily in the GAMING PC Markets—as an -thought? Hello anyone home?..

This combination (CPU/GPU accelerators merged into one chip) would not only HEAT up the existing CPU’s which required ADDITIONAL cooling systems; but also CPU DECREASED SIGNIFICANTLY --due to overheating of the CPU??

The failure of is that they focused on (such as ) of the system, but in fact they should have been focused on Graphics from !!

They built out CPU’s based on TO WITH!! In the same way built out their software based on TO WITH; as well.

Side note: We are the of SEO since 2000 and in 2007; Google had to change directions. Once known as a Reputable Major Search Engine?? they now became a engine (almost 100% Sponsored ads) bc they could not compete against Webtrafficbrokers pulling $180K NET per month off GOOGLE.COM main website for the next 7 years month after month!


Webtrafficbrokers was able to index 10 million highly relevant keywords into Googles database on the 1st pages of Google sitewide.

(Index means? When Google Spiders/Bots comes to steal aka copy your pages author consent – into their database)

Google Search changed their entire business model and became a dedicated PAY PER CLICK search engine; since 2007?

entered the scene ...but NOT because of . Another Big lie that NVIDIA is a AI company?? MORE !

Everyone is a AI company now and no one can even define it.. SAYS IT ALL.. !

first came on the scene to build the fastest computer by separating the CPU and GPU FOR THE GAMING INDUSTRY FOR .. REMEMBER???

Now News and was PUMPING the Value of BITCOIN to .. REMEMBER??

exploded BY LINKING graphic cards together for speed--to solve money calculation in a milliseconds using WEBTRAFFICBROKERS.NET SOFTWARE in 2000 CALL (HIGH FREQUENCY TRADING SOFTWARE) .

As competition rose with bitcoin miners bc of the LED BY .. REMEMBER??

Caused a mini which POWERED UNENDING RACKS OR MINING RIGS!? MINERS only get (Gas) they solve the calculations !

The Race for Speed was On! And that is EXACTLY what our STOLEN HFT SOFTWARE PROVIDES.--- !

at a millisecond programmed behind the scenes by .

Many miners when out of business as electric bills soared. Then finally Bitcoin crashed bc the miners could not mine at affordable prices and the biz model became a huge failure and bitcoin crashed even further..

Mostly btw!

Graphics Processing Unit Defined: (GPU)
A graphics processing unit is a specialized electronic circuit initially designed to accelerate computer graphics and image processing, but have later been used for non-graphic calculations involving embarrassingly parallel problems due to their parallel structure. Other non-graphical uses include the training of neural networks (training: an after thought--not main case use) and #1. .

WebtrafficBrokers.com INVENTED the POWER (HFT) that POWERS your SO-CALLED .


But as the —we DO NOT it’s AI.

In fact, is --in its Only..


You see folks they need faster chips to power our STOLEN HFT SOFTWARE IN (fiber optic speeds at a billionth of a second) but they don’t have the Chip Power to process DATA USING OUR HFT SOFTWARE WITHOUT OUR CONSENT to power fiber optic speeds at a billionth of a second!

And why AI does not exist.

And here we are almost there --BUT SO FAR AWAY bc of .

So who is left to create AI? How about the guys who created ??

WE are The REAL like it or Not!

NOT FAKE BRAIN DEAD MORONS they have convinced you otherwise.

Sorry to burst your (s)..

Mainstream News NOW PUSHING LIES & HYPE to the General public bc they have other than.. !

! The Securities & Exchange Commission & the Commodities Future Trading Commissions, (SEC) which are supposed to regulate this activity; HAVE THE TO "MONITOR" IN ?

sits down with the to spell out how the Industry Works , and where it's under .

* to and Markets to the tune of of Dollars

* |

* | Secret Programs | 2-Level

* Black Monday Crash in 1977 | in a fraction of a second.


* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading)

Withbrains.com/@Davidv ®
TastingTraffic.net ®
JustBlameWayne.com ®
Davidv.TV ®

#dinosaurs #ELEPHANT #Forgets #chicken #HFT #ai #chip_makers #real_truth #Big_Fat_LIE #zero #value #DEBUNKED_FANG #intel #after #PROCESSING_POWER #all #basic_operations #processing_data #DAY_ONE #flawed #CORE_LOGIC #BEGIN #Google_Search #Davidv #FOUNDERS #dedicated #Pay_Per_Click #WITHOUT #Nvidia #propaganda #AKA_HYPE #GAMERS_ONLY #MAIN_STREAM #Elon_Musk #60K #BITCOIN_MINING #stolen #invented #WITHOUT_AUTHOR_CONSENT #FAKE_HYPE #LOSER #ENERGY_CRISIS #paid #if #first #speed #trading #thieves #money_laundering #cryptocurrency_mining #WE_DID #ORIGINAL_INVENTORS_FOUNDERS #believe #Infantile_stages #KNOW_THE_TRUTH #Nanoseconds #IP_Theft #innovators #AI_bubble #absolutely #nothing #empty_promises #NEWSFLASH #do_not #COMPUTER_CAPACITY #EVEN #REAL_TIME #White_Collar #Criminologist #Bill_Black #REAL_NEWS #ballooning #EXACTLY #headed #President_Trump #FAKE_OFFERS #Distort #Decieve #TRILLIONS #FRONT_RUNNING #Insider_Trading #Secret_Deals #PROPRIETARY #SCAM #FLASH_CRASH

Last updated 1 year ago


Here is ??

Apples HEAD SET with a CPU/GPU is a NO NO!!??

Do you remember when ITS into their 'S?

They put themselves overnight bc of GREED. You see these tech giants think they know all when they don’t know a !

What is really happening at street view?? They are oblivious. They cannot see past their noses..
The Customers walking into their brick and mortar stores are tourists, tire kickers NOT real use customers:( The Blind leading the Blind..

In the same way APPLE grabbing at straws (paper or plastic?? ugh!) BECAUSE THEY GOT NOTHING!

Save your $3k and WAIT.. There is always 3 answers and no-one likes the last one. 1. Yes 2. No and 3. .. Be patient..


CASE USE and 25 Years of Hardware Experience by DavidV:

My first laptop was a Gateway that some may remember (the cow MOOOOO!).. lol. Well I wore the paint off on those keys from so much use (all letters and numbers gone;)). As time went on -over the years, I could not find a laptop or desktop that could keep up with the speed of a exposed to the Internet 25 YEARS.. 24/7

Has anyone done that ?? WE NOT!

But How would you know? Most were handed a Dumb Phone almost at Birth. You are Blind if you primarily hardware was a dumb phone. Not only are you blind but it has made you DUMBER than DUMBER and the intent of all BIG TECH to corner all markets.. so that YOU don't..


You all have bought into AS IF.. it actually exists today?? when they COMPUTING POWER *required to POWER AI (IF THE CODE EVER gets CREATED) does not EXIST YET..

HELLO ANYONE HOME?.. Didn't think so.. grin

In short, the *required to power CHAT-LIKE applications (aka SEARCH ENGINE SOFTWARE extension borrowed/stolen from AMAZON ALEXA --IS NOT AI); has NOT been INVENTED YET.

is the closest but still away..

IS NOT even in its STAGES; but rather in the reproduction stages where the is still TOWARDS the w/ NO POWER:(!!

And That my friends is the closest we are to (aka ). Ugh!
Sorry to your ..

1. YOU NEED THE CHIP POWER FIRST TO POWER all these TECHNOLOGIES CURRENTLY BEING HYPED. Not to mention the ! Good luck on that one.. your gonna need it.

Ok, on with the story.. Before Video cards where invented integrated their CPU chips with its video cards (). BIG MISTAKE BY AND THE REASON they pushed themselves out of the MARKET. Now a Company --just like Dinosaurs.. and --they all got nothing. They ALL LOST MARKET SHARE.


As time went on I tried many laptops and desktops. Spent years pulling my hair out bc NO laptop OR desktop could keep up with the processing power of MY HUMAN BRAIN. Many of those laptops and desktops ran on integrated CPU's W/ video cards at the time --until ;)

Like Netflix.. I knew NVIDIA would become the Mammoth LONG before even Nvidia. I say that bc their case use at the time was for (a total dif breed of customers to market) It hadn't even crossed their minds that the golden egg was in fact and since Video ate up most of the CPU power it just made sense to separate the two.…

And why NVIDIA Lagged/Stalled in direction for years..

Gaming laptop crashed remember?

ALL integrated VIDEO Cards I tested FAILED in terms of processing power AND to ad more insult to injury I could not UPGRADE THE VIDEO CARD because it was integrated with the . (BIG FLAG)

and that is GOOD reason to stay away from hardware!! Apple has just made the same enormous mistake INTEL did! imho.

ALSO, it would not matter EVEN IF I could UPGRADE to a more POWERFUL video card/GPU --SINCE they would RUN HOTTER and would the pre-existing CPU.

Then one day a friend of mine handed me which had a i3 intel CPU.. in a laptop.. !

THE MOMENT I started using it I could tell that I finally found a system that could keep up with the processing power and SPEED of mouse clicks and BRAIN interactions. Everything was faster by at least a 10 fold!!:):)

NVIDIA FINALLY got a clue when Bitcoin miners started stacking UP all their cards for powering BITCOIN calculations for mining rigs --which then spearheaded the chip race. AND THE .

Not that i am interested in a headset whatsoever; but if I was I would buy a headset with the Fastest CPU possible and then ADD a Dedicated Stand alone GPU Nividia card similar to ASUS. See video.. just released 2 days ago..

You are wasting your money.. WAIT for a headset that allows YOU TO a to attach to the headset and you will be WAY ahead of the game --not to mention Saving a fortune in the long run --if saving money is your forte..'

Unveiling the ROG Matrix GeForce RTX 4090


CONNECT Today for EARLY . TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON!

WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending).

Upon launch all will be notified.

* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading)

Withbrains.com/@Davidv ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite);
TastingTraffic.net ® ();
JustBlameWayne.com ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#failure #why #integrated #big #intel #VIDEO_CARDS #CPU #OUT_OF_BUSINESS #DAM_THING #wait #trained #Human_Brain #study #Think #AI_HYPE #GPU #CHIP_POWER #GPT #china #decades #ai #INFANTILE #lil_spermy #swimming #egg #truth #burst #BUBBLES #SKILLED_TALENT #dead #ibm #microsoft #GAME_OVER #Nvidia #Gaming_Laptops #processing_chips #sales #RED #PROPRIETARY #BURN_OUT #thinkpad #Dedicated_GPU #video_card #BINGO #real #plugin #Dedicate_GPU #INVITE #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS

Last updated 1 year ago


Here is ??

