Für die #RPGaDay2023 Antworten 20 (Werde ich noch in 20 Jahren spielen) und 21 (Favorite Licensed RPG) verweise ich auf Antwort 18: https://rollenspiel.social/@projektmyra/110937841853836578 Ich bin überzeugt dass die #dungeonsanddragons Produktfamilie durch die offenen #OpenGaming Lizenzen #D20 #OGL und jetzt #OpenRPG #ORC von #Paizo und #UlissesSpiele weiter gehen wird und annehmend dass ich noch 20 Jahre habe werde ich da weiter spielen, auf MYRA statt #Aventurien #ForgottenRealms #Golarion
#rpgaday2023 #dungeonsanddragons #opengaming #d20 #ogl #openrpg #orc #Paizo #UlissesSpiele #Aventurien #forgottenrealms #Golarion #rpgaday #pnpde #projektmyra
Die deutsche #ORC #Lizenz ist da!
Mal sehen, wohin sich das Thema nach den #OGL Debakel entwickelt.
#ttrpg #pnpde #creativecommons #opensource #ogl #DasSchwarzeAuge #DSA #DieSchwarzeKatze #HeXXen1733 #TorgEternity #FadingSuns #WoTc #Paizo #Pathfinder
#orc #lizenz #ogl #ttrpg #pnpde #creativecommons #opensource #dasschwarzeauge #dsa #dieschwarzekatze #Hexxen1733 #torgeternity #FadingSuns #wotc #Paizo #Pathfinder
@RavynWitch @BsCreativeLife hey, that James, the guy who did a lot of cool work at #Paizo, right?
The argument about whether or not this is a new version is largely semantics. The issue is, that it’ll require players to re-buy books they already own in order to stay up to date, whatever you want to call it.
Incidentally #Paizo are doing the exact same thing with their Update of PF2.
Und noch ein #vtt, #alchemyrpg klopft an die Tür, mit Unterstützung von #freeleague #KoboldPress #Paizo und anderen.
#vtt #alchemyrpg #FreeLeague #KoboldPress #Paizo
OK #pnpde Bubble.
Ich hab noch Kapazität bevor es mit #Cthulhu weiter geht. Daher hier ein Aufruf:
Wenn ihr irgendwas bei #DMsGuild oder #DriveThruRPG seht, und das gerne von #Englisch nach #Deutsch übersetzt sehen wollt, meldet euch. Ich werde dann Author / Verlag kontaktieren, und schauen, ob sich was einfädeln lässt. Sollten kleinere Sachen sein, damits relativ schnell geht, und nix von #WoTC oder #Paizo (die machen das selbst). System egal :) Haut rein!
#Übersetzungen #TTRPG
#pnpde #cthulhu #dmsguild #DriveThruRPG #englisch #deutsch #WotC #Paizo #ubersetzungen #ttrpg
Just saw Paizo announcing a partnership that’s going to have a kickstarter next week.
Great, another cool kickstarter thing that I’m not gonna get because I’ll just forget.
#Paizo #kickstarter #pathfinder
I am impressed how #Paizo and #Pathfinder always manage to steal many customers from #WOTC and #DnD - with old wine in new bottles! Regardless of the so far unknown characteristics of the #ORC license, the marketing coup alone is remarkable!
On the other hand, I wonder if roleplayers are so lazy that they always want more of the same? Even if sometimes claimed otherwise, the DNA of the #PathfinderRPG is exceedingly obvious.
#ogl #hasbro #ttrpg / more than #DnD!
#Paizo #Pathfinder #wotc #dnd #orc #pathfinderrpg #ogl #Hasbro #ttrpg
It's getting more and more bizarre, the German roleplaying game publisher #Ulisses, more precisely their boss, says publicly that in his opinion #Pathfinder is not a clone of #DND. Wow.
#Paizo claims similar, of course, otherwise they would make themselves more vulnerable - with possibly far-reaching consequences. Everyone may evaluate the history and system cores differently. However, a look e.g. in #Runquest undoubtedly shows clearer differences ;)
#OGL #ORC #OpenDnD #FolkDND #Wotc
#ulisses #Pathfinder #dnd #Paizo #runquest #ogl #orc #opendnd #folkdnd #wotc
It's getting more and more bizarre, the German roleplaying game publisher #Ulissses, more precisely their boss, says publicly that in his opinion #Pathfinder is not a clone of #DND. Wow.
