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#PSD2 #onlinebanking #fidor #servicetweet
Payments: @EU_Commission adopted an amendment to the #PSD2 #SCA RTS to reduce frictions for customers.
The 90-day exemption for account access will be increased to 180 days.
The act will now be sent to @europarl_en and @EUCouncil for their scrutiny.
Das #LKA Niedersachsen warnt vor gefälschten Mails der Bundesregierung. Darin werden die Empfänger aufgefordert zur #Verifizierung der Kreditkarte auf einen Link zu klicken. Angeblich würde die Bezahlkarte des Mailempfängers nicht mehr den #PSD2 Richtlinien der Europäischen Union entsprechen, so dass eine Verifizierung erforderlich sei. Man müsse nun bis zum 31. August handeln, damit die Karte als überprüft registriert werde und somit weiter genutzt werden könne.
Payments: @EU_Commission adopted an amendment to the #PSD2 #SCA RTS to reduce frictions for customers.
The 90-day exemption for account access will be increased to 180 days.
The act will now be sent to @europarl_en and @EUCouncil for their scrutiny.
@KlarnaNews @klarnaseb @arbakokalari @EvaMaydell Fintech #PSD2 could achieve great potential in innovative open banking for Europe & citizens. Thank you for the interesting discussion & exchange of views & ideas with @Klarna & brilliant @klarnaseb & with my dear colleagues @arbakokalari & @EvaMaydell 🇪🇺🌹
Fantastic to meet @klarnaseb - a true visionary. Thanks to @arbakokalari @EvaKaili for organising this refreshing exchange.
RT @KlarnaNews: Our CEO @klarnaseb joined an informal lunch with EP VP @EvaKaili, MEP @arbakokalari and MEP @EvaMaydell, to discuss the opportunities brought by fintechs, #PSD2 review and how it can foster innovative open banking, drive competition and put the power back with the EU consumer 🥳
Slight change to the deadline for the public consultation.
🗓️ New date: 2 August
👉 https://ec.europa.eu/info/publications/finance-consultations-2022-psd2-review-open-finance_en
#DigitalFinanceEU #EUHaveYourSay
RT @EU_Finance: PSD2 has driven innovation in retail #payments, which also benefited wider finance. We have launched a public consultation to gather evidence for the #PSD2 review and inform our work on #openfin…
#DigitalFinanceEU #EUHaveYourSay #Payments #PSD2 #openfin
RT @EUinDE: Die EU-Kommission will die geltenden EU-Zahlungsdienstevorschriften überprüfen. Mit einer öffentlichen #Konsultation können interessierte Kreise ihre Meinungen dazu kundtun. #PSD2 #openfinance #EUHaveYourSay 🇪🇺👂
#Konsultation #PSD2 #openfinance #EUHaveYourSay
Die EU-Kommission will die geltenden EU-Zahlungsdienstevorschriften überprüfen. Mit einer öffentlichen #Konsultation können interessierte Kreise ihre Meinungen dazu kundtun. #PSD2 #openfinance #EUHaveYourSay 🇪🇺👂
🔗 http://europa.eu/!Mkfd46
RT @EU_Finance: PSD2 has driven innovation in retail #payments, which also benefited wider finance. We have launched a public consultation to gather evidence for the #PSD2 review and inform our work o…
#Konsultation #PSD2 #openfinance #EUHaveYourSay #Payments
We have also launched two targeted consultation on the #PSD2 review and an #openfinance framework. We encourage all stakeholders with specialist knowledge to #EUHaveYourSay by 5 July!
👉🏾 https://ec.europa.eu/info/publications/finance-consultations-2022-psd2-review_en
👉🏾 https://ec.europa.eu/info/publications/finance-consultations-2022-open-finance_en
#PSD2 #openfinance #EUHaveYourSay #DigitalFinanceEU
PSD2 has driven innovation in retail #payments, which also benefited wider finance. We have launched a public consultation to gather evidence for the #PSD2 review and inform our work on #openfinance.
#EUHaveYourSay by 5 July!
👉🏾 https://ec.europa.eu/info/publications/finance-consultations-2022-psd2-review-open-finance_en
#Payments #PSD2 #openfinance #EUHaveYourSay #DigitalFinanceEU