Apples HEAD SET with a CPU/GPU is a NO NO!!??

Do you remember when ITS into their 'S?

They put themselves overnight bc of GREED. You see these tech giants think they know all when they don’t know a !

What is really happening at street view?? They are oblivious. They cannot see past their noses..
The Customers walking into their brick and mortar stores are tourists, tire kickers NOT real use customers:( The Blind leading the Blind..

In the same way APPLE grabbing at straws (paper or plastic?? ugh!) BECAUSE THEY GOT NOTHING!

Save your $3k and WAIT.. There is always 3 answers and no-one likes the last one. 1. Yes 2. No and 3. .. Be patient..


CASE USE and 25 Years of Hardware Experience by DavidV:

My first laptop was a Gateway that some may remember (the cow MOOOOO!).. lol. Well I wore the paint off on those keys from so much use (all letters and numbers gone;)). As time went on -over the years, I could not find a laptop or desktop that could keep up with the speed of a exposed to the Internet 25 YEARS.. 24/7

Has anyone done that ?? WE NOT!

But How would you know? Most were handed a Dumb Phone almost at Birth. You are Blind if you primarily hardware was a dumb phone. Not only are you blind but it has made you DUMBER than DUMBER and the intent of all BIG TECH to corner all markets.. so that YOU don't..


You all have bought into AS IF.. it actually exists today?? when they COMPUTING POWER *required to POWER AI (IF THE CODE EVER gets CREATED) does not EXIST YET..

HELLO ANYONE HOME?.. Didn't think so.. grin

In short, the *required to power CHAT-LIKE applications (aka SEARCH ENGINE SOFTWARE extension borrowed/stolen from AMAZON ALEXA --IS NOT AI); has NOT been INVENTED YET.

is the closest but still away..

IS NOT even in its STAGES; but rather in the reproduction stages where the is still TOWARDS the w/ NO POWER:(!!

And That my friends is the closest we are to (aka ). Ugh!
Sorry to your ..

1. YOU NEED THE CHIP POWER FIRST TO POWER all these TECHNOLOGIES CURRENTLY BEING HYPED. Not to mention the ! Good luck on that one.. your gonna need it.

Ok, on with the story.. Before Video cards where invented integrated their CPU chips with its video cards (). BIG MISTAKE BY AND THE REASON they pushed themselves out of the MARKET. Now a Company --just like Dinosaurs.. and --they all got nothing. They ALL LOST MARKET SHARE.


As time went on I tried many laptops and desktops. Spent years pulling my hair out bc NO laptop OR desktop could keep up with the processing power of MY HUMAN BRAIN. Many of those laptops and desktops ran on integrated CPU's W/ video cards at the time --until ;)

Like Netflix.. I knew NVIDIA would become the Mammoth LONG before even Nvidia. I say that bc their case use at the time was for (a total dif breed of customers to market) It hadn't even crossed their minds that the golden egg was in fact and since Video ate up most of the CPU power it just made sense to separate the two.…

And why NVIDIA Lagged/Stalled in direction for years..

Gaming laptop crashed remember?

ALL integrated VIDEO Cards I tested FAILED in terms of processing power AND to ad more insult to injury I could not UPGRADE THE VIDEO CARD because it was integrated with the . (BIG FLAG)

and that is GOOD reason to stay away from hardware!! Apple has just made the same enormous mistake INTEL did! imho.

ALSO, it would not matter EVEN IF I could UPGRADE to a more POWERFUL video card/GPU --SINCE they would RUN HOTTER and would the pre-existing CPU.

Then one day a friend of mine handed me which had a i3 intel CPU.. in a laptop.. !

THE MOMENT I started using it I could tell that I finally found a system that could keep up with the processing power and SPEED of mouse clicks and BRAIN interactions. Everything was faster by at least a 10 fold!!:):)

NVIDIA FINALLY got a clue when Bitcoin miners started stacking UP all their cards for powering BITCOIN calculations for mining rigs --which then spearheaded the chip race. AND THE .

Not that i am interested in a headset whatsoever; but if I was I would buy a headset with the Fastest CPU possible and then ADD a Dedicated Stand alone GPU Nividia card similar to ASUS. See video.. just released 2 days ago..

You are wasting your money.. WAIT for a headset that allows YOU TO a to attach to the headset and you will be WAY ahead of the game --not to mention Saving a fortune in the long run --if saving money is your forte..'

Unveiling the ROG Matrix GeForce RTX 4090


CONNECT Today for EARLY . TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON!

WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending).

Upon launch all will be notified.

* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading)

Withbrains.com/@Davidv ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite);
TastingTraffic.net ® ();
JustBlameWayne.com ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#failure #why #integrated #big #intel #VIDEO_CARDS #CPU #OUT_OF_BUSINESS #DAM_THING #wait #trained #Human_Brain #study #Think #AI_HYPE #GPU #CHIP_POWER #GPT #china #decades #ai #INFANTILE #lil_spermy #swimming #egg #truth #burst #BUBBLES #SKILLED_TALENT #dead #ibm #microsoft #GAME_OVER #Nvidia #Gaming_Laptops #processing_chips #sales #RED #PROPRIETARY #BURN_OUT #thinkpad #Dedicated_GPU #video_card #BINGO #real #plugin #Dedicate_GPU #INVITE #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS

Last updated 1 year ago


Here is ??

Apples HEAD SET with a CPU/GPU is a NO NO!!??

Do you remember when ITS into their 'S?

They put themselves overnight bc of GREED. You see these tech giants think they know all when they don’t know a !

What is really happening at street view?? They are oblivious. They cannot see past their noses..
The Customers walking into their brick and mortar stores are tourists, tire kickers NOT real use customers:( The Blind leading the Blind..

In the same way APPLE grabbing at straws (paper or plastic?? ugh!) BECAUSE THEY GOT NOTHING!

Save your $3k and WAIT.. There is always 3 answers and no-one likes the last one. 1. Yes 2. No and 3. .. Be patient..


CASE USE and 25 Years of Hardware Experience by DavidV:

My first laptop was a Gateway that some may remember (the cow MOOOOO!).. lol. Well I wore the paint off on those keys from so much use (all letters and numbers gone;)). As time went on -over the years, I could not find a laptop or desktop that could keep up with the speed of a exposed to the Internet 25 YEARS.. 24/7

Has anyone done that ?? WE NOT!

But How would you know? Most were handed a Dumb Phone almost at Birth. You are Blind if you primarily hardware was a dumb phone. Not only are you blind but it has made you DUMBER than DUMBER and the intent of all BIG TECH to corner all markets.. so that YOU don't..


You all have bought into AS IF.. it actually exists today?? when they COMPUTING POWER *required to POWER AI (IF THE CODE EVER gets CREATED) does not EXIST YET..

HELLO ANYONE HOME?.. Didn't think so.. grin

In short, the *required to power CHAT-LIKE applications (aka SEARCH ENGINE SOFTWARE extension borrowed/stolen from AMAZON ALEXA --IS NOT AI); has NOT been INVENTED YET.

is the closest but still away..

IS NOT even in its STAGES; but rather in the reproduction stages where the is still TOWARDS the w/ NO POWER:(!!

And That my friends is the closest we are to (aka ). Ugh!
Sorry to your ..

1. YOU NEED THE CHIP POWER FIRST TO POWER all these TECHNOLOGIES CURRENTLY BEING HYPED. Not to mention the ! Good luck on that one.. your gonna need it.

Ok, on with the story.. Before Video cards where invented integrated their CPU chips with its video cards (). BIG MISTAKE BY AND THE REASON they pushed themselves out of the MARKET. Now a Company --just like Dinosaurs.. and --they all got nothing. They ALL LOST MARKET SHARE.


As time went on I tried many laptops and desktops. Spent years pulling my hair out bc NO laptop OR desktop could keep up with the processing power of MY HUMAN BRAIN. Many of those laptops and desktops ran on integrated CPU's W/ video cards at the time --until ;)

Like Netflix.. I knew NVIDIA would become the Mammoth LONG before even Nvidia. I say that bc their case use at the time was for (a total dif breed of customers to market) It hadn't even crossed their minds that the golden egg was in fact and since Video ate up most of the CPU power it just made sense to separate the two.…

And why NVIDIA Lagged/Stalled in direction for years..

Gaming laptop crashed remember?

ALL integrated VIDEO Cards I tested FAILED in terms of processing power AND to ad more insult to injury I could not UPGRADE THE VIDEO CARD because it was integrated with the . (BIG FLAG)

and that is GOOD reason to stay away from hardware!! Apple has just made the same enormous mistake INTEL did! imho.

ALSO, it would not matter EVEN IF I could UPGRADE to a more POWERFUL video card/GPU --SINCE they would RUN HOTTER and would the pre-existing CPU.

Then one day a friend of mine handed me which had a i3 intel CPU.. in a laptop.. !

THE MOMENT I started using it I could tell that I finally found a system that could keep up with the processing power and SPEED of mouse clicks and BRAIN interactions. Everything was faster by at least a 10 fold!!:):)

NVIDIA FINALLY got a clue when Bitcoin miners started stacking UP all their cards for powering BITCOIN calculations for mining rigs --which then spearheaded the chip race. AND THE .

Not that i am interested in a headset whatsoever; but if I was I would buy a headset with the Fastest CPU possible and then ADD a Dedicated Stand alone GPU Nividia card similar to ASUS. See video.. just released 2 days ago..

You are wasting your money.. WAIT for a headset that allows YOU TO a to attach to the headset and you will be WAY ahead of the game --not to mention Saving a fortune in the long run --if saving money is your forte..'

Unveiling the ROG Matrix GeForce RTX 4090


CONNECT Today for EARLY . TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON!

WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending).

Upon launch all will be notified.

* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading)

Withbrains.com/@Davidv ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite);
TastingTraffic.net ® ();
JustBlameWayne.com ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#failure #why #integrated #big #intel #VIDEO_CARDS #CPU #OUT_OF_BUSINESS #DAM_THING #wait #trained #Human_Brain #study #Think #AI_HYPE #GPU #CHIP_POWER #GPT #china #decades #ai #INFANTILE #lil_spermy #swimming #egg #truth #burst #BUBBLES #SKILLED_TALENT #dead #ibm #microsoft #GAME_OVER #Nvidia #Gaming_Laptops #processing_chips #sales #RED #PROPRIETARY #BURN_OUT #thinkpad #Dedicated_GPU #video_card #BINGO #real #plugin #Dedicate_GPU #INVITE #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS

Last updated 1 year ago


Here is ??

Apples HEAD SET with a CPU/GPU is a NO NO!!??

