I had to modify the USB Host shield by drilling a hole and replacing the 8-pin header by a 10-pin one, since the motor shield uses those for the I²C communication. After assembling everything and modifying the source code, I can now control the Dalek using my PlayStation Navigation Controller. Here a short demo: https://youtu.be/K--A9ncVrSM
#Arduino #Dalek #robotics #electronics #PS3Controller #bluetooth #USBHostShield
#usbhostshield #bluetooth #PS3Controller #electronics #robotics #dalek #arduino
📬 Lakka macht aus Deinem Raspberry Pi eine Retrogaming-Konsole
#Gaming #RetroComputing #Atari #Einplatinencomputer #Lakka #NES #Playstation #PS3Controller #RaspberryPi #RetroArch #RetrogamingKonsole #sega https://tarnkappe.info/artikel/gaming/lakka-macht-aus-deinem-raspberry-pi-eine-retrogaming-konsole-264404.html
#sega #retrogamingkonsole #retroarch #raspberrypi #PS3Controller #playstation #nes #lakka #einplatinencomputer #atari #retrocomputing #gaming