Lol! And now we're calling out toxic behavior (masculinity) in Ghosts Hunting shows. #panparacon #GhostHunting #GhostAdventures
#PanParacon #GhostHunting #ghostadventures
Seeing how Ancient Aliens the Game starts with you being forcibly being put under hypnosis, it's great to hear such practices being criticized. #panparacon #UFO #anicentaliens #paranormal #paranormalarchaeology
#PanParacon #ufo #anicentaliens #paranormal #ParanormalArchaeology
This is such a good talk going after their own community for just being rotten. Also the shade thrown at SW Ranch and Joe Rogan is making me giggle.
#panparacon #UFO #paranormal
#paranormalArchaeology #skinwalkerRanch
Right now! chatting with us for !
#PanParacon #ufo #paranormal #ParanormalArchaeology #skinwalkerranch
"Who's gonna step out of the clown car today?" I love this guest.
#PanParacon #ufo #paranormal #ParanormalArchaeology
Aaannnddd SW Ranch just got called out for muddying the waters. Good good...
#panparacon #skinwalkerRanch #ufo #paranormal #paranormalarchaeology
#PanParacon #skinwalkerranch #ufo #paranormal #ParanormalArchaeology
I cannot applaud enough for calling out the Nazism in the UFO community!
#panparacon #ufotwitter #ancientaliens #paranormalarchaeology
#PanParacon #ufotwitter #ancientaliens #ParanormalArchaeology
Nice to hear UFO Twitter and the UFO community being called out for being problematic.
Hahaha "Ghost Adventures is the PT Barnum version of the Warrens" - at #PanParacon 🤣🤣🤣
Interesting discussion about Accessability and architecture presentation. #panparacon #Archaeology #paranormalArchaeology #paranormal
#PanParacon #archaeology #ParanormalArchaeology #paranormal
Interesting call for removing technology from paranormal investigation. There was immediate (polite) pushback.
I do want to reiterate tech =/= science.
#ParanormalArchaeology #archaeology #paranormal #PanParacon
However, I'm definitely taking notes for paranormal archaeology. There's several examples of things becoming paranormal and interaction with things changing based on that. #PanParacon #paranormalArchaeology #Archaeology
#PanParacon #ParanormalArchaeology #archaeology
Listening to #PanParacon on my drive to Indiana. Learning a few things, but also having several hunches confirmed. Like aliens = spirits/ghosts and misunderstandings of what science is.