Today in Labor History January 2, 1873: Anton Pannekoek (1873-1960) was born on this date. He was a Dutch astronomer, mathematician and radical left-communist. Among other works, he published the pamphlet “Darwinism and Marxism,” 1916, which strongly attacked the social Darwinists, like Spencer, and their racist, eugenicist ideology. He also wrote the classic, “Workers Councils” and was one of the founders of the Council Communism movement, along with Otto Ruhle, of Germany. He was a sharp critic of Lenin and authoritarianism. Lenin attacked the Council Communists in his pamphlet, “Left Wing Communism: An Infantile Disorder.”
#communism #councilcommunism #lenin #Pannekoek #darwin #astronomy #workingclass #LaborHistory #unions @bookstadon
#communism #councilcommunism #Lenin #Pannekoek #darwin #astronomy #workingclass #LaborHistory #Unions
Re: "born at the end of the fuck around century, living in the find out century" meme.
No. #Capitalism always sucked. #Pannekoek in 1910:
"... capitalism can be compared to a gigantic unintelligent body; while capitalism develops its power without limit, it is at the same time senselessly devastating more and more the environment ... Only #socialism, which can give this body consciousness and reasoned action, will at the same time replace the devastation of nature by a rational economy."
#capitalism #Pannekoek #socialism
Ik wens jullie allen een gezegende en vrolijke Sint Pannekoek! #pannekoek #sintpannekoek #traditie #janjansendekinderen #strip #eten #feest #feestdag
#Pannekoek #sintpannekoek #traditie #janjansendekinderen #strip #eten #feest #feestdag
Pour celleux qui aiment la théorie, @Mediapart publie une série sur les penseur·se·s oublié·e·s qui peuvent être utile au renouvellement de la gauche anticapitaliste. Après Rosa #Luxemburg, le deuxième est sur le «conseilliste» Anton #Pannekoek (oui j'ai vérifié l'orthographe avant de poster 😅). Je ne le connaissais pas du tout, et c'est passionnant.
Fascinant article sur le travail de l'astronome #Pannekoek, son approche marxiste de la voie lactée et de la #science en général.
#marxisme #astronomie
#Pannekoek #science #marxisme #astronomie