"A third proposition, that the city be governed by a choice of respectable members of the community who would promise not to give themselves airs or betray the public trust at every turn, was instantly the subject of music-hall jokes all over the city."
Terry Pratchett; Unseen Academicals
#DiscWorld #ToryCostOfGreedCrisis #PPEScandal #ToryCorruprion #ProtectNHS
#PROTECTNHS #torycorruprion #ppescandal #torycostofgreedcrisis #discworld
"A third proposition, that the city be governed by a choice of respectable members of the community who would promise not to give themselves airs or betray the public trust at every turn, was instantly the subject of music-hall jokes all over the city."
Terry Pratchett; Unseen Academicals
#DiscWorld #ToryCostOfGreedCrisis #PPEScandal #ToryCorruption #ProtectNHS
#ToryCorruption #PROTECTNHS #ppescandal #torycostofgreedcrisis #discworld
"Of course, it was good business for a diplomat to appear stupid, right up to the moment where he'd stolen your socks, but Lady Margolotta had met some of Ankh-Morpok's finest and no-one could act that well."
Terry Pratchett, The Fifth Elephant #DiscWorld #SteveBarclay #ProtectNHS #NeverTrustATory
#NeverTrustATory #PROTECTNHS #stevebarclay #discworld
"Of course, it was good business for a diplomat to appear stupid, right up to the moment where he'd stolen your socks, but Lady Margolotta had met some of Ankh-Morpok's finest and no-one could act that well."
Terry Pratchett, The Fifth Elephant #DiscWorld #SteveBarclay #ProtectNHS #NeverTrustATory
#NeverTrustATory #PROTECTNHS #stevebarclay #discworld
"The enemy isn't men or women, it's bloody stupid people and no one has the right to be stupid."
Terry Pratchett; Monstrous Regiment.
#DiscWorld #ToryGaslighting #ProtectNHS
#PROTECTNHS #torygaslighting #discworld
"The enemy isn't men or women, it's bloody stupid people and no one has the right to be stupid."
Terry Pratchett; Monstrous Regiment.
#DiscWorld #ToryGaslighting #ProtectNHS
#PROTECTNHS #torygaslighting #discworld