How are you getting in preparing your submission for our special issue on Primary Palliative Care? Don't hesitate to contact us with any queries. See our call for papers on our home page: #hpm #hapc #palliativecare #hospice
#hpm #HAPC #PalliativeCare #Hospice
A total of 117 statements were identified and organised into five clusters: (1) being client-centred, (2) promoting occupational engagement to optimise quality of life, (3) involving the social and relational environment, (4) enabling occupations and (5) facilitating occupational adaptation. #hpm #hapc #palliativecare
Michelle en ik rond de jaren ‘90. ‘Down memory lane’ met onze kinderen en Michelle. Foto’s die we van vrienden kregen gisteravond. #prachtig #liefde #jeugd #vasthouden #PalliativeCare
#PalliativeCare #vasthouden #jeugd #liefde #prachtig
#Hospice staff and volunteers’ practice predominantly focused on managing hyperactive symptoms of delirium, rather than delirium prevention or early recognition. #hpm #hapc #palliativecare
#Hospice #hpm #HAPC #PalliativeCare
Identified gaps in research include: appropriate outcome tools for progressive neurological disease patients, how to address healthcare provider education and appropriate triage and referral guidelines for these patients to palliative care providers. #palliativecare #hpm #hapc #hospice #neurology
#PalliativeCare #hpm #HAPC #Hospice #Neurology
All included models had elements of care integration (such as a care coordination role, interdisciplinary collaboration and person-centred care); but the level of integration varied considerably. #hpm #hapc #palliativecare
This review identified 44 PREMs available for use for hospitalised patients with palliative care needs and their families, and mapped them to domains of care shown to be important by previous research. #hpm #hapc #palliativecare
Woo hoo! You will now find our podcasts on Spotify. You can now listen to authors talk about their work 'on the go'. #hpm #hapc #palliativecare #podcast
#hpm #HAPC #PalliativeCare #podcast
The impact of COVID-19 on palliative care social work: An online survey by a European Association of Palliative Care Task Force. #hpm #hapc #palliativecare
... and this is #PalliativeCare done poorly.
You absolutely must see the great-granddaughter, though. SOO CUTE!
This is #PalliativeCare done well ...
Props to these NSW #Ambulance officers for their kindness and initiative.
Prevalence of #PalliativeCare Needs in Older Adults With Multimorbidity
More than one-third of nursing home residents may require palliative #care, but limited resources cause unmet needs...
#Geriatrics #IntegratedCareSystems #LongTermCare
#PalliativeCare #care #geriatrics #integratedcaresystems #LongTermCare
🤔“I 2012 kom Etisk Råd med en kritisk udtalelse om aktiv dødshjælp, hvori rådet gjorde opmærksom på, at »det bør ikke være på grund af en mangelfuld indsats på dette [det palliative] område, at aktiv dødshjælp for nogle patienter kan tage sig ud som en attraktiv mulighed.« Sundhedsstyrelsens anbefalinger for den palliative indsats fra 2017 er ikke fulgt, og statsrevisorerne har så sent som i 2020 kritiseret den manglende indsats.”
#PalliativeCare #Eutanasi
As intensivists, we definitely have interest in #palliativecare
BTW, our latest work on the subject was actually recently published in @palliativemedj
#PalliativeCare #Palliativemedicine #Sfar #CriticalCare #endoflife
Do you work in #palliativecare #hospice #hpm #hapc? Then follow us for the latest high quality research to inform your practice. We are on twitter, Facebook, Instagram, mastodon and LinkedIn. We are very social, and love interacting with our readers, authors and reviewers.
#PalliativeCare #Hospice #hpm #HAPC
Take a look at our June issue: neuro-oncology, COPD, paediatrics, ambulance care and social work. #hpm #hapc #palliativecare
Come mai l'Integrated Palliative care Outcome Scale è diventato (vedi in fondo alla pagina) Integrated PATIENT care Outcome Scale?
Verrebbe quasi da pensare che a 13 anni dalla Legge 38 la parola "palliative" per alcuni sia ancora tabù.
Why did the Integrated Palliative care Outcome Scale become Integrated PATIENT care Outcome Scale? Is still the word "Palliative" a taboo for some?
We are delighted to be publishing the EAPC abstract book online. Do check it out before you visit #EAPC2023 to plan your days out and see the latest in #palliativecare research. #hpm #hapc
#eapc2023 #PalliativeCare #hpm #HAPC
Wenn Pflegende in Worte fassen, was sie alltäglich erleben. Demnächst exemplarisch zum Vertiefen, zu all den weiteren Erfahrungsberichten der Einzelnen.
Wenn #Pflegende lehren....
#Bildung #DeathLiteracy #Erfahrung #hospice #Hospiz #PalliativeCare #Lehre
#Pflegende #bildung #deathliteracy #erfahrung #hospice #hospiz #PalliativeCare #Lehre