If it wasn't for some friends who use #telegram, I wouldn't use it at all. For me it's just a messy experience and although the #linux client isn't bad by any means, I don't like it either. Hahaha, so negative, wow. 😜️ The reason for this post is positive though. #paperplane, an #indevelopment #libadwaita #client for Telegram, although not #featurecomplete, is such a pleasure to use that I chose it over the official client whenever I can. 🫣️ https://github.com/paper-plane-developers/paper-plane
#featurecomplete #client #libadwaita #indevelopment #Paperplane #Linux #Telegram
#Boeing Engineers Set a New Record for #PaperPlane Flight Distance, sending a sheet of paper 88.318 meters, or almost 290 feet.
The #GuinnessWorldRecord for the farthest flight by a paper #aircraft now belongs to two Boeing #engineers.
#boeing #Paperplane #guinnessworldrecord #aircraft #engineers
The drinking light is lit. (This is a #PaperPlane and, yes, we did play the song while we were making it.)
I only came across laminated style paper aircraft a couple of months ago. After building a few from plans this one is my first attempt at my own design. Shows promise but room for improvement! #FreeFlight #PaperPlane #VinylCutter
#freeFlight #Paperplane #vinylcutter
This was all that was missing from this Puri mess so far, and now the bhaji has been added!
RT @MahtabNama@twitter.com
BREAKING NEWS! Acc to reliable sources now The #Paperplane Society of India has also barred @kunalkamra88@twitter.com from flying, reports @VishwajyotiG@twitter.com 😉