Do you remember when ITS into their 'S?

They put themselves overnight bc of GREED. You see these tech giants think they know all when they don’t know a !

What is really happening at street view?? They are oblivious. They cannot see past their noses..
The Customers walking into their brick and mortar stores are tourists, tire kickers NOT real use customers:( The Blind leading the Blind..

In the same way APPLE grabbing at straws (paper or plastic?? ugh!) BECAUSE THEY GOT NOTHING!

Save your $3k and WAIT.. There is always 3 answers and no-one likes the last one. 1. Yes 2. No and 3. .. Be patient..


CASE USE and 25 Years of Hardware Experience by DavidV:

My first laptop was a Gateway that some may remember (the cow MOOOOO!).. lol. Well I wore the paint off on those keys from so much use (all letters and numbers gone;)). As time went on -over the years, I could not find a laptop or desktop that could keep up with the speed of a exposed to the Internet 25 YEARS.. 24/7

Has anyone done that ?? WE NOT!

But How would you know? Most were handed a Dumb Phone almost at Birth. You are Blind if you primarily hardware was a dumb phone. Not only are you blind but it has made you DUMBER than DUMBER and the intent of all BIG TECH to corner all markets.. so that YOU don't..


You all have bought into AS IF.. it actually exists today?? when they COMPUTING POWER *required to POWER AI (IF THE CODE EVER gets CREATED) does not EXIST YET..

HELLO ANYONE HOME?.. Didn't think so.. grin

In short, the *required to power CHAT-LIKE applications (aka SEARCH ENGINE SOFTWARE extension borrowed/stolen from AMAZON ALEXA --IS NOT AI); has NOT been INVENTED YET.

is the closest but still away..

IS NOT even in its STAGES; but rather in the reproduction stages where the is still TOWARDS the w/ NO POWER:(!!

And That my friends is the closest we are to (aka ). Ugh!
Sorry to your ..

1. YOU NEED THE CHIP POWER FIRST TO POWER all these TECHNOLOGIES CURRENTLY BEING HYPED. Not to mention the ! Good luck on that one.. your gonna need it.

Ok, on with the story.. Before Video cards where invented integrated their CPU chips with its video cards (). BIG MISTAKE BY AND THE REASON they pushed themselves out of the MARKET. Now a Company --just like Dinosaurs.. and --they all got nothing. They ALL LOST MARKET SHARE.


As time went on I tried many laptops and desktops. Spent years pulling my hair out bc NO laptop OR desktop could keep up with the processing power of MY HUMAN BRAIN. Many of those laptops and desktops ran on integrated CPU's W/ video cards at the time --until ;)

Like Netflix.. I knew NVIDIA would become the Mammoth LONG before even Nvidia. I say that bc their case use at the time was for (a total dif breed of customers to market) It hadn't even crossed their minds that the golden egg was in fact and since Video ate up most of the CPU power it just made sense to separate the two.…

And why NVIDIA Lagged/Stalled in direction for years..

Gaming laptop crashed remember?

ALL integrated VIDEO Cards I tested FAILED in terms of processing power AND to ad more insult to injury I could not UPGRADE THE VIDEO CARD because it was integrated with the . (BIG FLAG)

and that is GOOD reason to stay away from hardware!! Apple has just made the same enormous mistake INTEL did! imho.

ALSO, it would not matter EVEN IF I could UPGRADE to a more POWERFUL video card/GPU --SINCE they would RUN HOTTER and would the pre-existing CPU.

Then one day a friend of mine handed me which had a i3 intel CPU.. in a laptop.. !

THE MOMENT I started using it I could tell that I finally found a system that could keep up with the processing power and SPEED of mouse clicks and BRAIN interactions. Everything was faster by at least a 10 fold!!:):)

NVIDIA FINALLY got a clue when Bitcoin miners started stacking UP all their cards for powering BITCOIN calculations for mining rigs --which then spearheaded the chip race. AND THE .

Not that i am interested in a headset whatsoever; but if I was I would buy a headset with the Fastest CPU possible and then ADD a Dedicated Stand alone GPU Nividia card similar to ASUS. See video.. just released 2 days ago..

You are wasting your money.. WAIT for a headset that allows YOU TO a to attach to the headset and you will be WAY ahead of the game --not to mention Saving a fortune in the long run --if saving money is your forte..'

Unveiling the ROG Matrix GeForce RTX 4090


CONNECT Today for EARLY . TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON!

WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending).

Upon launch all will be notified.

* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading)

Withbrains.com/@Davidv ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite);
TastingTraffic.net ® ();
JustBlameWayne.com ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#failure #why #integrated #big #intel #VIDEO_CARDS #CPU #OUT_OF_BUSINESS #DAM_THING #wait #trained #Human_Brain #study #Think #AI_HYPE #GPU #CHIP_POWER #GPT #china #decades #ai #INFANTILE #lil_spermy #swimming #egg #truth #burst #BUBBLES #SKILLED_TALENT #dead #ibm #microsoft #GAME_OVER #Nvidia #Gaming_Laptops #processing_chips #sales #RED #PROPRIETARY #BURN_OUT #thinkpad #Dedicated_GPU #video_card #BINGO #real #plugin #Dedicate_GPU #INVITE #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS

Last updated 1 year ago

$3000K IS A complete RIGHT OF THE ! imho

Here is ??

Apples HEAD SET with a CPU/GPU is a NO NO!!??

Do you remember when ITS into their 'S?

They put themselves overnight bc of .

You see these tech giants think they know it all when they don’t know a ! ;(

What is really happening at street view?? They are to it.

They cannot see past their noses..
The Customers walking into their brick and mortar stores are tourists, tire kickers NOT real use customers:( The Blind leading the Blind..

In the same way APPLE grabbing at straws (paper or plastic?? ugh!) BECAUSE THEY GOT NOTHING!

Save your $3k and WAIT.. There is always 3 answers and no-one likes the last one. 1. Yes 2. No and 3. .. Be patient..


CASE USE and 25 Years of Hardware Experience by DavidV:

My first laptop was a Gateway that some may remember (the cow MOOOOO!).. lol. Well I wore the paint off on those keys from so much use (all letters and numbers gone;)).

As time went on -over the years, I could not find a laptop or desktop that could keep up with the speed of a exposed to the Internet 25 YEARS.. 24/7

Has anyone done that ?? WE NOT!

But How would you know? Most were handed a Dumb Phone almost at Birth. You are Blind if your primary hardware was a dumb phone. Not your fault but.. it has made you than and the intent of all BIG TECH to corner all markets..

~so that YOU don't..~


You all have bought into AS IF.. it actually exists today?? when the COMPUTING POWER *required to POWER AI (IF THE CODE EVER gets CREATED) does not EXIST --YET..


In short, the *required to power CHAT-LIKE applications (aka SEARCH ENGINE SOFTWARE extension borrowed/stolen from AMAZON ALEXA --IS NOT AI); has NOT been INVENTED YET.

is the closest but still away..

IS NOT even in its STAGES; but rather in the reproduction stages where the is still TOWARDS the w/ :(!!


And That my friends is the closest we are to TODAY!(aka ).

Sorry to burst your bubbles..


Not to mention the ! >>Good luck on that one.. your gonna need it.

Ok, on with the story.. Before Video cards where invented integrated their CPU chips with its video cards ().

BIG MISTAKE BY AND THE REASON they pushed themselves out of the MARKET. Now a Company --just like Dinosaurs.. and --they all got nothing. They ALL LOST MARKET SHARE.


As time went on I tried many laptops and desktops. Spent years pulling my hair out bc NO laptop OR desktop could keep up with the processing power of MY HUMAN BRAIN.

Many of those laptops and desktops ran on integrated CPU's W/ integrated video cards at the time --until ;)

Like Netflix.. I knew NVIDIA would become a Mammoth LONG before even Nvidia knew. I say that bc their case use at the time was for (a total dif breed of customers to market)

Had it even crossed their minds that the golden egg was in fact and since Video ate up most of the CPU power it just made sense to separate the two.…

And why NVIDIA Lagged/Stalled in all directions for years..

Gaming laptop crashed remember?

ALL integrated VIDEO Cards I tested FAILED in terms of processing power AND to ad more insult to injury I could not UPGRADE THE VIDEO CARD because it was integrated with the . (BIG FLAG)

and that is GOOD reason to stay away from hardware!! Apple has just made the same enormous mistake INTEL did! imho.

Apple needs a CEO;)

ALSO, it would not matter EVEN IF I could UPGRADE to a more POWERFUL video card/GPU --SINCE they would RUN HOTTER and would the pre-existing CPU. UGH!

Then one day a friend of mine handed me which had a i3 intel CPU.. in a laptop..


THE MOMENT I started using it I could tell that I finally found a hardware system that could keep up with the processing power and SPEED of mouse clicks and BRAIN interactions. Everything was faster by at least a 10 fold! or more!:):)

NVIDIA FINALLY got a clue when Bitcoin miners started stacking UP all their cards for powering BITCOIN calculations for mining rigs --

..which then the chip . AND THE .

Not that i am interested in a headset whatsoever; but if I was I would buy a headset with the Fastest CPU possible and then ADD a Dedicated Stand alone GPU NVidia card similar to .

See video.. just released 2 days ago..

You are wasting your money.. WAIT for a headset that allows YOU TO a to attach to the headset and you will be WAY ahead of the game --not to mention Saving a fortune in the long run --if saving money is your forte' ?

Unveiling the Matrix RTX 4090


CONNECT Today for EARLY . TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON!

WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending).

Upon launch all will be notified.

* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading)

Withbrains.com/@Davidv ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite);
TastingTraffic.net ® ();
JustBlameWayne.com ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or

#Apple #HEADSET #failure #out #gates #why #integrated #big #intel #VIDEO_CARDS #CPU #OUT_OF_BUSINESS #greed #DAM_THING #oblivious #wait #trained #Human_Brain #study #Think #DUMBER #AI_HYPE #GPU #CHIP_POWER #GPT #china #decades #ai #INFANTILE #lil_spermy #swimming #egg #no_power #truth #HYPED #SKILLED_TALENT #dead #ibm #microsoft #GAME_OVER #Nvidia #Gaming_Laptops #processing_chips #sales #RED #PROPRIETARY #new #BURN_OUT #thinkpad #Dedicated_GPU #video_card #BINGO #spearheaded #race #real #asus #plugin #Dedicate_GPU #ROG #GeForce #INVITE #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS

Last updated 1 year ago


Here is ??

Apples HEAD SET with a CPU/GPU is a NO NO!!??

Do you remember when ITS into their 'S?

They put themselves overnight bc of GREED. You see these tech giants think they know all when they don’t know a !

