Josh Susser · @joshsusser
901 followers · 1523 posts · Server

The biosphere on just screams that it's a post-singularity construction. Hometree made it obvious right from the start, as the sleeping pods seemed to be perfectly designed for that use. But the biggest tell for me is an entire ecosystem without anything rotting anywhere. No parasites on anything? No decomposers at work? No dead plants floating in the surf? Not even a damaged tree or wounded animal anywhere, except when the plot requires it as a special case. Is there even disease? We never see it or hear it mentioned. We see organisms that superficially look like mushrooms, but they're growing alongside seeming plants that look like aquatic animals found on Earth (tubeworms), so who knows what they actually are or if they are decomposers. Every place on Pandora looks like a garden that is constantly tended so it looks perfect.

And that's not even considering the Na'vi themselves, and how they have a built-in USB connector that lets them mind-control any animal or uplink to the global consciousness. Or how every complex animal on the planet is a hexapod with two sets of eyes and two neural fronds, but the Na'vi have a significantly different body plan.

Once upon a time, a race with godlike bioengineering powers transformed their whole world into a perfectly balanced, self-sustaining paradise to be a nursery for their progeny. The moved their civilization into a network of biological supercomputers. New people are born in the physical world, then graduate to the world of the ancestors after a lifetime of gathering new experiences to add to the group conciousness. I do hope one of the movies eventually addresses this. I kinda suspect Cameron's long vision is that humans use Pandoran biotech to heal and restore the Earth.


Last updated 1 year ago Sex Anzeigen · @Ladies_DE
23 followers · 908 posts · Server
spaceseer · @spaceseer
44 followers · 82 posts · Server
billboard · @billboard
21 followers · 842 posts · Server
Terry Jones · @Intrinsically_Safe
0 followers · 105 posts · Server
Bob · @bobmueller
85 followers · 1443 posts · Server
Stan Stewart aka muz4now · @muz4now
765 followers · 883 posts · Server

I really appreciate the artist program at Pandora (streaming music): they've helped my DreamState suites reach more ears. Here's one example track (if it's available in your country), "Lou Cid"

#newmusic #Pandora #streaming #streamingmusic #artist #musician #composer #songwriter #dreamstate #dreams #dream #dreaming

Last updated 2 years ago

Aad Groeneveld · @Aadgroeneveld1
60 followers · 159 posts · Server
JdeBP · @JdeBP
85 followers · 2218 posts · Server

"What do you mean about 's production values?"

Pandora was utter rubbish. Not only was the acting sub-par, with at least one actor unable to deliver any line with the appropriate inflection, but the production values were ridiculously bad. The set dresssers didn't bother dressing the student dorm rooms to look like anyone lived in them, the same 1 establisher was used ad nauseam, and one outdoor shot of an uninhabited planet showed some houses and a road.

#Pandora #ustelly #scifi

Last updated 2 years ago

JdeBP · @JdeBP
85 followers · 2217 posts · Server

But Wikipedia is quite misleading about this series, its reception section clearly being based upon nothing but the first episode. No, the production values were _not_ cheap. They were fairly average for the genre. I've seen truly bad production values (e.g. ); those were not.

The Realm seemed to change size according to episode runtime need, and the greyskins just got forgotten about, but it was a fairly self-consistent world and the foreshadowing mostly held together.

#Pandora #theoutpost

Last updated 2 years ago

Bob · @bobmueller
70 followers · 1090 posts · Server

My  soundtrack tonight as I work on Ghost of Innocence. I'm not doing anything particularly tied to Native American music. I just really like the Native American flute.

#writing #Pandora #amwriting

Last updated 2 years ago

Johannes Reetz · @JohannesReetz
18 followers · 174 posts · Server


Zitat : “die älteren beiden Söhne sagen zu ihrem Dad so oft ‘Yes, Sir’, wenn er sie schilt, dass man meinen könnte, sei durch ein Wurmloch in die Fünfzigerjahre gerutscht.”
-> so ist es ja auch: Visuelle Effekte superb, Erzählung & mangelhaft.
Da hilft auch nicht, und wenn gen Ende des mit 3h überüberlangen Filmes eine Mama vom KüchenFeuer in den brutalen Fight zieht und sich den Respekt der männlichen Gegner erkämpft.

#szplus #Pandora #dialoge #sigourneyweaver

Last updated 2 years ago

Danmc2 · @danmcginn
7 followers · 70 posts · Server
Esaud · @Esaud
7 followers · 12 posts · Server

Probando compartir enlaces de .

“Me vas a extrañar”

#youtube #Pandora

Last updated 2 years ago

UKSciFi · @UKSciFi
27 followers · 50 posts · Server

Not really sure I'm overly happy about a movie set on Earth. I'd rather spend three-plus hours on ! @JimCameron

#Pandora #avatar #avatar2

Last updated 2 years ago

AncientPLay · @AncientPLay
85 followers · 97 posts · Server

2004/2007: A human named Shephard/Sheppard with specialist team use ancient alien portals to stop an evil galactic empire
= and .

2009: rare mineral on brings evil corporation with giant robots to fight dragons and aliens
= and .

#masseffect #stargateatlantis #Pandora #avatar #borderlands

Last updated 2 years ago

If you want to learn more fun and free things about fundamentals, listen to my podcast, or read it on YouTube.

.fm: 3sqmVYu

#genealogy #audible #blubrry #chartable #goodpods #iheartradio #itunes #Pandora #reason #soundcloud #spreaker #stitcher #tunein

Last updated 2 years ago

UKSciFi · @UKSciFi
20 followers · 30 posts · Server

: : Simply first class. An experience, not a movie. Was great to spend over three hours on last night, and will do so again, and almost certainly again! Effects, acting, wow factor and action sequences simply fantastic. Another masterpiece!

#avatar #thewayofthewater #Pandora #jamescameron #odeon #imax #cardiffbay

Last updated 2 years ago

UKSciFi · @UKSciFi
21 followers · 32 posts · Server

: : Simply first class. An experience, not a movie. Was great to spend over three hours on last night, and will do so again, and almost certainly again! Effects, acting, wow factor and action sequences simply fantastic. Another masterpiece!

#avatar #thewayofthewater #Pandora #jamescameron #odeon #imax #cardiffbay

Last updated 2 years ago