@mgrass @urbanistorg Occasionally at #MasterGardener clinics people will ask me what’s an easy, low-effort fruit tree for the #PacificNorthwest and I always tell them plums. Relatively pest free in our area, they don’t require the spraying regime that apples generally do, and you get a ton of yummy fruit. #Gardening
#Gardening #PacificNorthWest #mastergardener
https://youtube.com/watch?v=nh9WHcm40e4&si=s8mxsNJU_0Wkj1-C #birds #birdwatching #animals #wildlife #wildanimals #nature #naturebeauty #naturebeautifal #seagull #seaugulls #youtube #youtubevideos #pacific #pacificnorthwestbirding #pacificnorthwest #pacificocean #vancouver #vancouverseawall #seawall #water #watersounds
#watersounds #Water #seawall #vancouverseawall #vancouver #pacificocean #PacificNorthWest #pacificnorthwestbirding #pacific #youtubevideos #YouTube #seaugulls #seagull #naturebeautifal #naturebeauty #Nature #wildanimals #WildLife #Animals #birdwatching #Birds
https://youtube.com/watch?v=U1AqjdEbXJs&si=vBzthp3mlg_Qdtp6 #birds #birdwatchinging #blueheron #pacificnorthwest #oceans #pacificocean #animals #nature #naturebeauty #vogels #youtube #youtubevideos #beaches #whiterockbc
#whiterockbc #beaches #youtubevideos #YouTube #Vogels #naturebeauty #Nature #Animals #pacificocean #oceans #PacificNorthWest #blueheron #birdwatchinging #Birds
https://youtube.com/shorts/MZrwXea3LKQ?feature=share #birds #birdwatching #ocean #pacificocean #PacificNorthWest #animals #seagulls #featheredfriends #waterlife #water #YouTube #youtubeshorts #youtubeshortsvideo
#youtubeshortsvideo #youtubeshorts #YouTube #Water #waterlife #FeatheredFriends #seagulls #Animals #PacificNorthWest #pacificocean #Ocean #birdwatching #Birds
I’m hunkered down indoors today because it is too hot outside.
So I’m binging TV and working on my web stuffs.
Here’s #OnThisDay six years ago at Lilla Leach Botanical Garden, https://www.leachgarden.org.
July 15, 2017
#pnwgardens #gardens #pnw #PacificNorthWest #onthisday
I saw a wall of foxgloves today.
#Summer #wildflowers #PacificNorthWest #foxgloves
Corkbark Fir, about 3' tall, planted in 2014 or so. Slow grower! #nativeplantgardening #PacificNorthWest
#PacificNorthWest #nativeplantgardening
I somehow just found this photo from August of 2016 on a “Four Volcano Day” trip up US Forest Service Road 99 to Windy Ridge on the NE side of Mt St Helens.
I’m calling it “Peak-a-boo” 😉 also, look at those yummy cones.
#volcano #PacificNorthWest #mthood
@Jeremy_Hance @mongabay If you’ve never heard of oak savannah you’re not alone. Once fairly commonplace west of the cascades in the #PacificNorthwest it’s nearly disappeared under farmland, housing tracts and highways. The few preserved places are well worth visiting—the plant communities are unique and beautiful, and informative for anyone wanting to garden with native plants in the #PNW.
#nativeplants #gardenersofmastodon #Gardening #pnw #PacificNorthWest
As I was pulling up blackberry vines under the firs yesterday, a big glob of sap and needles somehow got stuck in my hair. The cure? Peanut butter! #trees and #gardening in the #pacificnorthwest
#PacificNorthWest #Gardening #Trees
https://youtube.com/shorts/ywIrFhEdXkY?feature=share #bird #birdwatching #seagull #seagulls #WildLife #urbanwild #urbanwildlife #YouTube #youtubeshorts #youtubecreators #PacificNorthWest
#PacificNorthWest #youtubecreators #youtubeshorts #YouTube #urbanwildlife #urbanwild #WildLife #seagulls #seagull #birdwatching #bird
One my favorite native plants in the #PacificNorthwest is Olopanax horridus, or devil’s club (shown here in my garden). It isn’t something you want to run into when hiking: the stems are covered in horrid sharp needle-like spines that can break off in your skin and cause a world of hurt (thus the name). But it has the best foliage, and it looks gnarly and badass in the garden—provided it’s at a safe distance.
#nativeplants #pnw #inmygarden #GardeningMastodon #Gardening #garden #PacificNorthWest
I was traveling through Washington State earlier this week, and I must say the setting of Gig Harbor on the Kitsap Peninsula simply blew me away. What a sublimely beautiful location. #PNW #PacificNorthwest
"Cold. Rainy. The uzh." - an accurate description of the #PacificNorthwest, overheard at Sea-Tac Airport. 🌲🌧️
PNW Natural Areas, a Series
A growing list of natural areas in the PNW that I’ve photographed.
This view is just a few weeks away, though we are behind this year, magnolia still not blooming. The brunnera and pulmonaria are much bigger plants now so I expect twice as much blue 💙 this year.
April 20, 2022
#spring #PacificNorthwest #gardening
#Gardening #PacificNorthWest #Spring
Ahh yes, the garden today was spectacular, the perfect temperature for moving around: 64F
Hellebores from the Wedding Party series. Czechmark Trilogy weigela is the small shrub that looks like sticks in the second image which you can just make out is swelling to leaf out, a few green tips already poking out in the light.
#gardening #PDX #PacificNorthwest #IsItSpringYet #hellebore #weigela
#weigela #hellebore #isitspringyet #PacificNorthWest #pdx #Gardening
PNW Gardens: Portland Japanese Garden
Portland, OR | $ (prices vary, see site) | Private non-profit leased to city, inside city park
#PacificNorthwest #PNWGardens #PortlandJapaneseGarden #WashingtonPark #Portland #PDX #gardening #IsItSpringYet
#isitspringyet #Gardening #pdx #portland #washingtonpark #portlandjapanesegarden #pnwgardens #PacificNorthWest
Hellebore, part of the Wedding Party Series, may be Maid of Honor, but I have two labeled that way and they look slightly different from each other. I’ve probably told this story before. Anyway, this is one of them today. Lovely!
#IsItSpringYet #hellebore #bloom #gardening #PacificNorthwest
#PacificNorthWest #Gardening #bloom #hellebore #isitspringyet