What is really happening at street view?? They are oblivious. They cannot see past their noses..
The Customers walking into their brick and mortar stores are tourists, tire kickers NOT real use customers:( The Blind leading the Blind..

In the same way APPLE grabbing at straws (paper or plastic?? ugh!) BECAUSE THEY GOT NOTHING!

Save your $3k and WAIT.. There is always 3 answers and no-one likes the last one. 1. Yes 2. No and 3. .. Be patient..


CASE USE and 25 Years of Hardware Experience by DavidV:

My first laptop was a Gateway that some may remember (the cow MOOOOO!).. lol. Well I wore the paint off on those keys from so much use (all letters and numbers gone;)). As time went on -over the years, I could not find a laptop or desktop that could keep up with the speed of a exposed to the Internet 25 YEARS.. 24/7

Has anyone done that ?? WE NOT!

But How would you know? Most were handed a Dumb Phone almost at Birth. You are Blind if you primarily hardware was a dumb phone. Not only are you blind but it has made you DUMBER than DUMBER and the intent of all BIG TECH to corner all markets.. so that YOU don't..


You all have bought into AS IF.. it actually exists today?? when they COMPUTING POWER *required to POWER AI (IF THE CODE EVER gets CREATED) does not EXIST YET..

HELLO ANYONE HOME?.. Didn't think so.. grin

In short, the *required to power CHAT-LIKE applications (aka SEARCH ENGINE SOFTWARE extension borrowed/stolen from AMAZON ALEXA --IS NOT AI); has NOT been INVENTED YET.

is the closest but still away..

IS NOT even in its STAGES; but rather in the reproduction stages where the is still TOWARDS the w/ NO POWER:(!!

And That my friends is the closest we are to (aka ). Ugh!
Sorry to your ..

1. YOU NEED THE CHIP POWER FIRST TO POWER all these TECHNOLOGIES CURRENTLY BEING HYPED. Not to mention the ! Good luck on that one.. your gonna need it.

Ok, on with the story.. Before Video cards where invented integrated their CPU chips with its video cards (). BIG MISTAKE BY AND THE REASON they pushed themselves out of the MARKET. Now a Company --just like Dinosaurs.. and --they all got nothing. They ALL LOST MARKET SHARE.


As time went on I tried many laptops and desktops. Spent years pulling my hair out bc NO laptop OR desktop could keep up with the processing power of MY HUMAN BRAIN. Many of those laptops and desktops ran on integrated CPU's W/ video cards at the time --until ;)

Like Netflix.. I knew NVIDIA would become the Mammoth LONG before even Nvidia. I say that bc their case use at the time was for (a total dif breed of customers to market) It hadn't even crossed their minds that the golden egg was in fact and since Video ate up most of the CPU power it just made sense to separate the two.…

And why NVIDIA Lagged/Stalled in direction for years..

Gaming laptop crashed remember?

ALL integrated VIDEO Cards I tested FAILED in terms of processing power AND to add more insult to injury I could not UPGRADE THE VIDEO CARD because it was integrated with the . (BIG FLAG)

and that is GOOD reason to stay away from hardware!! Apple has just made the same enormous mistake INTEL did! imho.

ALSO, it would not matter EVEN IF I could UPGRADE to a more POWERFUL video card/GPU --SINCE they would RUN HOTTER and would the pre-existing CPU.

Then one day a friend of mine handed me which had a i3 intel CPU.. in a laptop.. !

THE MOMENT I started using it I could tell that I finally found a system that could keep up with the processing power and SPEED of mouse clicks and BRAIN interactions. Everything was faster by at least a 10 fold!!:):)

NVIDIA FINALLY got a clue when Bitcoin miners started stacking UP all their cards for powering BITCOIN calculations for mining rigs --which then spearheaded the chip race. AND THE .

Not that i am interested in a headset whatsoever; but if I was I would buy a headset with the Fastest CPU possible and then ADD a Dedicated Stand alone GPU Nividia card similar to ASUS. See video.. just released 2 days ago..

You are wasting your money.. WAIT for a headset that allows YOU TO a to attach to the headset and you will be WAY ahead of the game --not to mention Saving a fortune in the long run --if saving money is your forte..'

Unveiling the ROG Matrix GeForce RTX 4090


CONNECT Today for EARLY . TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON!

WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending).

Upon launch all will be notified.

* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading)

Withbrains.com/@Davidv ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite);
TastingTraffic.net ® ();
JustBlameWayne.com ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#failure #why #integrated #big #intel #VIDEO_CARDS #CPU #OUT_OF_BUSINESS #DAM_THING #wait #trained #Human_Brain #study #Think #AI_HYPE #GPU #CHIP_POWER #GPT #china #decades #ai #INFANTILE #lil_spermy #swimming #egg #truth #burst #BUBBLES #SKILLED_TALENT #dead #ibm #microsoft #GAME_OVER #Nvidia #Gaming_Laptops #processing_chips #sales #RED #PROPRIETARY #BURN_OUT #thinkpad #Dedicated_GPU #video_card #BINGO #real #plugin #Dedicate_GPU #INVITE #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS

Last updated 1 year ago


Here is ??

Apples HEAD SET with a CPU/GPU is a NO NO!!??

Do you remember when ITS into their 'S?

They put themselves overnight bc of GREED. You see these tech giants think they know all when they don’t know a !

What is really happening at street view?? They are oblivious. They cannot see past their noses..
The Customers walking into their brick and mortar stores are tourists, tire kickers NOT real use customers:( The Blind leading the Blind..

In the same way APPLE grabbing at straws (paper or plastic?? ugh!) BECAUSE THEY GOT NOTHING!

Save your $3k and WAIT.. There is always 3 answers and no-one likes the last one. 1. Yes 2. No and 3. .. Be patient..


CASE USE and 25 Years of Hardware Experience by DavidV:

My first laptop was a Gateway that some may remember (the cow MOOOOO!).. lol. Well I wore the paint off on those keys from so much use (all letters and numbers gone;)). As time went on -over the years, I could not find a laptop or desktop that could keep up with the speed of a exposed to the Internet 25 YEARS.. 24/7

Has anyone done that ?? WE NOT!

But How would you know? Most were handed a Dumb Phone almost at Birth. You are Blind if you primarily hardware was a dumb phone. Not only are you blind but it has made you DUMBER than DUMBER and the intent of all BIG TECH to corner all markets.. so that YOU don't..


You all have bought into AS IF.. it actually exists today?? when they COMPUTING POWER *required to POWER AI (IF THE CODE EVER gets CREATED) does not EXIST YET..

HELLO ANYONE HOME?.. Didn't think so.. grin

In short, the *required to power CHAT-LIKE applications (aka SEARCH ENGINE SOFTWARE extension borrowed/stolen from AMAZON ALEXA --IS NOT AI); has NOT been INVENTED YET.

is the closest but still away..

IS NOT even in its STAGES; but rather in the reproduction stages where the is still TOWARDS the w/ NO POWER:(!!

And That my friends is the closest we are to (aka ). Ugh!
Sorry to your ..

1. YOU NEED THE CHIP POWER FIRST TO POWER all these TECHNOLOGIES CURRENTLY BEING HYPED. Not to mention the ! Good luck on that one.. your gonna need it.

Ok, on with the story.. Before Video cards where invented integrated their CPU chips with its video cards (). BIG MISTAKE BY AND THE REASON they pushed themselves out of the MARKET. Now a Company --just like Dinosaurs.. and --they all got nothing. They ALL LOST MARKET SHARE.


As time went on I tried many laptops and desktops. Spent years pulling my hair out bc NO laptop OR desktop could keep up with the processing power of MY HUMAN BRAIN. Many of those laptops and desktops ran on integrated CPU's W/ video cards at the time --until ;)

Like Netflix.. I knew NVIDIA would become the Mammoth LONG before even Nvidia. I say that bc their case use at the time was for (a total dif breed of customers to market) It hadn't even crossed their minds that the golden egg was in fact and since Video ate up most of the CPU power it just made sense to separate the two.…

And why NVIDIA Lagged/Stalled in direction for years..

Gaming laptop crashed remember?

ALL integrated VIDEO Cards I tested FAILED in terms of processing power AND to ad more insult to injury I could not UPGRADE THE VIDEO CARD because it was integrated with the . (BIG FLAG)

and that is GOOD reason to stay away from hardware!! Apple has just made the same enormous mistake INTEL did! imho.

ALSO, it would not matter EVEN IF I could UPGRADE to a more POWERFUL video card/GPU --SINCE they would RUN HOTTER and would the pre-existing CPU.

Then one day a friend of mine handed me which had a i3 intel CPU.. in a laptop.. !

THE MOMENT I started using it I could tell that I finally found a system that could keep up with the processing power and SPEED of mouse clicks and BRAIN interactions. Everything was faster by at least a 10 fold!!:):)

NVIDIA FINALLY got a clue when Bitcoin miners started stacking UP all their cards for powering BITCOIN calculations for mining rigs --which then spearheaded the chip race. AND THE .

Not that i am interested in a headset whatsoever; but if I was I would buy a headset with the Fastest CPU possible and then ADD a Dedicated Stand alone GPU Nividia card similar to ASUS. See video.. just released 2 days ago..

You are wasting your money.. WAIT for a headset that allows YOU TO a to attach to the headset and you will be WAY ahead of the game --not to mention Saving a fortune in the long run --if saving money is your forte..'

Unveiling the ROG Matrix GeForce RTX 4090


CONNECT Today for EARLY . TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON!

WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending).

Upon launch all will be notified.

* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading)

Withbrains.com/@Davidv ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite);
TastingTraffic.net ® ();
JustBlameWayne.com ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#failure #why #integrated #big #intel #VIDEO_CARDS #CPU #OUT_OF_BUSINESS #DAM_THING #wait #trained #Human_Brain #study #Think #AI_HYPE #GPU #CHIP_POWER #GPT #china #decades #ai #INFANTILE #lil_spermy #swimming #egg #truth #burst #BUBBLES #SKILLED_TALENT #dead #ibm #microsoft #GAME_OVER #Nvidia #Gaming_Laptops #processing_chips #sales #RED #PROPRIETARY #BURN_OUT #thinkpad #Dedicated_GPU #video_card #BINGO #real #plugin #Dedicate_GPU #INVITE #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS

Last updated 1 year ago


Here is ??

Apples HEAD SET with a CPU/GPU is a NO NO!!??

Do you remember when ITS into their 'S?

They put themselves overnight bc of GREED. You see these tech giants think they know all when they don’t know a !