#Paizo claims similar, of course, otherwise they would make themselves more vulnerable - with possibly far-reaching consequences. Everyone may evaluate the history and system cores differently. However, a look e.g. in #Runquest undoubtedly shows clearer differences ;)
#OGL #ORC #OpenDnD #FolkDND #Wotc
#ulissses #Pathfinder #dnd #Paizo #runquest #ogl #orc #opendnd #folkdnd #wotc
There's a trend in calling #pathfinder2e 'hostile to adhd people' that is abject nonsense. Don't fall for that noise. I'm #ActuallyAutistic #adhd #ASD and I've been finding #pf2e very easy to learn coming from #dnd #dnd5e - but another #neurodivergent person might find it hard. We're not one monolithic hive brain with the same exact abilities and interests, and to believe this lie is #ableist .
#intersectionality #ttrpg #opendnd #Paizo #pathfinder #autism
#pathfinder2e #ActuallyAutistic #adhd #asd #pf2e #dnd #dnd5e #neurodivergent #ableist #intersectionality #ttrpg #opendnd #Paizo #pathfinder #autism
Probably one of the most well-founded discussions about the #OGL of #WOTC so far.
In my opinion, a brief look at the dispute between #TSR and #Mayfair regarding 3rd party #DnD stuff would have been a helpful idea to better understand the history.
History of the #OpenGamingLicense
#OSR #OneDnD #ORC #dnd5e #Paizo #Pathfimder #Recommended #d20 #Alexandrian
#ogl #wotc #tsr #mayfair #dnd #opengaminglicense #osr #OneDND #orc #dnd5e #Paizo #pathfimder #recommended #d20 #alexandrian
#KoboldPress, #Chaosium and #Legendary joining #Paizo's initiative... Wow. I'm curious as to what #WoD, as well as #SJG, will do.
The real value is in IP, and these important voices are acknowledging that fact.
Critical Role has a lot at stake with #Exandria, and if they try to stay out of it (cut a deal on the side), it may impact their standing with fans. If I were Paizo, I'd be courting them like crazy.
#koboldpress #chaosium #legendary #Paizo #wod #sjg #exandria #ttrpg #ttrpgs #ogl #orc #criticalrole #gurps
Linda Codega hat auf Gizmodo vor vier Stunden eine kenntnisreiche und tiefgehende Bewertung zum #OGL-Desaster von #WotC gepostet. Obwohl ich die Entwicklung intensiv verfolgt habe, stecken viele neue Details drin. Lese-Empfehlung!
#ttrpg #pnpde #rpg #paizo
#ogl #wotc #ttrpg #pnpde #rpg #Paizo
@Morgunin Hm, I hope #Paizo & Co. are true to their words. #WOTC didn’t roll a 1.
A pacifier, corporate Newspeak.
Sadly, many gamers will forget this clusterfuck. In my opinion, the people in the management of #Hasbro / #WOTC despise the fans of their games. Fans are cattle with money!
More visible game diversity would do the scene a lot of good. There are much more than #D20 games.
Personally, I blacklisted everything based on #DnD (incl. clones) for the foreseeable future.
#ogl #orc #osr
#Paizo #wotc #Hasbro #d20 #dnd #ogl #orc #osr
@dnddeutsch @terraminima @MissFukuro Keine Sorge, der Markt regelt das. 😉
#Paizo #rpgCommunity
Apropos Pathfinder
Wer das Rollenspiel Pathfinder gerne kennenlernen möchte, es gibt eine Einsteigerbox mit allen Infos und Materialien zum direkten Losspielen 😀
Mehr Infos -> https://www.terraminima.de/shop/pathfinder-2-einsteigerbox-de/
Werdet Helden!
#Pathfinder #Paizo #TerraMinimaShop #pnpde #ttrpg
Open Game Licence: Paizo kündigt Open RPG Lizenz an
Die Inhaberin der Firma Paizo (Herausgeber von PATHFINDER und STARFINDER), Lisa Stevens, sowie deren Präsident Jim Butler waren Teamleader bei Wizards Of The Coast, als die um das Jahr 2000 die Open Game License 1.0 einführten.
#DungeonsAndDragons #OGL #OpenRPG #OpenRPGCreativeLicense #Paizo #WizardsOfTheCoast #WotC
#wotc #wizardsofthecoast #Paizo #openrpgcreativelicense #openrpg #ogl #dungeonsAndDragons
Good Morning everyone, and a good morning it is.
Paizo and other large publishers banding together to announce their own open creative license, fittingly named the ORC, is a good thing to rise from the #OGL debacle.
Also, I thought it was interesting, that in the accompanying blog post, #Paizo state that they no longer included the #OGL in their #Pathfinde2e products because they were using #WotC expressions, but to allow others to use theirs. That’s cool.
#ogl #Paizo #Pathfinde2e #wotc