I would love to be able to go to such a conference.
#python #PythonWebConf #PWC2023
Hey, look at that. @sixfeetup has posted the videos from this year's Python Web Conference!
I gave a talk about dependencies (a longer version of my PyCon US talk) and gave a small demo of how I use pdm (dependency manager).
#python #PythonWebConf #PWC2023
@pythonwebconf @sixfeetup Thanks for putting on such an amazing conference. Such a great lineup of awesome speakers, a wonderful cast running the show, and great emcee @calvinhp! If you didn't make it this year, put it in your calendars for next year!
The closing keynote by Ariana Vargas on the STIGMA app was inspiring!
Check out the app here: https://www.thestigma.app/
I’m really happy to have been part of @pythonwebconf and it was fun to share ideas about Monorepos and Polylith (yes, my favorite subject these days) - now I can relax and enjoy the conference ⭐️
Here’s the docs about the Polylith thing that I talked about and showed examples of. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have feedback or questions! 😍
Just presented "1-click deploys of Python Web Apps to Azure" at Python Web Conf. Thanks to attendees for great engagement and questions!
Slides @ https://pamelafox.github.io/my-py-talks/iac-deploys/
I just gave my talk "Django with PostgreSQL superpowers" during the third day of the Python Web Conf 2023 organized by SixFeetUp 🎉
Thanks to Laura Stephens for assisting me during the talk 🙏
Find all the information about my talk and also the slides on my website 👇
#PWC2023 #django #postgresql #python #web #conference
Made Pete the Python today at #PWC2023
This snek is so cute but I feel like Pete needs a Wagtail friend...
Gotta love the Python Web Conference. Where else can you learn about #Python AND make origami Pythons?
Hey Folks. I know I haven't been the most active around here. Been dealing with a dodgy health thing. But now I'm feeling better AND I'm teaching a tutorial tomorrow on how to use @wagtail for internationalization and setting up awesome translation workflows.
If you're at Python Web Conference this week, please come join us. I would love to see all of your faces. 😁
James Spadafora (Software Engineer at Industrial Light and Magic) is the first keynoter of Python Web Conference 2023 🎬
In his keynote "Making Movies With Web Applications " he talked "about some of the challenges the Production Tools Team comes across in making the FX seen in blockbuster movies and how we use web frameworks such as React and Django to solve these problems." :python:
#PWC2023 #python #web #conference #django #vfx #locust
Calvin Hendryx-Parker @calvinhp just opened the Python Web Conference 2023 @pythonwebconf which has become a go-to conference for staying up-to-date on using Python in web development. :python:
There are many interesting talks and great speakers on the schedule. 👇
#PWC2023 #python #web #conference
Starting today, March 13!
RT @sixfeetup: #climatechange impacts us all. #developers and #tech leaders are part of the solution! #PWC2023 has a series of speakers focusing on #climate topics 🌎 🌳 See these talks and more here 👉 https://2023.pythonwebconf.com/schedule
🚨 1 DAY TO GO 🚨 Register today: https://ti.to/six-feet-up/python-web-conf-2023
#climatechange #developers #tech #PWC2023 #climate
Want to understand why NumPy and Pandas run so much faster than regular #Python code? I'll be speaking at the Python Web Conf next week on vectorization: https://2023.pythonwebconf.com/presentations/vectorization-how-slow-python-runs-fast-code
You can get get 20% off the regular #PWC2023 ticket price by using the discount code — 4DaystoGo — at checkout. The sale ends on Friday, March 10 at 12 p.m. US/ET. Get tickets here: https://2023.pythonwebconf.com/#tickets
RT pythonwebconf: Microservices can be complex and lead to issues. @\nicolas_frankel is here to talk about a solution: #backendforfrontend! Check out his talk and more here 👉 https://loom.ly/Pk8DxdA
#Python #developers
#PWC2023 begins March 13. Register today: https://loom.ly/L8RsOSc
#backendforfrontend #python #developers #PWC2023
Looking forward to share my experience of the first 90 days at a new job and more about tech leadership at #PWC2023
More information: https://2023.pythonwebconf.com/
I'm moving along with prep for my Python Web Conference talk! The conference takes place March 13 - 17, and you can even save 15% on tickets if you use my discount code: https://ti.to/six-feet-up/python-web-conf-2023/discount/PythonByNight@PWC2023
It'll be fun! See you there.
#python #PWC2023 #appdev #cloud #pydata
Working on my conference talk feels daunting (it always does at the beginning), as I gather all the resources and notes I've been accumulating and start developing my outline.
However, it is an exciting part of the process, as it can take any shape I want!