What is really happening at street view?? They are oblivious. They cannot see past their noses..
The Customers walking into their brick and mortar stores are tourists, tire kickers NOT real use customers:( The Blind leading the Blind..

In the same way APPLE grabbing at straws (paper or plastic?? ugh!) BECAUSE THEY GOT NOTHING!

Save your $3k and WAIT.. There is always 3 answers and no-one likes the last one. 1. Yes 2. No and 3. .. Be patient..


CASE USE and 25 Years of Hardware Experience by DavidV:

My first laptop was a Gateway that some may remember (the cow MOOOOO!).. lol. Well I wore the paint off on those keys from so much use (all letters and numbers gone;)). As time went on -over the years, I could not find a laptop or desktop that could keep up with the speed of a exposed to the Internet 25 YEARS.. 24/7

Has anyone done that ?? WE NOT!

But How would you know? Most were handed a Dumb Phone almost at Birth. You are Blind if you primarily hardware was a dumb phone. Not only are you blind but it has made you DUMBER than DUMBER and the intent of all BIG TECH to corner all markets.. so that YOU don't..


You all have bought into AS IF.. it actually exists today?? when they COMPUTING POWER *required to POWER AI (IF THE CODE EVER gets CREATED) does not EXIST YET..

HELLO ANYONE HOME?.. Didn't think so.. grin

In short, the *required to power CHAT-LIKE applications (aka SEARCH ENGINE SOFTWARE extension borrowed/stolen from AMAZON ALEXA --IS NOT AI); has NOT been INVENTED YET.

is the closest but still away..

IS NOT even in its STAGES; but rather in the reproduction stages where the is still TOWARDS the w/ NO POWER:(!!

And That my friends is the closest we are to (aka ). Ugh!
Sorry to your ..

1. YOU NEED THE CHIP POWER FIRST TO POWER all these TECHNOLOGIES CURRENTLY BEING HYPED. Not to mention the ! Good luck on that one.. your gonna need it.

Ok, on with the story.. Before Video cards where invented integrated their CPU chips with its video cards (). BIG MISTAKE BY AND THE REASON they pushed themselves out of the MARKET. Now a Company --just like Dinosaurs.. and --they all got nothing. They ALL LOST MARKET SHARE.


As time went on I tried many laptops and desktops. Spent years pulling my hair out bc NO laptop OR desktop could keep up with the processing power of MY HUMAN BRAIN. Many of those laptops and desktops ran on integrated CPU's W/ video cards at the time --until ;)

Like Netflix.. I knew NVIDIA would become the Mammoth LONG before even Nvidia. I say that bc their case use at the time was for (a total dif breed of customers to market) It hadn't even crossed their minds that the golden egg was in fact and since Video ate up most of the CPU power it just made sense to separate the two.…

And why NVIDIA Lagged/Stalled in direction for years..

Gaming laptop crashed remember?

ALL integrated VIDEO Cards I tested FAILED in terms of processing power AND to ad more insult to injury I could not UPGRADE THE VIDEO CARD because it was integrated with the . (BIG FLAG)

and that is GOOD reason to stay away from hardware!! Apple has just made the same enormous mistake INTEL did! imho.

ALSO, it would not matter EVEN IF I could UPGRADE to a more POWERFUL video card/GPU --SINCE they would RUN HOTTER and would the pre-existing CPU.

Then one day a friend of mine handed me which had a i3 intel CPU.. in a laptop.. !

THE MOMENT I started using it I could tell that I finally found a system that could keep up with the processing power and SPEED of mouse clicks and BRAIN interactions. Everything was faster by at least a 10 fold!!:):)

NVIDIA FINALLY got a clue when Bitcoin miners started stacking UP all their cards for powering BITCOIN calculations for mining rigs --which then spearheaded the chip race. AND THE .

Not that i am interested in a headset whatsoever; but if I was I would buy a headset with the Fastest CPU possible and then ADD a Dedicated Stand alone GPU Nividia card similar to ASUS. See video.. just released 2 days ago..

You are wasting your money.. WAIT for a headset that allows YOU TO a to attach to the headset and you will be WAY ahead of the game --not to mention Saving a fortune in the long run --if saving money is your forte..'

Unveiling the ROG Matrix GeForce RTX 4090


CONNECT Today for EARLY . TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON!

WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending).

Upon launch all will be notified.

* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading)

Withbrains.com/@Davidv ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite);
TastingTraffic.net ® ();
JustBlameWayne.com ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#failure #why #integrated #big #intel #VIDEO_CARDS #CPU #OUT_OF_BUSINESS #DAM_THING #wait #trained #Human_Brain #study #Think #AI_HYPE #GPU #CHIP_POWER #GPT #china #decades #ai #INFANTILE #lil_spermy #swimming #egg #truth #burst #BUBBLES #SKILLED_TALENT #dead #ibm #microsoft #GAME_OVER #Nvidia #Gaming_Laptops #processing_chips #sales #RED #PROPRIETARY #BURN_OUT #thinkpad #Dedicated_GPU #video_card #BINGO #real #plugin #Dedicate_GPU #INVITE #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS

Last updated 1 year ago

$3000K IS A complete RIGHT OF THE ! imho

Here is ??

Apples HEAD SET with a CPU/GPU is a NO NO!!??

Do you remember when ITS into their 'S?

They put themselves overnight bc of .

You see these tech giants think they know it all when they don’t know a ! ;(

What is really happening at street view?? They are to it.

They cannot see past their noses..
The Customers walking into their brick and mortar stores are tourists, tire kickers NOT real use customers:( The Blind leading the Blind..

In the same way APPLE grabbing at straws (paper or plastic?? ugh!) BECAUSE THEY GOT NOTHING!

Save your $3k and WAIT.. There is always 3 answers and no-one likes the last one. 1. Yes 2. No and 3. .. Be patient..


CASE USE and 25 Years of Hardware Experience by DavidV:

My first laptop was a Gateway that some may remember (the cow MOOOOO!).. lol. Well I wore the paint off on those keys from so much use (all letters and numbers gone;)).

As time went on -over the years, I could not find a laptop or desktop that could keep up with the speed of a exposed to the Internet 25 YEARS.. 24/7

Has anyone done that ?? WE NOT!

But How would you know? Most were handed a Dumb Phone almost at Birth. You are Blind if your primary hardware was a dumb phone. Not your fault but.. it has made you than and the intent of all BIG TECH to corner all markets..

~so that YOU don't..~


You all have bought into AS IF.. it actually exists today?? when the COMPUTING POWER *required to POWER AI (IF THE CODE EVER gets CREATED) does not EXIST --YET..


In short, the *required to power CHAT-LIKE applications (aka SEARCH ENGINE SOFTWARE extension borrowed/stolen from AMAZON ALEXA --IS NOT AI); has NOT been INVENTED YET.

is the closest but still away..

IS NOT even in its STAGES; but rather in the reproduction stages where the is still TOWARDS the w/ :(!!


And That my friends is the closest we are to TODAY!(aka ).

Sorry to burst your bubbles..


Not to mention the ! >>Good luck on that one.. your gonna need it.

Ok, on with the story.. Before Video cards where invented integrated their CPU chips with its video cards ().

BIG MISTAKE BY AND THE REASON they pushed themselves out of the MARKET. Now a Company --just like Dinosaurs.. and --they all got nothing. They ALL LOST MARKET SHARE.


As time went on I tried many laptops and desktops. Spent years pulling my hair out bc NO laptop OR desktop could keep up with the processing power of MY HUMAN BRAIN.

Many of those laptops and desktops ran on integrated CPU's W/ integrated video cards at the time --until ;)

Like Netflix.. I knew NVIDIA would become a Mammoth LONG before even Nvidia knew. I say that bc their case use at the time was for (a total dif breed of customers to market)

Had it even crossed their minds that the golden egg was in fact and since Video ate up most of the CPU power it just made sense to separate the two.…

And why NVIDIA Lagged/Stalled in all directions for years..

Gaming laptop crashed remember?

ALL integrated VIDEO Cards I tested FAILED in terms of processing power AND to ad more insult to injury I could not UPGRADE THE VIDEO CARD because it was integrated with the . (BIG FLAG)

and that is GOOD reason to stay away from hardware!! Apple has just made the same enormous mistake INTEL did! imho.

Apple needs a CEO;)

ALSO, it would not matter EVEN IF I could UPGRADE to a more POWERFUL video card/GPU --SINCE they would RUN HOTTER and would the pre-existing CPU. UGH!

Then one day a friend of mine handed me which had a i3 intel CPU.. in a laptop..


THE MOMENT I started using it I could tell that I finally found a hardware system that could keep up with the processing power and SPEED of mouse clicks and BRAIN interactions. Everything was faster by at least a 10 fold! or more!:):)

NVIDIA FINALLY got a clue when Bitcoin miners started stacking UP all their cards for powering BITCOIN calculations for mining rigs --

..which then the chip . AND THE .

Not that i am interested in a headset whatsoever; but if I was I would buy a headset with the Fastest CPU possible and then ADD a Dedicated Stand alone GPU NVidia card similar to .

See video.. just released 2 days ago..

You are wasting your money.. WAIT for a headset that allows YOU TO a to attach to the headset and you will be WAY ahead of the game --not to mention Saving a fortune in the long run --if saving money is your forte' ?

Unveiling the Matrix RTX 4090


CONNECT Today for EARLY . TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON!

WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending).

Upon launch all will be notified.

* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading)

Withbrains.com/@Davidv ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite);
TastingTraffic.net ® ();
JustBlameWayne.com ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or

#Apple #HEADSET #failure #out #gates #why #integrated #big #intel #VIDEO_CARDS #CPU #OUT_OF_BUSINESS #greed #DAM_THING #oblivious #wait #trained #Human_Brain #study #Think #DUMBER #AI_HYPE #GPU #CHIP_POWER #GPT #china #decades #ai #INFANTILE #lil_spermy #swimming #egg #no_power #truth #HYPED #SKILLED_TALENT #dead #ibm #microsoft #GAME_OVER #Nvidia #Gaming_Laptops #processing_chips #sales #RED #PROPRIETARY #new #BURN_OUT #thinkpad #Dedicated_GPU #video_card #BINGO #spearheaded #race #real #asus #plugin #Dedicate_GPU #ROG #GeForce #INVITE #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS

Last updated 1 year ago

$3000K IS A complete RIGHT OF THE ! imho

Here is ??

Apples HEAD SET with a CPU/GPU is a NO NO!!??

Do you remember when ITS into their 'S?

They put themselves overnight bc of .

You see these tech giants think they know it all when they don’t know a ! ;(

What is really happening at street view?? They are to it.

