Tweet da Dr Lilliana Corredor (@Dr_LCorredor), a 24 giu, 15:20
DO WATCH! #NoamChomsky speaks out for Julian #Assange 👌👏👏👏❤️
#noamchomsky #assange #PardonAssange #noextradition
CNN: Trump to issue 'around 100 pardons and commutations'. Assange is not currently on the list but the list is 'still fluid and could change' #PardonAssange
Why Julian Assange should be pardoned -- from a Republican perspective #Assange #Pardon #PardonAssange
#assange #pardon #PardonAssange
Why Julian Assange should be pardoned -- from a Republican perspective #Assange #Pardon #PardonAssange
#assange #pardon #PardonAssange