Pakistani president approves appointment of Senator Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar as caretaker PM #Pakistani #SenatorAnwaar #HaqKakar #PM #socialnewsxyz
#socialnewsxyz #PM #haqkakar #senatoranwaar #Pakistani
Pakistani intruder shot dead in Punjab #Pakistani #Punjab #socialnewsxyz
#socialnewsxyz #Punjab #Pakistani
Pakistani woman's case under investigation, says MEA #Pakistani #MEA #socialnewsxyz
#socialnewsxyz #MEA #Pakistani
Pakistani supplier provided weapons to kill Moosewala, say NIA sources #Pakistani #Moosewala # #NIA #socialnewsxyz
#socialnewsxyz #NIA #Moosewala #Pakistani
Pakistani actress Mahnoor Baloch gets trolled after saying SRK can't act #Pakistani #MahnoorBaloch #SRK #socialnewsxyz
#socialnewsxyz #SRK #mahnoorbaloch #Pakistani
Pakistani actress Mahnoor Baloch says SRK is not handsome, does not know acting #Pakistani #MahnoorBaloch #SRK #socialnewsxyz
#socialnewsxyz #SRK #mahnoorbaloch #Pakistani
Former #Pakistani President Pervez #Musharraf, who was sentenced to death for treason in his homeland, has died in exile after a long illness, Reuters reports.
He was 79 years old.
Original tweet :
Se reabre el paso fronterizo #afgano-#pakistaní tras una semana de paro por un intercambio de disparos que dejó un guardia fronterizo pakistaní muerto.
#Pakistani #popstar and #Modi #dissident who dared to use her #inflence to create controversial #antiModi videos had #revengePorn leaked on her earlier this month.
As a result she announced recently that she was "quitting showbiz".
Some theorise it was leaked by a disgruntled ex-boyfriend, and others suggest a #hack.
Her hashtag #ModiHitler may have gone overboard but did she deserve to be destroyed?
#informationWarfare #hacking #kashmir #freeSpeech #cyberSecurity #pakistan #RabiPirzada
#Pakistani #popstar #modi #dissident #inflence #antiModi #revengeporn #hack #ModiHitler #informationwarfare #hacking #kashmir #freespeech #cybersecurity #pakistan #RabiPirzada