They cannot see past their noses..
The Customers walking into their brick and mortar stores are tourists, tire kickers NOT real use customers:( The Blind leading the Blind..

In the same way APPLE grabbing at straws (paper or plastic?? ugh!) BECAUSE THEY GOT NOTHING!

Save your $3k and WAIT.. There is always 3 answers and no-one likes the last one. 1. Yes 2. No and 3. .. Be patient..


CASE USE and 25 Years of Hardware Experience by DavidV:

My first laptop was a Gateway that some may remember (the cow MOOOOO!).. lol. Well I wore the paint off on those keys from so much use (all letters and numbers gone;)).

As time went on -over the years, I could not find a laptop or desktop that could keep up with the speed of a exposed to the Internet 25 YEARS.. 24/7

Has anyone done that ?? WE NOT!

But How would you know? Most were handed a Dumb Phone almost at Birth. You are Blind if your primary hardware was a dumb phone. Not your fault but.. it has made you than and the intent of all BIG TECH to corner all markets..

~so that YOU don't..~


You all have bought into AS IF.. it actually exists today?? when the COMPUTING POWER *required to POWER AI (IF THE CODE EVER gets CREATED) does not EXIST --YET..


In short, the *required to power CHAT-LIKE applications (aka SEARCH ENGINE SOFTWARE extension borrowed/stolen from AMAZON ALEXA --IS NOT AI); has NOT been INVENTED YET.

is the closest but still away..

IS NOT even in its STAGES; but rather in the reproduction stages where the is still TOWARDS the w/ :(!!


And That my friends is the closest we are to TODAY!(aka ).

Sorry to burst your bubbles..


Not to mention the ! >>Good luck on that one.. your gonna need it.

Ok, on with the story.. Before Video cards where invented integrated their CPU chips with its video cards ().

BIG MISTAKE BY AND THE REASON they pushed themselves out of the MARKET. Now a Company --just like Dinosaurs.. and --they all got nothing. They ALL LOST MARKET SHARE.


As time went on I tried many laptops and desktops. Spent years pulling my hair out bc NO laptop OR desktop could keep up with the processing power of MY HUMAN BRAIN.

Many of those laptops and desktops ran on integrated CPU's W/ integrated video cards at the time --until ;)

Like Netflix.. I knew NVIDIA would become a Mammoth LONG before even Nvidia knew. I say that bc their case use at the time was for (a total dif breed of customers to market)

Had it even crossed their minds that the golden egg was in fact and since Video ate up most of the CPU power it just made sense to separate the two.…

And why NVIDIA Lagged/Stalled in direction for years..

Gaming laptop sales crashed remember?

ALL integrated VIDEO Cards I tested FAILED in terms of processing power AND to ad more insult to injury I could not UPGRADE THE VIDEO CARD because it was integrated with the . (BIG RED FLAG)

and that is GOOD reason to stay away from hardware!! Apple has just made the same enormous mistake INTEL did! imho.

Apple needs a CEO;)

ALSO, it would not matter EVEN IF I could UPGRADE to a more POWERFUL video card/GPU --SINCE they would RUN HOTTER and would the pre-existing CPU. UGH!

Then one day a friend of mine handed me which had a i3 intel CPU.. in a laptop..


THE MOMENT I started using it I could tell that I finally found a hardware system that could keep up with the processing power and SPEED of mouse clicks and BRAIN interactions. Everything was faster by at least a 10 fold! or more!:):)

NVIDIA FINALLY got a clue when Bitcoin miners started stacking UP all their cards for powering BITCOIN calculations for mining rigs --

..which then the chip . AND THE .

Not that i am interested in a headset whatsoever; but if I was I would buy a headset with the Fastest CPU possible and then ADD a Dedicated Stand alone GPU NVidia card similar to .

See video.. just released 2 days ago..

You are wasting your money.. WAIT for a headset that allows YOU TO a to attach to the headset and you will be WAY ahead of the game --not to mention Saving a fortune in the long run --if saving money is your forte' ?

Unveiling the Matrix RTX 4090


CONNECT Today for EARLY . TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON!

WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending).

Upon launch all will be notified.

* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading)

Withbrains.com/@Davidv ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite);
TastingTraffic.net ® ();
JustBlameWayne.com ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or

#Apple #HEADSET #failure #out #gates #why #integrated #big #intel #VIDEO_CARDS #CPU #OUT_OF_BUSINESS #greed #DAM_THING #oblivious #wait #trained #Human_Brain #study #Think #DUMBER #AI_HYPE #GPU #CHIP_POWER #GPT #china #decades #ai #INFANTILE #lil_spermy #swimming #egg #no_power #truth #HYPED #SKILLED_TALENT #dead #ibm #microsoft #GAME_OVER #Nvidia #Gaming_Laptops #processing_chips #PROPRIETARY #new #BURN_OUT #thinkpad #Dedicated_GPU #video_card #BINGO #spearheaded #race #real #asus #plugin #Dedicate_GPU #ROG #GeForce #INVITE #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS

Last updated 1 year ago

$3000K IS A complete RIGHT OF THE ! imho

Here is ??

Apples HEAD SET with a CPU/GPU is a NO NO!!??

Do you remember when ITS into their 'S?

They put themselves overnight bc of .

You see these tech giants think they know it all when they don’t know a ! ;(

What is really happening at street view?? They are to it.

They cannot see past their noses..
The Customers walking into their brick and mortar stores are tourists, tire kickers NOT real use customers:( The Blind leading the Blind..

In the same way APPLE grabbing at straws (paper or plastic?? ugh!) BECAUSE THEY GOT NOTHING!

Save your $3k and WAIT.. There is always 3 answers and no-one likes the last one. 1. Yes 2. No and 3. .. Be patient..


CASE USE and 25 Years of Hardware Experience by DavidV:

My first laptop was a Gateway that some may remember (the cow MOOOOO!).. lol. Well I wore the paint off on those keys from so much use (all letters and numbers gone;)).

As time went on -over the years, I could not find a laptop or desktop that could keep up with the speed of a exposed to the Internet 25 YEARS.. 24/7

Has anyone done that ?? WE NOT!

But How would you know? Most were handed a Dumb Phone almost at Birth. You are Blind if your primary hardware was a dumb phone. Not your fault but.. it has made you than and the intent of all BIG TECH to corner all markets..

~so that YOU don't..~


You all have bought into AS IF.. it actually exists today?? when the COMPUTING POWER *required to POWER AI (IF THE CODE EVER gets CREATED) does not EXIST --YET..


In short, the *required to power CHAT-LIKE applications (aka SEARCH ENGINE SOFTWARE extension borrowed/stolen from AMAZON ALEXA --IS NOT AI); has NOT been INVENTED YET.

is the closest but still away..

IS NOT even in its STAGES; but rather in the reproduction stages where the is still TOWARDS the w/ :(!!


And That my friends is the closest we are to TODAY!(aka ).

Sorry to burst your bubbles..


Not to mention the ! >>Good luck on that one.. your gonna need it.

Ok, on with the story.. Before Video cards where invented integrated their CPU chips with its video cards ().

BIG MISTAKE BY AND THE REASON they pushed themselves out of the MARKET. Now a Company --just like Dinosaurs.. and --they all got nothing. They ALL LOST MARKET SHARE.


As time went on I tried many laptops and desktops. Spent years pulling my hair out bc NO laptop OR desktop could keep up with the processing power of MY HUMAN BRAIN.

Many of those laptops and desktops ran on integrated CPU's W/ integrated video cards at the time --until ;)

Like Netflix.. I knew NVIDIA would become a Mammoth LONG before even Nvidia knew. I say that bc their case use at the time was for (a total dif breed of customers to market)

Had it even crossed their minds that the golden egg was in fact and since Video ate up most of the CPU power it just made sense to separate the two.…

And why NVIDIA Lagged/Stalled in direction for years..

Gaming laptop sales crashed remember?

ALL integrated VIDEO Cards I tested FAILED in terms of processing power AND to ad more insult to injury I could not UPGRADE THE VIDEO CARD because it was integrated with the . (BIG RED FLAG)

and that is GOOD reason to stay away from hardware!! Apple has just made the same enormous mistake INTEL did! imho.

Apple needs a CEO;)

ALSO, it would not matter EVEN IF I could UPGRADE to a more POWERFUL video card/GPU --SINCE they would RUN HOTTER and would the pre-existing CPU. UGH!

Then one day a friend of mine handed me which had a i3 intel CPU.. in a laptop..


THE MOMENT I started using it I could tell that I finally found a hardware system that could keep up with the processing power and SPEED of mouse clicks and BRAIN interactions. Everything was faster by at least a 10 fold! or more!:):)

NVIDIA FINALLY got a clue when Bitcoin miners started stacking UP all their cards for powering BITCOIN calculations for mining rigs --

..which then the chip . AND THE .

Not that i am interested in a headset whatsoever; but if I was I would buy a headset with the Fastest CPU possible and then ADD a Dedicated Stand alone GPU NVidia card similar to .

See video.. just released 2 days ago..

You are wasting your money.. WAIT for a headset that allows YOU TO a to attach to the headset and you will be WAY ahead of the game --not to mention Saving a fortune in the long run --if saving money is your forte' ?

Unveiling the Matrix RTX 4090


CONNECT Today for EARLY . TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON!

WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending).

Upon launch all will be notified.

* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading)

Withbrains.com/@Davidv ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite);
TastingTraffic.net ® ();
JustBlameWayne.com ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or

#Apple #HEADSET #failure #out #gates #why #integrated #big #intel #VIDEO_CARDS #CPU #OUT_OF_BUSINESS #greed #DAM_THING #oblivious #wait #trained #Human_Brain #study #Think #DUMBER #AI_HYPE #GPU #CHIP_POWER #GPT #china #decades #ai #INFANTILE #lil_spermy #swimming #egg #no_power #truth #HYPED #SKILLED_TALENT #dead #ibm #microsoft #GAME_OVER #Nvidia #Gaming_Laptops #processing_chips #PROPRIETARY #new #BURN_OUT #thinkpad #Dedicated_GPU #video_card #BINGO #spearheaded #race #real #asus #plugin #Dedicate_GPU #ROG #GeForce #INVITE #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS

Last updated 1 year ago

| | ???? | The is creating the environment in . Its going to produce of White Collar and Good Ole Fashioned . Mar 5, 2017

For the last 2 years all you have done is . It could be this or it could be that.. HARD LANDING, SOFT LANDING, CRASH LANDING, OR NO LANDING.. WHATS IT GOING TO BE !! LOL


YOU CANNOT EXPLAIN what you cannot SEE! The Reason why you cannot see IS because someone has MIXED VALID GOOD DATA with FAKE DATA. ALL RESULTS will be skewed and any number will NOT make sense.

