The world’s most popular search engine started as a research project by #LarryPage and #SergeyBrin when they were both doctoral students at #StanfordUniversity in the late 1990s.
Working from their dorm rooms, the two developed a new algorithm for #SearchEngines that ranked #websites based on the number of other websites that linked to them, which they called #PageRank.
#Google turns 25: A look at the world’s top performing searches | Technology News | Al Jazeera
#google #PageRank #websites #searchengines #stanforduniversity #sergeybrin #larrypage
I wonder if anyone has bothered to look into the mathematics of #recommendersystems , because it is really embarrassing that papers with with 0000s of citations end up mapping to some very banal conventional #statistical models.
OTH, the latter have missed tremendous opportunities to entrench themselves (and create job opportunities for statisticians) by forgetting special cases that powered applications before the era of cheap computing that started in the 1980s.
It is #pagerank all over again
#recommendersystems #statistical #PageRank
#Google #PageRank ghosting Twitter is significant -- it puts Mastodon and Twitter on an even basis -- albeit with some other, less glamorous forums.
Ok first they show that running #PageRank on a single thread on a laptop from 2014 is better than all the published (distributed) benchmarks at the time.
@Urban_Hermit It is a pity that the #Google algorithms, among them #PageRank and #HITS, which were the primary building block of Page & Brin's #IT empire, are now reduced to a mere cherry scent on big, commercial, ad-based #ML revenue-generating cake 😒
We were using these algorithms during our #graphTheory lectures, as simple, yet surprizingly powerful #networkAnalysis tools.
#google #PageRank #hits #it #ml #graphTheory #networkanalysis
"Currently, the predominant business model for commercial search engines is advertising. But the goals of the advertising business model do not always correspond to providing quality search to users.
We expect that advertising funded search engines will be inherently biased towards the advertisers and away from the needs of the consumers.
Furthermore, advertising income often provides an incentive to provide poor quality search results.
In general, it could be argued from the consumer point of view that the better the search engine is, the fewer advertisements will be needed for the consumer to find what they want".
Quote: Sergey Brin / Larry Page, from the seminal 1998 paper that kickstarted the #PageRank algorithm - and #Google with it (see Appendix A).
Reading the paper that started it all after so many years is a quite interesting experience. 25 years ago they knew *exactly* what a search engine may have become if it chose the path of an ads-based business model. They were very aware of the conflict of interest that arises when you have to provide relevant results to the users, but also boost those that pay your bills.
In other words, were warning us about the risks of the business model that their own company eventually decided to embrace.