Ha, this is funny... I wanted to participate in the #BlackMetalMonday by @HailsandAles and, as my knowledge in the matter is rather short, I went to rateyourmusic and checked on #PaganBlackMetal. RYM would then list the best 10 albums according to the users reviews. I clicked in the first name that picked my attention and... bang! They are from #Aachen! 😮
Nagelfar "Bildnis der Apokalypse"
#aachen #PaganBlackMetal #blackmetalmonday
I have never thought I would find beauty, real and pure beauty, into something with growls and blast beats. But then I found Vermilia. Her music is my current obsession, and her last album "Ruska" is beautiful!
Vermilia "Tuonen Joki"
#folkmetal #PaganBlackMetal #blackmetal #blackmetalmonday
#Polish #blackmetal band Varmia released their newest record today. It is called ‘nie nas widzę’ and just labelong this as #PaganBlackMetal does not do this band justice. It features many layers in the songs, traditional instruments, almost Gregorian vocals and excellent slower parts to contrast the more frantic parts of the album.
#release #poland #pagan #metal #PaganBlackMetal #blackmetal #polish
Help me to choose an album to listen tomorrow:
[A] Behemoth - I Loved You at Your Darkest
#BlackMetal #DeathMetal #MelodicBlackMetal
[B] Primordial - Redemption At The Puritan's Hand
#FolkMetal #BlackMetal #PaganBlackMetal
[C] Dream Theater - Octavarium
#ProgressiveMetal #ProgressiveRock
[D] Ereb Altor - By Honour
#VikingMetal #EpicDoomMetal #DoomMetal
#help #poll #polls #doommetal #EpicDoomMetal #vikingmetal #progressiverock #progressivemetal #PaganBlackMetal #folkmetal #melodicblackmetal #deathmetal #blackmetal
Day 22
4th on my top 25 albums list is Marter by Firtan
One of those albums where it was love at first listen. This is German pagan black metal with exquisite riffs and poetic lyrics conjurer a gorgeous atmosphere that kept me coming back.
#AdamsAlbumAdvent #AOTY #AOTYAdvent #blackmetal #paganmetal #PaganBlackMetal
#PaganBlackMetal #paganmetal #blackmetal #aotyadvent #aoty #adamsalbumadvent
FULL FORCE FRIDAY:🆕November 11th Release #47🎧
ALDAARON - Arcane Mountain Cult🇫🇷🔥
3rd album (10 years later) from Corrençon En Vercors, French Pagan Black Metal outfit🔥
#Aldaaron_Official #ArcaneMountainCult #PaganBlackMetal #FFFNov11 #KMäN
#KMäN #FFFNov11 #PaganBlackMetal #ArcaneMountainCult #Aldaaron_Official
FULL FORCE FRIDAY:🆕November 11th Release #38🎧
YMIR - Aeons of Sorrow🇫🇮🔥
2nd album from Finnish Pagan Black Metal outfit🔥
BC➡️https://ymirblackmetal.bandcamp.com/album/aeons-of-sorrow 🔥
#Ymir #AeonsofSorrow #PaganBlackMetal #WeerewolfRecords #FFFNov11 #KMäN
#KMäN #FFFNov11 #WeerewolfRecords #PaganBlackMetal #AeonsofSorrow #ymir
FULL FORCE FRIDAY:🆕November 11th Release #19🎧
KAMPFAR - Til Klovers Takt🇳🇴🔥
8th album from Fredrikstad, Norwegian Pagan Black Metal outfit🔥
@Norsepagans@twitter.com #TilKloversTakt #PaganBlackMetal @IndieRecordings@twitter.com #FFFNov11 #KMäN
#KMäN #FFFNov11 #PaganBlackMetal #TilKloversTakt