Today is my 3 year old’s first day of preschool. Nobody in the house slept well (I got 5 hrs in 3 chunks), drop-off could have gone much smoother than it did, and I was late to the class I was teaching. My anxiety was through the roof all morning, and now that I’ve had a chance to breathe I am entirely out of energy & spoons
I need a nap 😴
The same kid who “looked everywhere” but can’t find their shoes in an obvious place will absolutely notice the moment we put any artwork or schoolwork into the recycle bin
My younger kid officially has preschool for the fall. This is life-changing
TFW you hear liquid hitting the floor in the room the 3 year old just ran into
There should be a word for when a small child smears their runny nose all over your shirt. It’s like it’s been bedazzled, but with snot 😆
Last night while my spouse was making dinner our 6 year old declared that the semicircle slices of red onion were “naked rainbows” and now that phrase lives rent free in my head
#kidsSayTheDarndestThings #parentingLife
#kidssaythedarndestthings #ParentingLife
I feel like I’m losing my mond some mornings
I couldn’t find the brush that we’d just used on Kid1. It was of course in an entirely different room, forgotten on a shelf by the bin of gloves when we got gloves for Kid1
Once I found the brush I couldn’t find the hair tie
Reader, it was on my wrist
One of the hardest things about #parenting for me is teaching the baby to sleep alone. We’re not exactly #sleeptraining, but being able to put baby in the crib straightaway at night is the goal. Listening to the cries breaks my heart. I know this is a developmental phase and we’ll be thru it soon enough, but sometimes my heart just hurts.
#ParentingStruggles #parentingproblems #ParentingLife #momlife
#momlife #ParentingLife #parentingproblems #parentingstruggles #sleeptraining #parenting
Whelp, looks like our toddler has head lice again. Off to daycare to pick her up and go buy lice shampoo for everyone in the house 😝 #ParentingLife
How many bananas is too many bananas for a baby?
Asking for a 1-year-old who can crush banana after banana, given the opportunity.