On AND by Design.

How did the data get so corrupted?? From our Stolen software in 2007 Called .

The shear fact that you are ALL SO confirms AND INEPT PROGRAMMERS HAVE your .

You see those programmers and engineers AND the GREEDY STOCK BROKERS WHO HIRED THEM are ALSO DEAD. 'They' have 100% DESTROYED YOUR AND BANKS..

All the money is GONE!! LONG AGO..

We Should KnoW we have hired offshore devs. programmers. engineers for the last 25 years.. we Trust noone!

The worse part is that our Stolen Software has been manipulating all stock markets for many years now and the INSIDER_TRADERS ( the 1% of the 1%) HAVE MASKED ALL TRANSACTIONS AND MANY FUNDING SOURCES AS WELL AS well as depostis and withdrawals with noway of tracking origination..

aka MONEY LAUNDERING GONE WILD.. Your Nightmare has just begun unfortunately..



SEE VIDEO BELOW. we have posted this video for the last 5 years and NOONE has EVEN mentionED the word HFT (aka Hft Frequency Trading)

ANOTHER huge FOR US;) that the is ! NO ACTION WHATSOEVER!!??.

IS A EXPLAINED?? | | Trading in the | aka TRADING EXPLAINED | ! The Securities & Exchange Commission & the Commodities Future Trading Commissions, (SEC) which are supposed to regulate this activity; HAVE THE TO "MONITOR" IN ?

sits down with the to spell out how the Industry Works , and where it's under .

* to and Markets to the tune of of Dollars

* Lack of by high frequency traders to Manipulate..

* |

* | Secret Programs | 2-Level

* Black Monday Crash in 1977 | in a fraction of a second.



CONNECT Today for EARLY . TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON!

WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending).

Upon launch all will be notified.

* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading)

Withbrains.com/@Davidv ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite);
TastingTraffic.net ® ();
JustBlameWayne.com ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #Memory_Lane #BELIEVE_US_NOW #Trump_Admisitration #MOST_CRIMINOGENIC #US_HISTORY #EPIDEMIC_LEVELS #elite #fraud #corruption #SPECULATE #ANTON #data #corrupted #FLAWED_CONFIG_FILES #ROOT_CODE #COMPROMISED #RE_WRITTEN #SCRATCH #purpose #HFT #confused #brain #Stock_Markets #DEAD_DUCKS #confirmation #government #complicit #what #FLASH_CRASH #stock_market #High_Frequency #Trump_Era #HYPER_VELOCITY #algorithms #NEWSFLASH #do_not #COMPUTER_CAPACITY #EVEN #REAL_TIME #White_Collar #Criminologist #Bill_Black #REAL_NEWS #ballooning #EXACTLY #headed #President_Trump #FAKE_OFFERS #Distort #Decieve #TRILLIONS #regulation #Explioted #FRONT_RUNNING #Insider_Trading #Secret_Deals #PROPRIETARY #SCAM #INVITE

Last updated 1 year ago

| | ???? | The is creating the environment in . Its going to produce of White Collar and Good Ole Fashioned . Mar 5, 2017

For the last 2 years all you have done is . It could be this or it could be that.. HARD LANDING, SOFT LANDING, CRASH LANDING, OR NO LANDING.. WHATS IT GOING TO BE !! LOL


YOU CANNOT EXPLAIN what you cannot SEE! The Reason why you cannot see IS because someone has MIXED VALID GOOD DATA with FAKE DATA. ALL RESULTS will be skewed and any number will NOT make sense.

On AND by Design.

How did the data get so corrupted?? From our Stolen software in 2007 Called .

The shear fact that you are ALL SO confirms AND INEPT PROGRAMMERS HAVE your .

You see those programmers and engineers AND the GREEDY STOCK BROKERS WHO HIRED THEM are ALSO DEAD. 'They' have 100% DESTROYED YOUR AND BANKS..

All the money is GONE!! LONG AGO..

We Should KnoW we have hired offshore devs. programmers. engineers for the last 25 years.. we Trust noone!

The worse part is that our Stolen Software has been manipulating all stock markets for many years now and the INSIDER_TRADERS ( the 1% of the 1%) HAVE MASKED ALL TRANSACTIONS AND MANY FUNDING SOURCES AS WELL AS well as depostis and withdrawals with noway of tracking origination..

aka MONEY LAUNDERING GONE WILD.. Your Nightmare has just begun unfortunately..



SEE VIDEO BELOW. we have posted this video for the last 5 years and NOONE has EVEN mentionED the word HFT (aka Hft Frequency Trading)

ANOTHER huge FOR US;) that the is ! NO ACTION WHATSOEVER!!??.

IS A EXPLAINED?? | | Trading in the | aka TRADING EXPLAINED | ! The Securities & Exchange Commission & the Commodities Future Trading Commissions, (SEC) which are supposed to regulate this activity; HAVE THE TO "MONITOR" IN ?

sits down with the to spell out how the Industry Works , and where it's under .

* to and Markets to the tune of of Dollars

* Lack of by high frequency traders to Manipulate..

* |

* | Secret Programs | 2-Level

* Black Monday Crash in 1977 | in a fraction of a second.



CONNECT Today for EARLY . TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON!

WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending).

Upon launch all will be notified.

* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading)

Withbrains.com/@Davidv ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite);
TastingTraffic.net ® ();
JustBlameWayne.com ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #Memory_Lane #BELIEVE_US_NOW #Trump_Admisitration #MOST_CRIMINOGENIC #US_HISTORY #EPIDEMIC_LEVELS #elite #fraud #corruption #SPECULATE #ANTON #data #corrupted #FLAWED_CONFIG_FILES #ROOT_CODE #COMPROMISED #RE_WRITTEN #SCRATCH #purpose #HFT #confused #brain #Stock_Markets #DEAD_DUCKS #confirmation #government #complicit #what #FLASH_CRASH #stock_market #High_Frequency #Trump_Era #HYPER_VELOCITY #algorithms #NEWSFLASH #do_not #COMPUTER_CAPACITY #EVEN #REAL_TIME #White_Collar #Criminologist #Bill_Black #REAL_NEWS #ballooning #EXACTLY #headed #President_Trump #FAKE_OFFERS #Distort #Decieve #TRILLIONS #regulation #Explioted #FRONT_RUNNING #Insider_Trading #Secret_Deals #PROPRIETARY #SCAM #INVITE

Last updated 1 year ago

| | ???? | The is creating the environment in . Its going to produce of White Collar and Good Ole Fashioned . Mar 5, 2017

For the last 2 years all you have done is . It could be this or it could be that.. HARD LANDING, SOFT LANDING, CRASH LANDING, OR NO LANDING.. WHATS IT GOING TO BE !! LOL


YOU CANNOT EXPLAIN what you cannot SEE! The Reason why you cannot see IS because someone has MIXED VALID GOOD DATA with FAKE DATA. ALL RESULTS will be skewed and any number will NOT make sense.

On AND by Design.

How did the data get so corrupted?? From our Stolen software in 2007 Called .

The shear fact that you are ALL SO confirms AND INEPT PROGRAMMERS HAVE your .

You see those programmers and engineers AND the GREEDY STOCK BROKERS WHO HIRED THEM are ALSO DEAD. 'They' have 100% DESTROYED YOUR AND BANKS..

All the money is GONE!! LONG AGO..

We Should KnoW we have hired offshore devs. programmers. engineers for the last 25 years.. we Trust noone!

The worse part is that our Stolen Software has been manipulating all stock markets for many years now and the INSIDER_TRADERS ( the 1% of the 1%) HAVE MASKED ALL TRANSACTIONS AND MANY FUNDING SOURCES AS WELL AS well as depostis and withdrawals with noway of tracking origination..

aka MONEY LAUNDERING GONE WILD.. Your Nightmare has just begun unfortunately..



SEE VIDEO BELOW. we have posted this video for the last 5 years and NOONE has EVEN mentionED the word HFT (aka Hft Frequency Trading)

ANOTHER huge FOR US;) that the is ! NO ACTION WHATSOEVER!!??.

IS A EXPLAINED?? | | Trading in the | aka TRADING EXPLAINED | ! The Securities & Exchange Commission & the Commodities Future Trading Commissions, (SEC) which are supposed to regulate this activity; HAVE THE TO "MONITOR" IN ?

sits down with the to spell out how the Industry Works , and where it's under .

* to and Markets to the tune of of Dollars

* Lack of by high frequency traders to Manipulate..

* |

* | Secret Programs | 2-Level

* Black Monday Crash in 1977 | in a fraction of a second.



CONNECT Today for EARLY . TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON!

WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending).

Upon launch all will be notified.

* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading)

Withbrains.com/@Davidv ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite);
TastingTraffic.net ® ();
JustBlameWayne.com ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #Memory_Lane #BELIEVE_US_NOW #Trump_Admisitration #MOST_CRIMINOGENIC #US_HISTORY #EPIDEMIC_LEVELS #elite #fraud #corruption #SPECULATE #ANTON #data #corrupted #FLAWED_CONFIG_FILES #ROOT_CODE #COMPROMISED #RE_WRITTEN #SCRATCH #purpose #HFT #confused #brain #Stock_Markets #DEAD_DUCKS #confirmation #government #complicit #what #FLASH_CRASH #stock_market #High_Frequency #Trump_Era #HYPER_VELOCITY #algorithms #NEWSFLASH #do_not #COMPUTER_CAPACITY #EVEN #REAL_TIME #White_Collar #Criminologist #Bill_Black #REAL_NEWS #ballooning #EXACTLY #headed #President_Trump #FAKE_OFFERS #Distort #Decieve #TRILLIONS #regulation #Explioted #FRONT_RUNNING #Insider_Trading #Secret_Deals #PROPRIETARY #SCAM #INVITE

Last updated 1 year ago

| | ???? | The is creating the environment in . Its going to produce of White Collar and Good Ole Fashioned . Mar 5, 2017

For the last 2 years all you have done is . It could be this or it could be that.. HARD LANDING, SOFT LANDING, CRASH LANDING, OR NO LANDING.. WHATS IT GOING TO BE !! LOL


YOU CANNOT EXPLAIN what you cannot SEE! The Reason why you cannot see IS because someone has MIXED VALID GOOD DATA with FAKE DATA. ALL RESULTS will be skewed and any number will NOT make sense.

On AND by Design.

How did the data get so corrupted?? From our Stolen software in 2007 Called .

The shear fact that you are ALL SO confirms AND INEPT PROGRAMMERS HAVE your .

