🛑 European Parliament , its time to say no to Hoekstra as climate commissioner
⌛Its time to deliver a firewall to stop private interests over public good Roberta Metsola and European Parliament
And more,
🔥Whilst working as Dutch senator, Hoekstra worked McKinsey consultancy which boasts big pharma, tobacco
and fossil fuel interests
🔥He was also reported in the #PandoraPapers on his shares in an offshore company whilst being ON the Committee to combat tax evasion🤦♀️
Zit er een verdienmodel achter datalekken als #PandoraPapers ? En welk verdienmodel is dat dan? Wie profiteert? Betalen zij daar belasting over?
Onderzoeksjournalisten hullen zich in stilzwijgen
❗️Transparency matters❗️
My speech to MEPs on the lessons learnt from the #PandoraPapers and other revelations.
We must continue to work with our international partners to stop tax evasion and money laundering. https://t.co/TZ9nDVrvcQ
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/FitzgeraldFrncs/status/1676168869734494209
PANDORA PAPERS — The largest investigation in journalism history exposes a shadow financial system that benefits the world’s most rich and powerful.
#California #Interpol #Malibu #Pandora #PandoraPapers #Poroshenko #Putin #Russia #TonyBlair #Zelensky
#zelensky #tonyblair #russia #putin #poroshenko #PandoraPapers #pandora #malibu #interpol #california
Für mehr Steuergerechtigkeit: Hessen kauft „Pandora Papers“ https://dasnetzundich.de/fuer-mehr-steuergerechtigkeit-hessen-kauft-pandora-papers/ #Pandorapapers #Wirtschaft #Hessen
#PandoraPapers #wirtschaft #hessen
RT Alex Cobham @alexcobham
Congratulations to @NielsFuglsang @EP_Taxation @TheProgressives and all who backed this great package - above all, the European Parliament's call for the EU to back Africa Group leadership and join negotiations on a UN tax convention and an inclusive intergovernmental tax body https://n.respublicae.eu/EP_Taxation/status/1669299356623597568
<div class="rsshub-quote">
FISC Committee Press: MEPs have just adopted recommendations drafted by @NielsFuglsang to fight tax abuse and money laundering, after discussing the lessons to be drawn from the #PandoraPapers and other similar data leaks on Wednesday. Summary here https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20230609IPR96216/meps-adopt-series-of-recommendations-to-fight-tax-abuse-and-money-laundering
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/alexcobham/status/1669331112064163841
RT S&D Group
We deplore Conservatives’ moves against tax justice and their blockage of our call for a minimum tax on capital gains. Considering the lack of reforms since the #PandoraPapers scandal, this is absolutely disgraceful.
@NielsFuglsang & @AuroreLalucq react👇https://www.socialistsanddemocrats.eu/newsroom/sds-deplore-conservatives-moves-against-tax-justice
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TheProgressives/status/1669347831801581569
RT Rasmus Corlin Christensen
Delighted that the #PandoraPapers report adopted by the European Parliament today cites my research on the Big Four and the 'revolving doors' between regulators and global professional service firms.
https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20230609IPR96216/meps-adopt-series-of-recommendations-to-fight-tax-abuse-and-money-laundering https://t.co/SEt8PWXhRu
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/phdskat/status/1669389885747101712
Denmark’s @NielsFuglsang urged fellow European lawmakers to heed the lessons of ICIJ’s 2021 investigation. “We have seen in the #PandoraPapers that we have two systems,” he said. “And that is basically what we need to do away with.” https://bit.ly/3CLjNfe
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ICIJorg/status/1672223227798585346
RT FISC Committee Press
At around 17:00 CET MEPs will debate the lessons to be drawn from the #PandoraPapers and other similar data leaks. A resolution with recommendations will then be adopted on Thursday. Watch the debate here https://www.europarl.europa.eu/plenary/en/home.html
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EP_Taxation/status/1668971073184858113
RT FISC Committee Press
MEPs have just adopted recommendations drafted by @NielsFuglsang to fight tax abuse and money laundering, after discussing the lessons to be drawn from the #PandoraPapers and other similar data leaks on Wednesday. Summary here https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20230609IPR96216/meps-adopt-series-of-recommendations-to-fight-tax-abuse-and-money-laundering
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EP_Taxation/status/1669299356623597568
Was sind unsere Lehren aus den #Pandorapapers
Ganz klar, die Offshore Welt ist eine Welt der Superreichen.
Nur mittels Transparenz und koordinierten Sanktionen gegen Steuersümpfe können wir diese trocken legen. https://t.co/vZWeAAeaPo
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Evelyn_Regner/status/1669265741986627584
📣 "Addressing tax havens is crucial as they hold about 8% of world GDP and allow individuals to evade taxes, engage in money laundering, and escape sanctions."
🗣 Andżelika Możdżanowska MEP in the #EPlenary debate on the lessons learnt from the #PandoraPapers https://t.co/hnWE6qvzKN
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ecrgroup/status/1669027274652360723
Many congratulations @NielsFuglsang for successfully concluding your investigative report into the #pandorapapers! 🎉💪
With great recommendations on how to address tax avoidance by the global rich 👇
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Niels Fuglsang: The European Parliament just adopted a series of proposals to fight tax havens.
Good things including recommendations on cooling off periods for tax officials findings jobs as private tax advis…
#PandoraPapers #PanamaPapers #LuxLeaks...Symboles d'une oligarchie mondiale qui impose pour son seul profit des sacrifices au Peuple.
➡️ Les bénéfices sont toujours privés, et les dettes, publiques.
➡️ Les citoyens en font les frais et les Nations s'appauvrissent. https://t.co/MnDlnOwdtK
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/FranceJamet/status/1671068643696812032
#PandoraPapers #PanamaPapers #LuxLeaks
📣 "Addressing tax havens is crucial as they hold about 8% of world GDP and allow individuals to evade taxes, engage in money laundering, and escape sanctions."
🗣 Andżelika Możdżanowska MEP in the #EPlenary debate on the lessons learnt from the #PandoraPapers https://t.co/hnWE6qvzKN
Scandale des #PandoraPapers : 11.300 milliards de $ seraient cachés dans des paradis fiscaux, où en sont les enquêtes du fisc sur les précédents scandales ?
Pourquoi la bourgeoisie a peur d’un #Nupes à la #CommissionDesFinances ?
#PandoraPapers #NUPES #CommissionDesFinances
Scandale des #PandoraPapers : 11.300 milliards de $ seraient cachés dans des paradis fiscaux, où en sont les enquêtes du fisc sur les précédents scandales ?
Pourquoi la bourgeoisie a peur d’un #Nupes à la #CommissionDesFinances ?
#PandoraPapers #NUPES #CommissionDesFinances
En la darrera dècada hem sigut testimonis de més escàndols relacionats amb el #blanqueig de capitals que en el darrer segle. Equips de futbol, entitats financeres, celebritats, oligarques...
Filtracions com la dels '#PandoraPapers' posaven llum a una realitat molt fosca. 🧵👇
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/DianaRibaGiner/status/1640723425592324096
I'm listening to this interview with #PandoraPapers whistleblower Mike Gill and he mentions the papers were published by a group of journalists at icij.org.
So I go to the website and look at donors. I don't recognize many of them except Soros' #opensocietyfoundations but that's all you really need to know.
So Pandora papers are another OP? Weird they would name them something so close to Panama papers. I thought they were the same until today.
#PandoraPapers #opensocietyfoundations