Germany Raises Red Flags About #Palantir ’s Big Data Dragnet
Britta Eder's list of phone contacts is full of people the German state considers to be criminals. As a defense lawyer in Hamburg, her client list includes anti-fascists, people who campaign against nuclear power, and members of the PKK, a banned militant Kurdish nationalist organization.
[...] But when Hamburg passed new legislation in 2019 allowing police to use data analytics software built by the CIA-backed company Palantir, she feared she could be pulled further into the big data dragnet. A feature of Palantir's Gotham platform allows police to map networks of phone contacts, placing people like Eder—who are connected to alleged criminals but are not criminals themselves—effectively under surveillance., she feared she could be pulled further into the big data dragnet. A feature of #PalantirGotham platform allows police to map networks of phone contacts, placing people like Eder—who are connected to alleged criminals but are not criminals themselves—effectively under surveillance.
via @SoylentNews
#surveillance #surveillancecapitalism #thiel
#palantir #PalantirGotham #surveillance #surveillancecapitalism #thiel
Schon sehr traurig, dass Snowden jetzt die russische Staatsbürgerschaft annehmen musste, weil weder Deutschland noch ein anderer der (so called) souveränen europäischen Staaten sich getraut hat, ihm Asyl zu gewähren.
#Whistleblower #Asyl #FreeAssange #Snowden #DontBeEvil #DotheRightThing #Palantir #PalantirGotham #RCE
#whistleblower #asyl #freeassange #snowden #dontbeevil #dotherightthing #palantir #PalantirGotham #rce
Danke für die beruhigenden Worte. Dann muss man(n) sich ja keine Sorgen machen.
Gibt noch ne feine Doku zum Thema - iHuman - Genauso beruhigend.
Da kommt der feine Herr Prof Schmidhuber auch zu Wort.
#dontbeevil #dotherightthing #palantir #PalantirGotham #rce
📬Palantir Gotham: ein Überwachungsalbtraum in Händen der Polizei📬 #PalantirTechnologies #CIVESRedaktionsbüro #JörgMüller-Lietzkow #Hintergrundbericht #ThomasWüppesahl #AnnetteBrücker #PalantirGotham #Hessendata #PeterBeuth #PeterThiel #cnetz
#AnnetteBrücker #PalantirGotham #hessendata #palantirtechnologies #CIVESRedaktionsbüro #jörgmüller #hintergrundbericht #ThomasWüppesahl #peterbeuth #peterthiel #cnetz