You see those programmers and engineers AND the GREEDY STOCK BROKERS WHO HIRED THEM are ALSO DEAD. 'They' have 100% DESTROYED YOUR AND BANKS..

All the money is GONE!! LONG AGO..

We Should KnoW we have hired offshore devs. programmers. engineers for the last 25 years.. we Trust noone!

The worse part is that our Stolen Software has been manipulating all stock markets for many years now and the INSIDER_TRADERS ( the 1% of the 1%) HAVE MASKED ALL TRANSACTIONS AND MANY FUNDING SOURCES AS WELL AS well as depostis and withdrawals with noway of tracking origination..

aka MONEY LAUNDERING GONE WILD.. Your Nightmare has just begun unfortunately..



SEE VIDEO BELOW. we have posted this video for the last 5 years and NOONE has EVEN mentionED the word HFT (aka Hft Frequency Trading)

ANOTHER huge FOR US;) that the is ! NO ACTION WHATSOEVER!!??.

IS A EXPLAINED?? | | Trading in the | aka TRADING EXPLAINED | ! The Securities & Exchange Commission & the Commodities Future Trading Commissions, (SEC) which are supposed to regulate this activity; HAVE THE TO "MONITOR" IN ?

sits down with the to spell out how the Industry Works , and where it's under .

* to and Markets to the tune of of Dollars

* Lack of by high frequency traders to Manipulate..

* |

* | Secret Programs | 2-Level

* Black Monday Crash in 1977 | in a fraction of a second.



CONNECT Today for EARLY . TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON!

WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending).

Upon launch all will be notified.

* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading)

Withbrains.com/@Davidv ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite);
TastingTraffic.net ® ();
JustBlameWayne.com ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #Memory_Lane #BELIEVE_US_NOW #Trump_Admisitration #MOST_CRIMINOGENIC #US_HISTORY #EPIDEMIC_LEVELS #elite #fraud #corruption #SPECULATE #ANTON #data #corrupted #FLAWED_CONFIG_FILES #ROOT_CODE #COMPROMISED #RE_WRITTEN #SCRATCH #purpose #HFT #confused #brain #Stock_Markets #DEAD_DUCKS #confirmation #government #complicit #what #FLASH_CRASH #stock_market #High_Frequency #Trump_Era #HYPER_VELOCITY #algorithms #NEWSFLASH #do_not #COMPUTER_CAPACITY #EVEN #REAL_TIME #White_Collar #Criminologist #Bill_Black #REAL_NEWS #ballooning #EXACTLY #headed #President_Trump #FAKE_OFFERS #Distort #Decieve #TRILLIONS #regulation #Explioted #FRONT_RUNNING #Insider_Trading #Secret_Deals #PROPRIETARY #SCAM #INVITE

Last updated 1 year ago

| | ???? | The is creating the environment in . Its going to produce of White Collar and Good Ole Fashioned . Mar 5, 2017

For the last 2 years all you have done is . It could be this or it could be that.. HARD LANDING, SOFT LANDING, CRASH LANDING, OR NO LANDING.. WHATS IT GOING TO BE !! LOL


YOU CANNOT EXPLAIN what you cannot SEE! The Reason why you cannot see IS because someone has MIXED VALID GOOD DATA with FAKE DATA. ALL RESULTS will be skewed and any number will NOT make sense.

On AND by Design.

How did the data get so corrupted?? From our Stolen software in 2007 Called .

The shear fact that you are ALL SO confirms AND INEPT PROGRAMMERS HAVE your .

You see those programmers and engineers AND the GREEDY STOCK BROKERS WHO HIRED THEM are ALSO DEAD. 'They' have 100% DESTROYED YOUR AND BANKS..

All the money is GONE!! LONG AGO..

We Should KnoW we have hired offshore devs. programmers. engineers for the last 25 years.. we Trust noone!

The worse part is that our Stolen Software has been manipulating all stock markets for many years now and the INSIDER_TRADERS ( the 1% of the 1%) HAVE MASKED ALL TRANSACTIONS AND MANY FUNDING SOURCES AS WELL AS well as depostis and withdrawals with noway of tracking origination..

aka MONEY LAUNDERING GONE WILD.. Your Nightmare has just begun unfortunately..



SEE VIDEO BELOW. we have posted this video for the last 5 years and NOONE has EVEN mentionED the word HFT (aka Hft Frequency Trading)

ANOTHER huge FOR US;) that the is ! NO ACTION WHATSOEVER!!??.

IS A EXPLAINED?? | | Trading in the | aka TRADING EXPLAINED | ! The Securities & Exchange Commission & the Commodities Future Trading Commissions, (SEC) which are supposed to regulate this activity; HAVE THE TO "MONITOR" IN ?

sits down with the to spell out how the Industry Works , and where it's under .

* to and Markets to the tune of of Dollars

* Lack of by high frequency traders to Manipulate..

* |

* | Secret Programs | 2-Level

* Black Monday Crash in 1977 | in a fraction of a second.



CONNECT Today for EARLY . TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON!

WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending).

Upon launch all will be notified.

* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading)

Withbrains.com/@Davidv ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite);
TastingTraffic.net ® ();
JustBlameWayne.com ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #Memory_Lane #BELIEVE_US_NOW #Trump_Admisitration #MOST_CRIMINOGENIC #US_HISTORY #EPIDEMIC_LEVELS #elite #fraud #corruption #SPECULATE #ANTON #data #corrupted #FLAWED_CONFIG_FILES #ROOT_CODE #COMPROMISED #RE_WRITTEN #SCRATCH #purpose #HFT #confused #brain #Stock_Markets #DEAD_DUCKS #confirmation #government #complicit #what #FLASH_CRASH #stock_market #High_Frequency #Trump_Era #HYPER_VELOCITY #algorithms #NEWSFLASH #do_not #COMPUTER_CAPACITY #EVEN #REAL_TIME #White_Collar #Criminologist #Bill_Black #REAL_NEWS #ballooning #EXACTLY #headed #President_Trump #FAKE_OFFERS #Distort #Decieve #TRILLIONS #regulation #Explioted #FRONT_RUNNING #Insider_Trading #Secret_Deals #PROPRIETARY #SCAM #INVITE

Last updated 1 year ago

ALERT! -- 100 Million Dollar Company . We tried to ALL but listened..


Basically (2007) has all and will continue to do so..


The Trump administration is creating the environment in . Its going to produce epidemic Levels of White Collar and Good Ole Fashioned . Mar 5, 2017

sits down with the to spell out how the Industry Works , and where it's under .

* to and Markets to the tune of of Dollars

* Lack of by high frequency traders to Manipulate..

* |

* | Secret Programs | 2-Level

* Black Monday Crash in 1977 | in a fraction of a second.



CONNECT Today for EARLY . TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON! WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending). Upon launch all will be notified.

JOIN TODAY: Come visit one of the 1ST DECENTRALIZED SOCIAL NETWORK ON THE PLANET. https:/WithBrains.com/@DavidV

* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading)

Withbrains.com/@Davidv ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite);
TastingTraffic.net ® ();
JustBlameWayne.com ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #CHARLES_SWAB #crashes #WARN #no_one #dominoes #Stolen_HFT #crashed #banks #Insider_Trading #MOST_CRIMINOGENIC #US_HISTORY #elite #fraud #corruption #White_Collar #Criminologist #Bill_Black #REAL_NEWS #ballooning #HFT #EXACTLY #headed #President_Trump #FAKE_OFFERS #Distort #Decieve #TRILLIONS #regulation #Explioted #FRONT_RUNNING #Secret_Deals #PROPRIETARY #SCAM #FLASH_CRASH #JOBS #WorldWide #INVITE

Last updated 2 years ago

ALERT! -- 100 Million Dollar Company . We tried to ALL but listened..


Basically (2007) has all and will continue to do so..


The Trump admisitration is creating the envioroment in . Its going to produce epidemic Levels of White Collar and Good Ole Fashioned . Mar 5, 2017

sits down with the to spell out how the Industry Works , and where it's under .

* to and Markets to the tune of of Dollars

* Lack of by high frequency traders to Manipulate..

* |

* | Secret Programs | 2-Level

* Black Monday Crash in 1977 | in a fraction of a second.



CONNECT Today for EARLY . TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON! WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending). Upon launch all will be notified.

JOIN TODAY: Come visit one of the 1ST DECENTRALIZED SOCIAL NETWORK ON THE PLANET. https:/WithBrains.com/@DavidV

* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading)

Withbrains.com/@Davidv ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite);
TastingTraffic.net ® ();
JustBlameWayne.com ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #CHARLES_SWAB #crashes #WARN #no_one #dominoes #Stolen_HFT #crashed #banks #Insider_Trading #MOST_CRIMINOGENIC #US_HISTORY #elite #fraud #corruption #White_Collar #Criminologist #Bill_Black #REAL_NEWS #ballooning #HFT #EXACTLY #headed #President_Trump #FAKE_OFFERS #Distort #Decieve #TRILLIONS #regulation #Explioted #FRONT_RUNNING #Secret_Deals #PROPRIETARY #SCAM #FLASH_CRASH #JOBS #WorldWide #INVITE

Last updated 2 years ago

ALERT! -- 100 Million Dollar Company . We tried to ALL but listened..


Basically (2007) has all and will continue to do so..


The Trump admisitration is creating the envioroment in . Its going to produce epidemic Levels of White Collar and Good Ole Fashioned . Mar 5, 2017

sits down with the to spell out how the Industry Works , and where it's under .

* to and Markets to the tune of of Dollars

* Lack of by high frequency traders to Manipulate..

* |

* | Secret Programs | 2-Level

* Black Monday Crash in 1977 | in a fraction of a second.



CONNECT Today for EARLY . TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON! WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending). Upon launch all will be notified.

JOIN TODAY: Come visit one of the 1ST DECENTRALIZED SOCIAL NETWORK ON THE PLANET. https:/WithBrains.com/@DavidV

* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading)

Withbrains.com/@Davidv ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite);
TastingTraffic.net ® ();
JustBlameWayne.com ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #CHARLES_SWAB #crashes #WARN #no_one #dominoes #Stolen_HFT #crashed #banks #Insider_Trading #MOST_CRIMINOGENIC #US_HISTORY #elite #fraud #corruption #White_Collar #Criminologist #Bill_Black #REAL_NEWS #ballooning #HFT #EXACTLY #headed #President_Trump #FAKE_OFFERS #Distort #Decieve #TRILLIONS #regulation #Explioted #FRONT_RUNNING #Secret_Deals #PROPRIETARY #SCAM #FLASH_CRASH #JOBS #WorldWide #INVITE

Last updated 2 years ago