【#PUFFYデビュー記念日 !スペシャル楽曲紹介⑭】
This song was included in PUFFY's first original album "#amiyumi" released in 1996, and was used as the CM song for Pizza Hut\(^o^)/
#puffy #とくするからだ #amiyumi #PUFFYデビュー記念日
【#PUFFYデビュー記念日 !スペシャル楽曲紹介⑨】
♪パフィー de ルンバ/#PUFFY
The eighth single released in 1998.
Shiseido "TISS" CM song, Daihatsu Move Latte CM song (*'ω'*)
【#PUFFYデビュー記念日 !スペシャル楽曲紹介⑧】
7th single released in 1998, CM song for Shiseido "TIS".
It's the first single that the two of them are credited for writing the lyrics.
【#PUFFYデビュー記念日 !スペシャル楽曲紹介⑦】
Sixth single in 1998, provided by Masamune Kusano of Spitz.
It was the CM song for Shiseido "TIS" (*'ω'*)
【#PUFFYデビュー記念日 !スペシャル楽曲紹介⑤】
The 5th single released in 1997 and the theme song for the Fuji TV drama "Eve ~Santaclaus Dreaming~".
The lyrics at the beginning of the song are similar to "Oyoge! Taiyaki-kun" (*'ω'*)
【#PUFFYデビュー記念日 !楽曲紹介④】
Released in 1997 as the 4th single, recorded cumulative sales of 1.1 million copies.
Thanks to the lyrics of this song, when they go out to eat crabs, the staff will thank them.
【#PUFFYデビュー記念日 !スペシャル楽曲紹介③】
3rd single released in 1997.
The title of the song is a parody of Satoshi Ikezawa's manga "Circuit Daughter", and the theme is a race queen after the title.
【#PUFFYデビュー記念日 !スペシャル楽曲紹介②】
【#PUFFYデビュー記念日 !スペシャル楽曲紹介②】
2nd single released in 1996.
The title is a parody of "This is the way men live".
It became the commercial song for Shiseido's "Tissera" and recorded two million seller!
【#PUFFYデビュー記念日 !スペシャル楽曲紹介①】
Debut single released in 1996.
As a debut work, it became a successful work and recorded 1st place on the Oricon karaoke chart for 12 consecutive weeks \(^o^)/
Today is the 27 debut anniversary of #PUFFY, a duo known for their hit songs such as ”Asian Junshin” and ”Nagisa ni Matsuwaru et cetera” (*'ω'*)
Happy debut anniversary! !\(^o^)/
#PUFFYデビュー記念日2023 #PUFFYデビュー記念日 #puffy
Today is the 27 debut anniversary of #PUFFY, a duo known for their hit songs such as ”Asian Junshin” and ”Nagisa ni Matsuwaru et cetera” (*'ω'*)
Happy debut anniversary! !\(^o^)/
#PUFFYデビュー記念日2023 #PUFFYデビュー記念日 #puffy