Being forced to stay home was tough, from triggering my PTSD to holding back my eagerness to get back to work at the bench. #challengingtimes #PTSDawareness ! But the lab next door @GonczyLab adopted me and provided me with the space to interact scientifically and socially!
#PTSDAwareness #challengingtimes
#womensrights #veterans CW FOR #PTSDAwareness #ptsd #violence #ied Maybe I've missed this before. Where's the companion Bill for the Senate? Is there any country in the world that hasn't faced war and organized military violence without having women directly engaged? So, why are we still having these issues? Don't even get me started on why humanity insists on ignoring 50% of the talent pool in this world at the same time we're facing existential problems.
#ied #violence #ptsd #PTSDAwareness #veterans #womensrights
Long-term exposure to toxic relationships can cause PTSD, even without physical violence. Emotional abuse, trauma bonding, and ongoing psychological trauma can all take a toll on mental health. Seek help if you or someone you know is struggling #mentalhealth #PTSDawareness
100% of fireworks fans and 100% of fireworks practitioners are human beings of lower intelligence. The reaction of dogs to what those low-class humans inflict on a NYE confirms that. And the mess they leave behind is nothing but the residue of stupidity. #dogs #dogowners #domination #evolution #intelligence #ptsd #PTSDAwareness #FireworksPets #fireworks #nye #environment #lowerclasshumans #inhumane #disgrace #disgusting
#disgusting #disgrace #inhumane #lowerclasshumans #Environment #nye #fireworks #fireworkspets #PTSDAwareness #ptsd #intelligence #evolution #domination #dogowners #Dogs
Komende week start m’n traumatherapie weer op, na een break van ruim 4 maanden. Is hard nodig, de triggers en herbelevingen komen weer steeds korter op elkaar. PTSS is echt een hel.
#PTSDAwareness #trauma #ptsd #ptss