Boduos · @N3m0
217 followers · 1550 posts · Server


...idea of the greek to give humans the tools to unlock their potentials to become fully human in the spirit of humanism.

"One must incorporate the whole world to become fully human"

The prussian system made of Humboldts school a barrack and from this point on schools are more or less educational units were a system forms itself the necessary citizens.

But to unlock ones own potential, to manifest the spirit of ecoming fully human, that is lost in this place.


Last updated 1 year ago

striand :verified: · @striand
33 followers · 213 posts · Server

Solo i duri, solo i forti. A Sparta non c'era spazio per le debolezze: “l'educazione al coraggio e all'ardimento - frutto dell'addestramento dell'agoghê - erano una prassi che si trasmetteva di padre in figlio”.

#lettura #grecia #cultura #Paideia #coraggio #combattimento

Last updated 2 years ago

Boduos · @N3m0
78 followers · 484 posts · Server
Boduos · @N3m0
78 followers · 484 posts · Server

The idea of comes from the ancient culture and aims to unfold the human potential to become in the original Greek meaning of becoming the very best of your self. The concept tries to gain , often mistranslated as virtue but meaning rather "excellence", of the human potential. That means to embody the idea of a healthy, just, creative and good being to uphold the idea of human nature in the meaning the ancient had.

#Paideia #pagan #hellenic #aristocratic #arete #greek

Last updated 2 years ago